Workout tracking


Trusted Member
Aug 15, 2018
How do you guys track your workouts?

Just curious about others out there, maybe there’s a better one than what I’m (or you) are using.

Ive been using the BodySpace app from for years, it serves its purpose. 

After the third (and final) 'big' forum i was on went tits up (and i lost my data), i swore never again to online journals. Its too bad, as thats all i ever needed as far as documentation went, and others got a kick out of it too. 

Now, i just have a 'notes' style app open on my home computer, and fill it out when i get home from the gym, and i keep a list of PR's on my phone... which is all the programming i need. Phones get lost or broken, so keeping data there is not an option either. I really should have just kept up the pencil and paper logs. I regret stopping that.