What is your best injury prevention and recovery routine?


Trusted Member
Apr 12, 2019
Are you someone who hits the gym and heads straight for the weights or do you have a particular warm up and cool down routine?

Do you find having warm up and cool down routines essential to post workout recovery?

I used to do a 5 minute warm-up on the treadmill. Now I just lift a few easier warm up sets for my first couple of exercises and it seems to do and feel the same. Really though, as long as you're not benching 315 right out of the gate and to just get the body moving that seems to be the trick. In my opinion anyway. 

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I just straight up do a few warm up sets before I train.  Once the muscle is warm I then do my next exercises straight sets, no more warm ups required.

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I get high and then warm up. Helps me zone in and establish a deep mind to muscle connection

Stretching is essential for me post every workout 

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