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Posts posted by WADA'sWorstNightmare

  1. On 1/11/2019 at 6:46 AM, Blitz said:

    If anavar is your favorite, maybe trying m1t or superdrol isn't a good idea because you'll never go back. Precision makes good M1T if you're looking for it.

    Well... people said that about dbol and anadrol too...


    M1T is actually right at the top of my things to try list, always has been. But before when i had the time, i couldn't source quality stuff (no point in experimenting if the gear's not 100%), and now that i can get quality stuff, i have no time. I have at least 4 months of wholly new programming to do this winter/spring, in my 'other' sport, so that is not the time to be experimenting. I like to change just one thing at a time, lets me know for sure whats doing (or not doing) what. Before i try M1T though, i want to give halo a solid experiment. I've tried it before, twice, with underwhelming results, but both times the experiment was compromised. Call it my... need to know... Maybe come spring i'll have time.

  2. On 1/12/2019 at 7:07 AM, Frank.Castle said:

    Yea like if you can’t text without watching every letter yea leave the phone alone.  I remember texting before smart phones now that was a skill

    Okay, here... i have to disagree with you. Texting and driving is fucking stupid. I'm a libertarian, 100% for free will and personal responsibility, and think we need less laws, not more, but man i'm really on the fence about this one... because it IS that fucking stupid. I'm pretty fucking quick, actually a legit pro driver (as in, racing, not a delivery truck driver...), and i can read faster than most, and text as well as anyone... and i cant fucking do it safely. All my friends that insist they can, cant. There is sooooo much science behind this one it doesn't even bear debate... right up there with driving while 10X over the legal limit (which no one would dare debate). Just dont do it.

    • Like 2
  3. I must be the only person who trains that just cant watch this shit. People are linking me this stuff all the time. I just dont want to be reminded of the idiocy that surrounds me. I get enough of this bullshit at the rec center i train at...

    • Like 1
  4. I still haven't tried M1T, Superdrol or T-bol, but of the rest, anavar is still far my favorite. It just does everything i need, perfectly. And its more than strong enough. I've not yet done a proper halo experiment, but i've dabbled with it and the results were underwhelming. I really wanted that one to work, as it sounds perfect on paper. 


    They all have different strengths. For instance, when i need shit to happen NOW... i'll blast some anadrol. 3 days in and i know something's going on. I dont always need that, but it happens. Once i got some bad gear right before a competition and my orals ran out. Threw in a week of anadrol and between the two (coming off the var and coming on the drol) i more than had my needs covered. 


    M1T sounds interesting, but i'm not a fan of short blasts (i like 8 weeks or more). Still...might try it if i can find some good stuff. Last source i had for M1T was sketchy, so i didn't bother. 

    • Like 1
  5. The above is true, but you can also train yourself to own those motherfuckers. When i was still competing regularly in powerlifting, i was doing heavy deads every second day. To maxes, and hitting PR's of some sort almost every single time. I could do this for months. One day comp deads, 2 days later, Romanians, 2 days later, lighter rack pulls, two days later, snatch deads, two days later, Romanians again. If my back felt really beat up one day, i'd do lighter good mornings (Olympic style). On decent days, 5 or 6 reps. On good days, 2 or 3 reps. On shit days, 8, 10, or even 12 reps, or easier variants. On awesome days? New 1RM PR. Keep in mind we squat heavy on the same day... before or after. I've had all my serious clients do this too, all but me drug-free. No one died. Gains were incredible. Now... there is a way to do this... and you have to understand why and how, but its possible. I learned this (sort of) from a World Champion IPF lifter with many deadlift world records. 


    It is incredible what the human body can withstand. So many people dont even come within the last 25% of what they are capable of. 

  6. I have (well, had) a fully-stocked gym in my studio with literally everything i need. I never used it. I am the opposite of it would seem EVERY other person in the gyms out there... I have gone from being a misanthrope in my youth to actually liking people. I like the social aspect. I can train harder than anyone you know if i need to, and yet, i can make friends, or talk in between sets. I can help others, coach, i do it all. I can watch all that lovely eye-candy, hell, even chat it up if she's into that. Sue me... i'm single.


    Now, i have a commercial quality bench press and an absolute monster squat rack, a homemade Olympic platform, a really nice inclining bench, boxes, and all kinds of other shit, just sitting there collecting dust. Two barbells, my Eleiko and a nice Ivanko OBX20, 400lbs of bumper plates and change, and another 265 in iron plate if i need it. Thats enough for all but my biggest pulls, and lets be honest, if i'm gonna max out a deadlift, i'll go to the gym and bloody show off. Mirrors, 400watt thumper stereo, a big 27" monitor and YouTube if i want to lift in company of the greats, there's food right there for the middle of those 4hr workouts, and its inside my house where the equipment is never cold. I can play the music as loud as i want, train as late as i want. And yet... i still go to the circus to lift. 


