Yellow vest movement


Trusted Member
Aug 15, 2018
This is seemingly turning into a real worldwide thing. The media has been downplaying this quite a bit, but a lot of independent footage has been coming out France showing the devastation, riots and the brutality. Sweden has joined in on a large scale protest as well, with Finland rumoured to be getting up and going.

Here in Canada, it’s been slow but the traction has been picking up. Yellow vests Canada, our Facebook group, has been up for 6 days and now sits at 44,000 (46 now) members and is now climbing rapidly. We have independent chapters for each province that is busy organizing weekly gatherings to protest. Most reasons include our carbon tax, the UN migration pact, hidden scams, our ridiculous deficit, the pipeline, etc. In a nutshell, whatever you feel is wrong with our government and country, is what’s being protested. Many Canadians are fed up with the elitist bullshit. We are fed up with Trudeau. 

The local media of course hasn’t been reporting it for very obvious reasons, but there have been several large protests throughout the country this last week numbering in the thousands. It’s been hushed because our politicians don’t want this becoming a thing here in Canada. Videos have been edited or removed from Facebook to minimize any fallout and for containment . (I’ve personally witnessed two such videos so far today) Stories are not getting written, and posts are being removed. Other methods of communication are currently being considered just in case Facebook nukes the entire group.

Anyway, we  have a gathering planned for this coming Saturday (Dec 15) at 11am mst (unsure of est) at all major cities and dozens of larger towns, at the whatever local governmental building. We are hoping for a significant turnout this time around.

I encourage everyone here who wants change to consider, at the very least, to join the Canadian yellow vests group

get your voice heard, show up if you can. We are making serious noise, they can hear us in parliament hill, and they’re beginning to squirm.

French president Macron actually wants an EU army to enforce its rules......

Those vests are green. 

Not to take anything away from the movement, I honestly haven’t had time to look into what they’re about, but those are green. The colour was actually called ANSI (American national safety institute) Green.

I’ll go read about the movement now ?

The movement is quite important in Europe (France and Belgium in particular). We are tired of the government .... We pay more and more taxes and the wages and pensions (retirement money) are lower and lower. Soon there will be no middle class anymore, scary.

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The movement is quite important in Europe (France and Belgium in particular). We are tired of the government .... We pay more and more taxes and the wages and pensions (retirement money) are lower and lower. Soon there will be no middle class anymore, scary.
Sounds like Canada.Revenue Canada is ravenous.Accountants do my taxes and every single year they come back for more.Marie LePen must be looking better in France about now....

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Sounds like Canada.Revenue Canada is ravenous.Accountants do my taxes and every single year they come back for more.Marie LePen must be looking better in France about now....
She is .... French are tired of Macron. And in Belgium the Flemish nationalists are doing good too. We are supposed to vote in May 2019 but I doubt the actual government will last that long ....

When I was still working, 52% were deducted from my overtime 

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French president Macron actually wants an EU army to enforce its rules......
I do believe that members of the EU aren't even elected. 

Can you imagine the military entering a country to quash the legal right of the people to oppose the government in a democratic society? 

Does anyone else see the absolute terrifying consequences of this? 

It's ironic that those on the "left" who yea, scream, and shame. those with different views or lifestyles (ie: the right, populists, nationalists, religious etc..) they label them fascists. 

A critical eye sees the fascism firmly beginning to take root in the left tactics and ideology. 

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I do believe that members of the EU aren't even elected. 

Can you imagine the military entering a country to quash the legal right of the people to oppose the government in a democratic society? 

Does anyone else see the absolute terrifying consequences of this? 

It's ironic that those on the "left" who yea, scream, and shame. those with different views or lifestyles (ie: the right, populists, nationalists, religious etc..) they label them fascists. 

A critical eye sees the fascism firmly beginning to take root in the left tactics and ideology. 
Wannabe Hitler.Concerned about the new German woman as well.

This country encourages people from the middle east to revolt against the government and protest, payback is a bitch and now it's revolting  in their countries.

I believe it's stupide that when we buy a house we still have to pay taxes , doesn't make sense i bought it , but no we get extrotion by the goverment.

It’s not Macro idea but George Soros ! 
Likely.Apparently on Discus,which is a remarks app employed by some websites,you cannot even type his name without it being removed.

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Likely.Apparently on Discus,which is a remarks app employed by some websites,you cannot even type his name without it being removed.
When you give 18 billions to a cause you get a lot’s of supports ...