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About Mojobandit

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  1. Hi everyone. Signed up after northernmuscle shut down, but I'm my first year trying to get my business started, so haven't had time to look around! Look forward to seeing how much I can learn!
  2. Looking for advice on how to treat gyno. One of my buddies is a bit of an idiot. Good guy, not too smart. Very little experience with gear, yet ran a test/tren cycle with test around 1200 mg, (not sure tren levels) no ai, no pct, and obviously doesn't do any research. Continued cycle with no change, and no Nova. I told him he was lucky that's all he got, and that whoever hooked him up should have told him something.... Anything! Would caber be preferred over letrozole? Any information would be greatly appreciated, as I have zero experience with gyno (knock on wood). Also, wants to run another cycle. I've recommended that he treats gyno first, worry about cycle after. Should he keep away from all 19nors, or might he be ok with running deca with reasonable doses, arimidex, and Nova or letro on hand. Just getting back on the forums after a while away, spent the day catching up on the chaos instead of researching my buddy! Thanks in advance!
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