All you need to know about Tren

I have mixed emotions when it comes to Tren - I think its a great compound and even several years ago I'd use a fair amount of it. I've done 50mg eod, up to 200mg ED... I think its a great drug when used in the right spots - I think it should only be used sporadically and for short periods of time. My reasoning behind this is, as I've noticed time and time again, with myself and others there seems to be a point where you just stall and sometimes I find the look it brings actually starts to diminish (which I'd associate with the harshness of the drug).

So for anyone looking to jump into this drug keep usage short and low. 

And about being an asshole - get control of yourself lol  

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I like the idea of reducing Test during Tren cycle anyone try this before? 
That's how I like to run my tren cycles. Tren is something like 6 times stronger than test. You don't need a lot of test for your cycle to be effective. 

Sides were much reduced and good sides like well being, libido all increased. 

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Even with a fight coming up ill run tren at a super low dose cause eq makes me feel like thrash. I find the little bit of tren puts my head back in the game.

For whatever reason eq makes me depressed. A touch of tren brings out that aggression im used too 

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Even with a fight coming up ill run tren at a super low dose cause eq makes me feel like thrash. I find the little bit of tren puts my head back in the game.

For whatever reason eq makes me depressed. A touch of tren brings out that aggression im used too 
MMA style fight?

I am thinking about running for 8 - 10 weeks of  300mg every week of Test Cyp, 200mg every week of Tren E, 400mg of Equipoise every week, 20mg of Tamoxifen daily, and a PCT of Clomid for a month after. I am a novice so I'm looking to see if this an ok cycle for a beginner and if Tren Dick would be of concern on this?

Interesting article, never seen so much info on tren in one place. Never had any serious sides from it. Now I feel like hitting it hard LOL

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I am thinking about running for 8 - 10 weeks of  300mg every week of Test Cyp, 200mg every week of Tren E, 400mg of Equipoise every week, 20mg of Tamoxifen daily, and a PCT of Clomid for a month after. I am a novice so I'm looking to see if this an ok cycle for a beginner and if Tren Dick would be of concern on this?
Novice as in this would be your first cycle? If so no, not a good cycle. First should be testosterone only.

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Novice as in this would be your first cycle? If so no, not a good cycle. First should be testosterone only.
I would run an oral to kick start though so they get something right out of the gate too but just cause im not very patient.

I remember my first waiting for the test to kick in, drove me nuts but i did learn from that too though

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I would run an oral to kick start though so they get something right out of the gate too but just cause im not very patient.

I remember my first waiting for the test to kick in, drove me nuts but i did learn from that too though
Agreed but there are pros and cons. The pros to test only is that you can learn has your body responds (ie sides) to get a baseline for ancillaries like anti-E's. Introducing an oral adds another variable and can make that difficult. Anavar would be a reasonable choice since the sides are low... 

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Agreed but there are pros and cons. The pros to test only is that you can learn has your body responds (ie sides) to get a baseline for ancillaries like anti-E's. Introducing an oral adds another variable and can make that difficult. Anavar would be a reasonable choice since the sides are low... 
 You are 100% spot on! I did that my first cycle but it is annoying, since then always running a kick start. It is cool watching the levels build in your system though

Tren is amazing

Use to be essential in my cycles. But I recently decided to leave it for the cutting phase. Deca/ test comp for growth and tren to make me look hang decent