What is your favorite body part to train?

Chest day is my favorite!  I struggled for years thinking my chest was terrible.  Now that I’ve finally cut bf down more I love the progress and watching it develop. 

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Mine is legs and back I’ve always had big legs cause of football want to keep it that way saves my but in MMA too when I throw kicks to keep a distance ahahah

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5 hours ago, Shredzs said:

myself its shoulders specifically overhead press, here is a few vids, as always Bodytech Gear And Nouveutrope! GIVVINERR SPOONZ

Looking killer btw bro, just waiting for some more wheelie vids tho! ?? 

I saw that third vid over on NM a while ago and after that I got the clippers out and shaved the same mowhawk on my 2 year old son's head. He is still rockin it!!  I would too, if I had a little more hair...

Lately its been legs and shoulders that I look forward to..

My arms suck too. I destroy them and progress is minimal, fuckin ecto BS.

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Nice videos - was waiting for you to give us the trademark Shredzs finger after your sets.   :classic_smile:

As for my favourite part to train, it's probably whatever I'm working that day as I usually can't wait to get back at it after the rotation on my split.

I have to say that I have enjoyed working my shoulders more than usual lately even though I have to be a little careful with my one sort of shitty shoulder - it probably hurts more on chest day when I flat bench...


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I saw that third vid over on NM a while ago and after that I got the clippers out and shaved the same mowhawk on my 2 year old son's head. He is still rockin it!!  I would too, if I had a little more hair...

Lately its been legs and shoulders that I look forward to..

My arms suck too. I destroy them and progress is minimal, fuckin ecto BS.
ya..i had to re-live being a 10yr old....i was labelled a heelian in the small town back in 92! lol

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Leg day hands down for me

Love the intensity and I usually always feel like in gonna barf at the end. Really makes you feel like you killed it.

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Mine used to be back when I was a young fella pulling mid 600s on deads

now I’m old and have bone spurs in the spine I can’t pull heavy dead’s anymore 

so I guess still back but I sure miss heavy deadlifts

On 9/5/2018 at 10:10 AM, Shredzs said:

myself its shoulders specifically overhead press, here is a few vids, as always Bodytech Gear And Nouveutrope! GIVVINERR SPOONZ

Awesome video hun damn you move some serious weights ?