YYZ's winter BodyTech 5x5 cycle


Trusted Member
Dec 20, 2018
After very solid and steady training through most of 2021, had a minor workplace injury and forced to take time off. Was excited to get back at it, very motivated.

I started back with training and gear with an 8 week cycle. Goal was get back lost gains and with the help of the gear, make some additional lean gains. Strength, and some mass without fat accumulation. Another goal, to set myself up for a good cut in the spring, be ready for warmer weather. Looking forward to getting my tan on.

Starting stats 170cm (5’7”) 77kg (170lbs) Est B.F legit 12-13% abs outline but not ripped.

Ending stats 170cm (5’7”) 80kg (176lbs) Est B.F legit 10-11% abs more defined

My supp cycle looked like this:

-Anabol 40mg (Oxymetholone) weeks 1-4 love this stuff.

-Sustanon 250mg weeks 1-8

-TNT450 (200Tren/250Test) weeks 1-8 very happy with this product. No PIP.

-Nandrolone PhehylProp 150mg weeks 1-8 I’ve had mixed results with nandrolones in the past but this Body Tech NPP seemed to give benefits without the sides.

-Superdrol 10mg, weeks 5-10 this compound is great, highly recommend

-used low dose BT Aromasin on a few occasions when i could feel estrogen sides

All BODYTECH stuff. Can't say enough about how good the service from them is. Top notch A+

Diet was very basic. Lots of ground beef, chicken, pork tenderloin, canned tuna, occasional goat and mutton. I also do a lot of offal, heart, tongue, kidney, liver. Usually some rice or potato with the meat. Between breakfast and hard boiled ate 8-12 eggs most days. 250mL cottage cheese before bed. 1-2 whey shakes as needed to fill in gaps or meet 200-225g protein target.

Training was basic as well. 5x5. Its usually 10, 8 warm up and 4-5 sets of 5 reps. I’ve found this works well for me. Best balance of strength, physique and durability for a 48 year old who been through a death defying car accident and other barriers.
Squat, DB Bench, Bent Row, Deadlift, Overhead Press. Day off when I need it. The volume is low and i don't get very sore so training 5 or 6 days a week is common when the day job allows.

Starting 5RM Squat: 315lb DB Bench: 87.5lb BB Row: 135 Deadlift: 340 lb OHPress: 147
Ending 5RM Squat: 345lb DB Bench: 95 lb BB Row: 147 Deadlift: 362 lb OHPress: 155

~ YYZgeddylee

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was on trt dose.  thought about trying pct just for shits and giggles,

get my bloods done and see if it had any effect.