When was your moment?


Active member
Aug 15, 2018
For those AAS inclined, when was and/or what was your “fuck it. I’m gonna do this.” Moment? 

Like my natural genetics don’t allow for a lot of size, so I always new i’d Be pinning sooner or later, but talking to some of the dudes at the gym and they had all sorts of mental hurdles and hang ups to gear, making for some funny stories. 

Just thinking there’s probably a few here that are worth hearing...

i remember the first time, i was hard at it in the gym for years and also a hard gainer. Watched some new guys come in skinny and fill out and pretty much surpass everything ive worked on for years and years in just a short time. Although i made decent gains and was happy These guys obviously had greater genetic potential than i, but i was super jealy and pretty much embarrassed when they started asking later how long i been at it for, so i took the plunge and went to the dark side shortly after lol. 

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Mine was about 5 years ago. I bloomed late with the fitness thing. I was a short skinny kid who every got over 130 lbs soaking wet. I played in a rock band, traveled, partied in afterhour clubs on  a regular basis. Then my son came and changed everything. That was 20 yrs ago. 

Move up to about 12 yrs ago and I had split with the mother of my son. fell into  a deep depression and barely left the house. I put on 20-30 lbs of fat easily. A buddy of mine got me into working out. I was 38. I caught the bug and have been doing it ever since. Move up another 7 yrs I felt like I had reached a plateau. Close to my potential. I didn't want to look merely good. I wanted to look fucking amazing. That was my moment. When you're so close and just need that little something to pus you over the summit.

I researched for a good solid year before touching one compound. Started modestly but had a great response. Now as I near 50 I'm the most in shape guy out of almost all the people I know. I love it, my wife loves it, and I'm never going back. Every. 

Average sucks!

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Im ecto, hardgainer is an understatement. Putting weight on for me is very difficult. I eat like a horse and I lose weight. Its bizzare. My wife won't talk to me when I complain about it.

If I say "no matter what I eat I can't gain weight" her reply is "go fuck yourself!"

I ran a couple cycles in my 20's just to help put on a few lbs, which I didn't keep in the end as I was more into motorbikes and weiging less was actually a benifit.

In my late 30's now and noticed some signs of the dreaded 'dad bod' so hit I the gym. Metabolism has changed a bit. I can hold weight a bit easier. But I was feeling a bit lethatgic, etc, so got checked and had a low natural T result from my doc 2 years ago now and wouldn't prescribe TRT so the decision was easy: blast and cruise from then on.

245 lbs morning weigh in today, with some abs still visible. Slow and steady...

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