    I ended up taking all my good bumpers to the commercial gym and storing them there, along with a few other things. Keep in mind i also coach in two very niche strength sports, and we can use all the exposure we can get, so hiding out in my basement to lift isn't helping anybody.

  7. I've done two full blasts at 2000mg. I dont respond to test, and get absolutely nothing out of anything less than 800. It was only when i tried 1000 that i 'felt' test like you guys do. Its not fair. But... to be fair, i dont get 1000mg worth of sides either. Then i tried 1500, and wow. I could definitely feel it. Then i tried 2000 next blast, and it was a bit better, but still underwhelming (read: nothing 70mg of anavar cant do). First blast i made that 2K up with t400. I've never been a fan of blends, and i dont trust 'concentrated' tests, but it saved pinning... and i loathe pinning. Next blast i went 2000mg with cypionate, and that was way better (same brand). What i dont like about high test, was that anything over 1000 killed my libido. It did it some serious damage that took time to come back from like nothing else had. I'll never do that again. Orals dont scare me, so it'll be 1000mg test max, in either enanthate or cyp, and then whatever on top. I'll likely never run more than a grand again, and never blends again. 

  8. On 12/5/2018 at 2:22 AM, ELECTRICROCKER said:

    @WADA'sWorstNightmare lol I assume all sarcasm there ?. He’s a fucking idiot, you see his latest that he will donate 50mil to some woman fund in Africa? Like WHAT the FUCK is up with that? 50mil can go along way here. Lol yeah I heard about the Christmas songs. What a time Canada is going through, total assimilation of eastern values taking over. I still say merry Christmas and all that fun stuff to everyone and I especially enjoy saying it when I walk into a gas station or other where they have taken over. Now I’m fired up fuck Trudeau!

    Oh yes. He's told the vets to fuck off, he sends money all over the world to people who fucking waste it, he pays off terrorists, and expands the definitions of hate speech to include speaking English. But hey! he's now a great friend to the indians! Hey indians, sorry about the past, i'm on your side you know. Here's a picture of me wearing some indian vest made in China so you know i'm with you. I FEEL your pain. Hell, i'd come up and visit your shithole town, but the PM dont stay where there's no electricity or running water. Get with it you lazy pricks and fix that shit! Maybe if you all convert to Islam i'll toss ya a few million when i'm done with it...

    • Haha 1
  9. On 12/5/2018 at 7:05 AM, Jetpilot said:

    Brother Honestly you don’t know me to talk like this! first what you do with your life is up to you!  

    Hey, if there are other issues, like say alcoholism, then thats fine, disregard everything i said, but if its just fear of a little booze while juicing, then i'd say you're overthinking it. 

  10. You guys complain too much. Fuck auto-workers, and fuck veterans, and fuck the poor. At least we live in a country where you no longer have to be subjected to Christmas rape songs over the radio. AND... you can have a rainbow-painted crosswalk, without fear of someone doing a burnout over top of it, you know... on THE STREET... because that is now a hate crime. You also dont have to be offended when listening to our National anthem, with all that hateful blatantly misogynist 'all our sons' business. 


    I love Canada. I love Trudeau. I swell with joy when i see him dancing away in some pink dress in India, raising my taxes so he can fly there in style. I blossom with happiness thinking about what great changes he'll do next.

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  11. On 11/12/2018 at 3:34 PM, storman said:

    get some Bacardi 151. put a measured amount in a small bottle with lid. Empty and certain amount of caps. Do the math and make sure you shake the piss out of it before you take it. Use a syringe to draw (no needle)

    Oh were that possible. My favorite of all time. They stopped selling it in Canada. Fuck i hate this place. Oh well, starting to like the Lambs 151.


    Why not crack it open, halve the dose and dump it in your morning shake? Ingesting is ingesting, is it not?

    • Like 1
  12. Why say no? My drinking doesn't change at all when i blast. Shit, even on heavy orals with long durations. Fuck it. I'm with the Russians on this. Take your shit, wash it down with vodka (i prefer whisky or rum), fuck shit up, enjoy life. Life is way too short to drink alcohol-free beer. You dont have to be a gambler like me, but the dangers of orals are far overstated i think. People here think way too much. Now, if you cant go out without staggering home, then perhaps AAS is not your problem...

  13. For bodybuilding?


    Train like a powerbuilder for a while (no, dont look it up, WAY too much bad info out there...). If i had three days a week? Too easy.

    Day 1 - Bench (normal grip or close grip), press (always standing, always barbell, in front or behind neck w wider grip), incline (bench or DB), finish with flys, cables, push-ups, whatever.

    Day 2 - (ALWAYS the very next day after upper body) Upper back (BB rows, std cable row, lat pull, pull/chin-ups - pick 3), Triceps, biceps.(3 arm movements each, heavy to light/finish).

