Who works out at home?


Trusted Member
Aug 30, 2018
I do I do!

i have a squat rack, Olympic weights and dumbells.

ive added gymnastic rings to add variety to dips and pull ups.

it does get boring however the dollar cost can’t be beat, however variety is very limited.

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I have a fully stocked/equipped gym at home with better stuff than i've found in ANY gym; Eleiko, Ivanko, Rogue. I have a 400 watt thumper of a stereo and no one will complain about the music. I have a 27" 4K monitor and YouTube that i can use to bring up technique videos, or put on 'background' (ie: lifting with the Russian national team). I can make all the noise i want, dropping barbells from overhead even. I can train with no shirt on, hell, leave my shit loaded if i want. I can swear, make a mess, and rampage around like Bull fucking Hurley on a cheque drop overdose if i want to.

And yet...

Its covered in dust. I just cant get away from people. I LIKE training around people. The more the better. I just dont get all these misanthropes that say they hate people around. EVERYONE i know hates training with people around. I train at the biggest god damn rec center in town... clown fucking central. I love it. As a lifter/coach in two niche sports, i can create exposure to these sports, and as a coach (a very good one) i can help people who need it. I can find new lifters. Plus, fuck it... i like to show off sometimes. I dont have a crew there, which sucks... my town sucks, too many pathetic glass egos, but i do have a few people i train with, and one VERY dedicated, National-caliber lifter i coach who is always there. I make friends, and the uh... talent... is everywhere, and VERY distracting (the BEST part). I get none of that at home. I might as well sell it all, but its handy if the gym is closed for some stupid reason (snow, outage, terrorist attack). I can also finish my workouts at home if i run out of time there. 

I used to but I did mostly fasted cardio (I have a treadmill and a stationary bike in my living room lol and a Rotex in my garage). I had only very light weights. After my surgery early July M&B told me that it would do me good to work the upper body again. I joined my old gym and don't regret my decision.

I definitely do. I got a full rack that has the pull-up bar, push/pull cables,  bench with leg extension and bicep accessories, a bunch of bars, 2x treadmills and a punching bag.

Best investment I ever made