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Posts posted by mt666tm

  1. That's a solid writeup. 700 Tren /wk with 500 Test is my sweet spot. On it right now and absolutely love it.

    Up your magnesium intake to combat night sweats and insomnea.

    A good Tren cough will make you appreciate life, for the rest of the day at least. It can feel like a near death expiriance at its worst... all you can do is hang on for the ride.

    • Like 1
  2. If Im in a rush, or if I slept in, Ill lift fasted. Its not a problem, but my stomach will grumble towards the end which I find annoying.

    Typically before my AM workouts Ill just eat a bananna dipped in peanutbutter, just to shut off that grumble.

    My cardio is always fasted.

    • Like 1
  3. Oddly enough I've been asked a couple times if I compete, and my reaction is always to say "In what?" .. then I laugh when I get the answer as I just can't see it. The stage fright would be brutal, but I suppose I could take a Xanax to get over that. 

    I've thought about it after the last person asked me, but then I see the time and dedication it takes and what that takes away from family life, so for that reason alone I know it's never going to happen. 


  4. I never really see anyone base cycles on actual hormone weight. I base mine on the printed mg/ml but always ballpark the real numbers on the side so I have a better idea of what's really going on.

    And I meant to type diet, not duet, in my last reply... duh... 

    T400 might give you a little PIP at first, but not too bad. If you decide to do that then just stick with it and the PIP goes away. Depending on what lab you get it from it might be a blend, so watch out for that. For what it's worth I have been using BT's T400 E for a couple years now. 

    • Like 1
  5. We are in the same boat, welcome aboard!

    I also got tested and doc said no to TRT. I self prescribe and I prefer E for my cruise. I pin twice a week, once in each quad, because pinning does not bother me. But you could get away with once a week. I try to cruise on 300, as due to ester weight approx 70% is actual hormone, so that means I'm on around 210/wk. I use T400, less oil volume and more bang for your buck.

    Stick to a single ester compound for your TRT.

    As for a blast, you've got lots of good advice here already. If you decide to blast then stick to Test only so you see how you respond. On future blasts you can add One compound only so you can ID any problems that may be a result of that compound.

    Get your duet on point before you blast like others have said. Thats very important!

  6. 13 hours ago, PowerUp said:

    How are u guys not getting tren cough? I've ran Tren-A 100-150 eod and I get them once in a while but Im not sure if Tren-E will do the same.

    Oh I get it. A couple weeks ago it was so bad I thought I was gonna die. It was from Ace, and it hit like a freight train just as I pulled out the pin. Ive gotten it from E and TNT before. I seem to get it once or twice a month.

    • Thanks 1
  7. Good topic...

    I dont have any Estro numbers to contribute , but I never take any AI. When I go above 500 to 600 Test I get the odd flare, only in my left nip, and half an arimidex puts it out. When I ran 1k Test then I seemed to need half an arimidex EOD. Higher Test than that I was rediculously lethargic so thats where the experiment ended.

    Arimidex is all I've ever needed, and I'm still on a jar of BT with the old label and hologram, Its well over 2 years old, so that shows how often I need it.

    I do not aromatize nearly as agressively as some other guys I know that require letro, and I do not have any issues with Prolactin at all... so far.

    Masteron does seem to work. Ive experimented with it and I'd pin 300 mast when Id have a flare up and it did help put out the fire. Plaecebo effect perhaps?


  8. 1200/wk. (800 E + 400 Ace). For a month or so. This was on month 3 of a 4 month run last summer. It was total overkill, but I just wanted too see what happens, and nothing really happened worth mentioning.

    800/wk is max that I do as it feels just right, with 500 Test. Sometimes a little Mast.

    This is what I'm on right now: Mon/Thurs = 1cc TNT450 + 0.5cc Tren Ace , Tues/Fri = 1.5cc Tren Ace. Keeps it nice and simple with only 4 pins a week, glutes and quads.

    • Like 2
  9. ^Total opposite for me. 500 to 600 test is my cap.

