Trudeau’s town hall

Local Dipshit

Trusted Member
Aug 16, 2018
Anyone watch any good news on Trudeau’s town hall from his trip out west? What a fucking idiot is all I gotta say. Every time he was asked a question he never directly answered said question, but just basically changed topic and rambled on pointlessly. This was one of the worst. Watch the vid 

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You mean the ass clown didn’t actually answer a real question that wasn’t scripted???? I’m shocked I can’t believe it! Can’t be true....  what an idiot


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Anyone watch any good news on Trudeau’s town hall from his trip out west? What a fucking idiot is all I gotta say. Every time he was asked a question he never directly answered said question, but just basically changed topic and rambled on pointlessly. This was one of the worst. Watch the vid 
Building roads? Where the fuck?!  Cause with the amount of taxs we pay, my roads should be fucking gold. Yet, I hit pot hole, after pot hole and raised man holes and, fucking, god knows what else. 

All my american friends used to bash him. And now, I see why coming back home. Fuck this guy.  Why didnt he answer the question? 

There is a election coming up, right?

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Building roads? Where the fuck?!  Cause with the amount of taxs we pay, my roads should be fucking gold. Yet, I hit pot hole, after pot hole and raised man holes and, fucking, god knows what else. 

All my american friends used to bash him. And now, I see why coming back home. Fuck this guy.  Why didnt he answer the question? 

There is a election coming up, right?
Yeah cause he’s a fucking narcissistic asshat. I’ve watched a lot of these interviews and he always rambles on about anything other than the question in hand 

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I say we throw a party when he gets voted out!  Maybe he can claim refugee status in Syria when he gets tossed out of here. 

He is going to try to ram in as many immigrants as he can before then, I think he still would like to change the election process so they can vote.

i know of young people that voted him in because they thought that Harper was a war monger, and a dictator, bwahaaa, yeah, and then they thought Trydeau would be more like them and legalize pot, accept everyone.  

Now they are regretting their decision, and say they won’t vote in the next election.  I told them no, you helped to create this mess, now you have to vote him out to fix it.

All we have to remember is to vote.  Tell everyone to vote.  Join the yellow vest group, yeah there are some asshats on their that make the rest look bad, but there is always those in every group.  Go and protest.  We need to fight for our country.

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