weak rotor cuffs and bulged disc


Trusted Member
Oct 26, 2018
 deadlifts gave me a bulged disc and then I went back to training too early and screwed something in my back doing rows. My shoulder are screwed up a bit from doing too heavy of upright rows, very weak rotors too keeping me from doing skull crushers. I am on celebrex and naproxen twice a day. right side of my back is twice as strong as left and my left side wont kick in on deadlifts or rows. caused by fighting a man who outweighed me by 30 pounds on pavement. I do a few stretches my lats took for ever to loosen. sciatic troubles. I'm thinking weight loss and deca but that is only a temporary fix. I need some physio for shoulders. I've got 2 pgysio sessions left but until then could use help from board members.

my right knee aches from any extension or press. 10 years go I legpressed 720 for 27 reps and damaged something cus of no knee wraps..was a piss off too...wanted 30 reps. right on the right side of the knee cap

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Pysio will help you out, he has is in charge of this thread.

But I will say this again, people need to stop at about 225-315 max on deadlifts. Personally I did just 1 plate per side with a 45 to strengthen the lower back.

Upright rows, I never liked them.....to much grinding in the joint.

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I stopped deadlifts now, and my lower back is in much better condition due to this.  Also, with upright rows, I rarely do them - but if I do, i find a wider grip and lower weights/ higher reps don't bring me the same problems that they used to bring me. Having said that, i still avoid them for the most part.

As i get older, i realize that my days of moving heavy weights are, for the most part, in my past. Nowadays, instead of looking for PBs, I try to train with a sense of longevity in mind. I guess I use the same attitude for gear as well ?

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