    Day 3 - Back squat, deadlift, hack squat, hamstring movement of choice. Abs after if you're bored...


    Currently, i'm just kinda messing around/on a break, so i do this whole thing twice a week, plus a day for Olympic lifts (so i'm still training 7 days a week). But one cycle of this a week, done right is more than enough work. 

    • Like 1
  14. Yeah yeah yeah... everyone says dont shit where you eat. They can bite me. Where the fuck else am i supposed to meet people? Bars? pubs? Fuck off. I'm too busy to 'go out' to meet people anyways. There is going to the gym to mack on chicks (dick move), and then there is being open to flirtation, and meeting people who clearly are interested. The latter is fine. My last handful of relationships, including two long term ones, were all gym meet-ups. I avoided a LOT of surprises that way, and had a pretty good idea of who i was dating before the first date even. I've also weeded out a lot of bad ideas... good looking as they may have been.


    Thing is... you can learn a lot from people at the gym. Attraction counts, this is obvious, and at the gym there is no hiding those 'areas' that can be so easily hid or 'modified' when fully decked-out. You can tell fitness level, you can see dedication. You can see if health is actually a priority, or if its just some bullshit someone feels they have to do to not get fat. BIG difference. Do all the butt exercises and cardio you want, spend all the money you want on 'serious' gym gear, i can spot a dilettante a mile away. You can also tell someone's intelligence level too, before you can even talk to them. We live in an age where it is just not acceptable to be ignorant of how to do simple things, and so if someone still cant figure out the basest exercises, or even how to move the peg on a weight stack, well... Further, like with any forced proximity, you can fairly easily tell someone's overall tone... as in, their state of mind, their 'happiness'. I see some fit, beautiful, and absolutely fucking miserable women in the gym. At the bar, they'd hide that and you'd be finding out the hard way. 


    Thats the men's angle. Women can do this too. So easy to spot a narcissist in the gym, or an arrogant asshole. Its easy to spot the lazy and the guys always looking for the easy way, and as a friend assures me, its also a great way to appraise a guy's general manners. If she's talking to someone she's interested in, and some cute thing walks by and he gawks, well...  red flag. And gyms are FULL of cute distractions. Another girl i know wont touch a guy who doesn't seriously work his legs (ALL girls should do this). Big sign of a peacock or narcissist. Also a sign of someone not interested in hard work. Guys (and girls) that snap selfies and IG/SC everything, guys (and girls) that cant pass a mirror without checking themselves out, people who dont clean up after themselves, people being dicks about hogging stations/not letting others work in, people who are just there to show off (when they have nothing to show off), the guy who's smooching up a brand new girl every week, ... red flag city. All this behavior is invisible in other arenas; the bar/club, online dating, at the supermarket... wherever. 


    I think the gym is a great place for like-minded people to meet. Even better if the gym is a BIG part of your life, ie: you're an athlete, competitive bodybuilder, as where else might you meet someone else as dedicated? 

    • Like 5
  15. On 11/10/2018 at 9:32 AM, Durk said:

    My iron’s fine. Might be anxiety. IM shots don’t bug me, but something about drawing blood bugs me

    Yeah... it bugs me too. It really fucking bugs me that the nice girl can jab a needle the size of a 12ga bore into my arm and i dont feel a god damn thing. Yet... i try and nicely push a 25ga cunt hair into my leg and it feels like a fucking red-hot rat-tail file being slowly pushed into my skin... What wizardry is this!!!???!

  16. On 11/16/2018 at 4:11 PM, Frank.Castle said:

    Pushed the envelope by licking dead horses??? Atleast when they’re dead they can’t kick there’s a plus haha 

    i personaly draw the line at beastiity.... apparently you and easy don’t but hey to each their own 

    Hey man... some people just gotta do whatever they need to do to get through the day.....

    Guess i'm lucky. I pop probably 5-8 different pills in a day, more if there's a girl involved, but they all look different. No confusion here!

    There was a time when i got a nice little deal on an armful of unmarked 30mg ephedrine. Tiny little pills, almost 3/4 the size of your typical supp-store ephedrine, but almost 4 times the potency. WONDERFUL stuff... oh my fucking god... (yeah, i like my ephedrine...). And yeah, they happened to look exactly the same as the 8mg store ones, just slightly smaller. Was always worried i'd accidentally pop 3-4 of those 30's by accident. I'm far too careful for this stuff though. 

  17. Cash, over the counter, every month. I will never... EVER... EVER... read my lips fucking EVER trust a bank/gym to handle such a simple transaction again. To me a gym wanting you to sign a contract is about as trustworthy as some sketchy toothless fuck, jonesin' in a dark alley, trying to sell you unlabeled, uncapped bottles of test for $20.....

    Fuck banks. Fuck contracts. Fuck automatic E-anything. Pisses me off i need to do this with my phone, let alone finding other things to do this with...

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