    High test sucks for me = bloat, water retention, cold sores / irritated sore tongue (like a yeast infection), lethargy, gyno symptoms (sore burning nipps), sexual frustration, bad sleep patterns, etc.

    On the flip side I can run 1k+ Tren with a base of test and its smooth sailing. Not that I do as I'm sure its completely unnecessary, but I have just to see what happens.

    Im interested to read how this Test-only works for everyone though. You gotta do whatever works for you.


    • Like 1
  10. I can't remember what Ive tried over the years, but I have tried quite a few options. I know I have tried Indica vs. Sativa, and random blends here and there with all sorts of colorful names.

    I have CBD on hand and I know it has a host of benifits, but I dont find it really does anything for me. I've also got friends in the medicinal grow industry that always offer me the latest this and that, but at this point I've given up because I have made my peace with  it. I can manage it if I go to bed right after I put my kids down. If I stay up for any reason Im screwed. A shot of scotch or bourbon helps too. Just one though!

    I might revisit THC/CBD products again, but I'm a bit hesitant to try again because if it keeps me up and then I really suffer for it all day.

    • Like 1
  11. Im in the same boat. I get 6 to 8 hours in bed, but thats just time in bed. 4 to 5 hours might be actual sleep, in 2 hour naps. Ive tried everything and now I just live with it.

    THC does not work for me. It keeps me up with my mind racing thinking about useless crap. It does not wind me down for some reason.

    Zopiclone makes me really groggy next day, so thats out.

    I find a low dose of Melatonin (i take a 10mg pill and split into 4)and some magnesium before bed is all that helps.

    Just started on MK-677 and that is giving me vivid dreams already, as GH did help me sleep when I was on it, so I know im sleeping. I wish i could just stay asleep for more than an hour or two at a time.

  12. I worked with a guy that is in his late 50's. Sucks that he just transferred to another location as we had a lot to talk about and I've learned a lot from him. Anyways... he has never done PCT, and he's been on/off for many years. He has always tapered off. No problems. 

    He laughed at me when we talked about PCT. He called the younger generations all a bunch of goofs relying on bro-science instead of actual proven history. His words, not mine. I'm sure there are plenty of facts to validate both sides. 

    He recently came off his cruise to run RAD-140 + MK-677 just to see what they're all about. I'm looking forward to his update. 

    • Like 1
  13. I'd be lost without CP. I buy & sell stuff all the time with the few hobbies I've got on the go. I hope they figure it out... 

    Lately they've really been on the ball, with packages arriving earlier than expected. 

    Thanks for the heads up on this situation. 

  14. Ya, 2 is the magic number. I cant imagine 3. I have another friend with three cuz he kept trying for a boy, which he got on the 3rd try.

    Seeing him out with all three is just total madness. He always looks dazed and kind of out of it. He sure does drink a lot too.

    My only advice when you get the chop is when they tell you to give it a few days before you use it... listen and give it a few days!

    • Like 1
  15. Buddy of mine is now having his second. Both were concieved during blast or cruise as he is always on something. He did nothing out of his way to increase the odds. This second one was a bit of a surprise. I think he just got sloppy and didnt have a goalie in the net.

    Now hes deciding if he wants to follow my example and go to the vet to get fixed... or have a third.

    • Like 2
  16. 50mg first thing in the morning at 5am with a pre/wo snack (banana +  peanutbutter + gatorade). That gives me 30 to 45 min before my workout. 

    I wish I could take it an hour + pre/wo but i dont want to wake up at 430 to pop it. Im short on sleep as it is.

  17. 2 hours ago, eazy57 said:

    I was thinking of doing just this for my spring cut next year... How are you liking it?

    Loving it!  I like having the E as a base and tuning it up with the Ace. Might bump the Ace to 400 for Sept cuz it's going really well. Can't say enough good things about this.

    Pinned my quad the other day and aspirated, got 1cc Ace + a little Mast in nice and smooth, pulled out the pin and then it hit me like a freight train:  Tren-Cough of Death!

    This stuff is potent and if it wants to get you it'll strike like a :classic_ninja:

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