Updated progress


Active member
Aug 15, 2018
Covid took away my gains

But 1 hard month of training, eating so much more food, and being on some great super supps have started to make the beast return!  Crazy look at the transformation.  PS I got my better half in with me.
Weight on July 17 was 217 lbs, now it's 232 lbs as of yesterday.  Test E 200 (trt dose), Test prop 500, NPP 450, anabol 80 mg/day






Well your not close enough to punch me in the mouth 😋 , No the gains man amazing what the combination of training , supps and food can do. 

Damn, COVID did a number on you, but good gains came back man.

My ass got super fat, I feel that takes me longer to undo than gains in strength and size. At least you remained lean

Damn, COVID did a number on you, but good gains came back man.

My ass got super fat, I feel that takes me longer to undo than gains in strength and size. At least you remained lean
only because I knew i wasn't going to be able to train and ate less than 2000 cals a day on average.  I literally had to shut it down to 3 meals a day as i knew i'd fatten right up. Pushups and couch dips just weren't cutting it for me.