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Posts posted by mbmuscle

  1. 7 minutes ago, Jetpilot said:


    I am a bit surprise  about your question? Testosterone is the base of all AAS !


    I am on TRT for the last 3 yrs my doctor give me testosterone Cypionate  the only reason doctors use this one is the long half life ( 8 days )  I believe if you can inject at 2 days interval 

    Testosterone Enenthate or Propionate are much better and more effective , look the text below it explain the 3 most popular type but again it depend on your goal and experiences .

    clear answer to your question, for a TRT yes you can use Test Cyp for a cycle in my opinion they are much better option at the same price. 



    1. Enanthate is a testosterone ester that is metabolized over four to five days. In some cases, low levels may remain in the body for up to two weeks. To maintain levels, injections should be administered every five days. This form of testosterone is commonly administered via intramuscular injection (IM) at the approximate starting dose of 100 to 200 mg every five to seven days. This should bring a patient within optimal ranges (800 ng to 1000 ng) is 100 mg to 200 mg IM every five to seven days; however, every patient is different. Baseline testosterone levels and other factors may influence initial dose and maintenance plan.

    2. Cypionate is considered a “long acting” testosterone, being metabolized in approximately seven to eight days. Cypionate is often begun with a starting dose similar to enanthate (100 mg to 200 mg), but only administered every seven days.

    3. Propionate is a fast-acting ester. This testosterone ester can peak in the blood within hours of being administered and be metabolized over three days. Injections should be administered every two to three days. You must weigh the “positives” with the “negatives” before using propionate. This is only prescribed in special cases, as it has to be administered frequently. However, it quickly stabilizes testosterone levels, but risks aromatization into estrogen, which can lead to negative side effects.

    1-test is not the same as test cypionate!

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  2. I think Oly is saying that at 100 he isn't suppressing natural functions because his sperm are still being produced. I don't think he is arguing his test is being replaced but the rest of the system is still functioning normally.

    That has me interested. I have low test but I'm trying for a baby so I've been avoiding taking anything at the moment.

  3. 50 minutes ago, Dude_wheresmycarbs said:

    calling him a troll because of what he did and i read is bashing?you may want to try and comprehend the meaning of bashing. I see no correlation of my post on nouveau and me having to try out bt. Youre quite defensive of a scammer!

    I'm not familiar with your scammer allegations so I can't comment.

    Back to the BT reviews. That's what this thread is for ?

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  4. 2 hours ago, Dude_wheresmycarbs said:

    im pretty stoked because my parcel arrives tomorrow,im an orion user but giving BT a try with all the reviews. I wont let some drama cloud my judgement,always more to the story. Personally after reading about taureau,i wont trust anything out from him or his affiliates. Ill be giving my honest review soon.

    You bash Taureau in all your posts but I've never seen him say anything negative towards anybody.

    You haven't even tried BT yet.?

  5. 1 hour ago, Talon said:

    Okay so I will go one step further in my explanation as to how amazing this stuff actually is,  So 2 years ago I was Misdiagnosed for Crohn disease and was put on high high doses of prednisone and an an anti immune drug to shut my immune system and even given a drug called meslamine.   well a few months into treatment I suffered heart failure due to the treatment,  Turns out I never had cries disease and was now left with heart rhythm issues and other issues IE an intermittent thyroid which would run hyper or hypo depending on the day.  I was 60 pounds overweight from the treatments and water retention from prednisone and fat as fuck.   I had no hope in ever getting back to the gym.   Then almost like a dose of good Karma I had a call from a dear friend who I thought we lost track of  came in and said hey you should try the nouveau and see what happens.   Well low and behold. a month in I'm down a ton of weight have been back in the gym Thyroid is actually healed and I have not had a heart palpitation in a month,  nor any thyroid storms.   Blood tests as I said have show my thyroid for the first time in a year is in remission.   I cannot give credit to anything but the HGH Nouveau as well its the only new thing I've used.   I cannot say enough good things about this.  I told my DR what was up and he is so impressed he is going to send me for a full endocrine work up so I will be able to post result.  He is so impressed to cover my ass he gave me a script but said to stick with what Im doing now and not switch anything,   he said IF the HGH is as good as It appears to be then I should continue with it.   he is not only blown away by the price but also the results.  at only 2IU a day at that


    This is an honest review guys trust me anyone that knows me from back in the day knows I'm not afraid to tell it like it is and for now this stuff AMAZING

    So your Dr gave you a prescription for HGH? Do you have any coverage? Just wondering why you wouldn't use it unless it would cost more.

    Glad to hear you are feeling better:)

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