Which ingredients do u feel are best for pump?


Oct 19, 2018
Curious if u were to make your own pre workout without any stims...strictly a pump product. Where on the hierarchy of ingredients does everything fall?

Ive never had anything with hydromax/glycerpump so I'm really looking for something with that at a decent dose dor my next pump product.

Obviously citrulline is in there etc.

Curious what u guys really feel works best for the pump

Curious if u were to make your own pre workout without any stims...strictly a pump product. Where on the hierarchy of ingredients does everything fall?

Ive never had anything with hydromax/glycerpump so I'm really looking for something with that at a decent dose dor my next pump product.

Obviously citrulline is in there etc.

Curious what u guys really feel works best for the pump.


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I use highly branched cyclic dextrin (carbs). Drink about 1/3 of it about 20 to 30 minutes before w/o and sip the rest intra. For me it provides more energy.

I add bcaa's so I get some, but mostly for flavour. Was thinking about adding citrulline malate to the mix.

L-citrulline for sure at like 6g+

Maybe some glycerpump at 5g+, some nitrosigine at 2g +/- and some Cialis to make your head pop off lol. 

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Stim-wise for me it used to be 200mg caffeine and 8-32mg ephedrine

In last three years or so ephedrine caused me too much fatigue so I stopped doing it. I would go hard and burn out hard that I would have to take days off (would feel really fatigued the next day), but I probably looked like I was on cocaine while training (animalistic set after set and high volume).

I recently switched to 200mg and albuterol and I feel great.

As far as actual preworkout stuff for pumps, nothing bits cialis and viagra. Viagra I get sides (dry eyes, stuffy nose) but it gave the best result.

Citriuline malate is fantastic but I haven't used it in a few years because of $$$

Acetyl-l-carnitine, great for focus/strength, been using it forever and its cheap I mix in my BCAA pre-intraworkout

Also used to throw in some arginine when I got it free, it was purely for pumps has no real benefit. I think pre-bed it used to help with sleep/recovery somewhat.

I wouldn't waste money on actual branded preworkouts. Did that when I first started over a decade ago. Waste of money.

There was one (purple) american only preworkout (used to import it) which had mdma and some other shit in it, lmao it got banned but it used to give me tunnel vision when I trained... that shit was whack!

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Stim-wise for me it used to be 200mg caffeine and 8-32mg ephedrine

In last three years or so ephedrine caused me too much fatigue so I stopped doing it. I would go hard and burn out hard that I would have to take days off (would feel really fatigued the next day), but I probably looked like I was on cocaine while training (animalistic set after set and high volume).

I recently switched to 200mg and albuterol and I feel great.

As far as actual preworkout stuff for pumps, nothing bits cialis and viagra. Viagra I get sides (dry eyes, stuffy nose) but it gave the best result.

Citriuline malate is fantastic but I haven't used it in a few years because of $$$

Acetyl-l-carnitine, great for focus/strength, been using it forever and its cheap I mix in my BCAA pre-intraworkout

Also used to throw in some arginine when I got it free, it was purely for pumps has no real benefit. I think pre-bed it used to help with sleep/recovery somewhat.

I wouldn't waste money on actual branded preworkouts. Did that when I first started over a decade ago. Waste of money.

There was one (purple) american only preworkout (used to import it) which had mdma and some other shit in it, lmao it got banned but it used to give me tunnel vision when I trained... that shit was whack!
Hey man 

I'm starting to see more and more guys using vagara or cialis as supplement in they're pre workout.  

What benefits do these drugs actually give us in our training?