Welcome bigtuna85


Well-known member
Staff member
Aug 14, 2018
Hey bigtuna85,

Welcome to Northern Lifters. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others, and introduce yourself here!

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.


The NorthernLifters Team.


I was a long time creeper on the other site. I never really posted anything....now I guess its time to give back.

My main reason for finding NM and NL was for TRT - testosterone replacement therapy. I Believe I was low in T my whole adult life, had extreme anxiety, low confidence, low outlook on life. I found it hard to gain muscle until I started my first cycle. (mind you I was working out since high school with minimal to show for it) While on my first cycle I felt at peace...or at Zen lol... in the glorious house of GAINS. My anxiety went away and confidence shot up. 

My doctor gave me 3 blood tests about a year and a half ago and my testosterone was crashed. Came in at 8.6 , 6.1 and 8.1. While checking some of my old tests from when I was in my early twenties I also had a very low test result. AAAANYWAYS my numbers were "within range" and the doc didn't feel the need to supplement test. WHICH IS A LOAD OF HORSESHIT. I was supplementing my energy with 3 double doubles a day as I work a pretty hard construction job. The high caffeine led to a number of other problems as my sleep was getting fucked up. So instead of offing myself I took matters into my own hands and got my own test. I got a couple of vials from a shit lab/over power lab and had some of the most violent zits on my backs. They gave me the finger and dropped gang signs when i popped them. Then I decided to switch forums and found a way better supply which I felt was properly dosed, zero pip and zero sides at a TRt dose

I have found a shit ton of new info for TRT that i have found value in and I will share later today/ this weekend. I can't wait for others feedback / discussion on some points I have found. I hope it helps people and adds to peoples protocol. I am also trying to conceive with my wife and it is not going well so I can also add some points for fertility while on trt. Also, I promised my rep )6 months ago) to do some reviews and I will also complete later today.. 

ANyways off to work... Have a good day