Wrist/Forearm Injury

Nov 28, 2019
I'm currently facing a gripping problem in my wrist and forearm and was wondering if anyone has had any similar experiences to mine and could help me out.

1) nature of injury. 

Not really sure. I think it might be tendons in my forearm causing my hands to lock under heavy loads.

2) symptoms.

Burning sensation that runs from my wrist down the belly of my forearm that causes my hand to lock into place when gripping heavily. After racking something such as bench, I'll have to lay an wait until I can slowly unlock my grip one finger at a time.

3) no past history

4) what makes it worse.

Mainly only feel it when I'm gripping heavy weight. Bench is the worst culprit for it, but I don't start to feel it until about 275+. The heavier the weight= more time it takes me to wait until I can unlock my grip.

5) Haven't had the chance to go to a doctor yet due to hectic holiday and work schedule.

6) Goals. 

Right now I'm cutting so I'm hoping to recover while I'm using less intensity

7) medications. 

So far CBD butter has help mask the problem but that's about it.

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I'm currently facing a gripping problem in my wrist and forearm and was wondering if anyone has had any similar experiences to mine and could help me out.

1) nature of injury. 

Not really sure. I think it might be tendons in my forearm causing my hands to lock under heavy loads.

2) symptoms.

Burning sensation that runs from my wrist down the belly of my forearm that causes my hand to lock into place when gripping heavily. After racking something such as bench, I'll have to lay an wait until I can slowly unlock my grip one finger at a time.

3) no past history

4) what makes it worse.

Mainly only feel it when I'm gripping heavy weight. Bench is the worst culprit for it, but I don't start to feel it until about 275+. The heavier the weight= more time it takes me to wait until I can unlock my grip.

5) Haven't had the chance to go to a doctor yet due to hectic holiday and work schedule.

6) Goals. 

Right now I'm cutting so I'm hoping to recover while I'm using less intensity

7) medications. 

So far CBD butter has help mask the problem but that's about it.
Does your symptoms go into the inside of the elbow?
What if you stretch your wrist back into extension? Does it hurt the forearm then?
Do you get any pins and needles/asleep sensations when you grip? If so, is it the whole hand? specific digits (if thumb is the first digit?)

If you just open and close your hand, do you get a trigger response where it just snaps?
What do you do for work?  Very labourous?

I'm currently facing a gripping problem in my wrist and forearm and was wondering if anyone has had any similar experiences to mine and could help me out.
Did you end up getting this worked out man? As someone with a past bad wrist injury (severed artery and tendon) I know how frustrating recovering your grip and motility can be.