BodyTech Pharma PreContest Log

Looking great Brother. I'm sure I don't need to tell you but still, make sure you are looking after your liver while you are on Halo.

You are looking awesome, you should be damned proud of the results you've gotten as it's obvious the hard work you have put in.
Thanks Frank.  Yeah, taking a bunch of supplements, plus just pyramiding it up and down for about 2.5 weeks.  Not a huge run. I don't drink at all, so it's really PEDs are the only negative thing I do in regards to liver.  Being cautious but not too worried. 

Just a quick update.  About 1 week out now.  Dropped test on Monday.  Starting to dry out.  Overall feeling pretty good, just getting really hungry now.  But one more week to go, I can last, no problem.  

Had a chance to try out BT Tren Base.  Did 75mg preworkout... Felt great, great pumps, and focus.  Just a boost I needed 🙂

Pic taken this morning post chest workout. 


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So did the Canadian Nationals this weekend. Ended up placing 2nd. Obviously was hoping not only for 1st but best overall, but I'm very happy with the results. It was a close battle, right away the two of us were put in the middle, and not moved at all during comparisons.

Prejudging went great. One thing looking at the pics, is that I could have posed better. Faced the judges a bit too square on, should have twisted more to give an illusion of a tighter waist. Oh well, lesson learned, and fired up to improve for the next one. 



Also, didn't mess around with peak weak... No diuretics, no crazy carb loading, just a slight water taper.  Even drank almost a gallon of water on show day.  Felt great, and I think still looked pretty good, fairly dry.  Came in 10lbs heavier this year as opposed to last year, where I was flat, and looked like a string bean.  I've always messed around in the last week, and made myself look way worse then I had been looking the weak before.  So this year (thanks to my coach), I went with what was working.  If you look good a week out, why mess around? was the approach we took.  Happy the way it turned out. 

Brother that placing is nothing to sneeze at you looked great trained hard , I’m saying congrats for a job well done , it takes dedication in most don’t have, be proud of yourself man.


Damn man super impressive!!  But you have leggggggggggggggggs you could do classic as well!!  You looked frickin great!

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Brother that placing is nothing to sneeze at you looked great trained hard , I’m saying congrats for a job well done , it takes dedication in most don’t have, be proud of yourself man.
Thank you.  I'm definetly happy with the placing.  A huge improvement for me from last year, and looking at the video it was really close.  Also had a couple different IFBB pros that don't even know me that well, tell me that they watched my class and had me winning.  Made me feel great, because unlike coming from someone like my wife or mom lol, they actually know what they are looking at and have no reason to boost my ego.  So pumped to make some improvements now, and kill it next year. 


Damn man super impressive!!  But you have leggggggggggggggggs you could do classic as well!!  You looked frickin great!
Thanks Physlifter.  Have wanted to do classic for a long time, but I was only 236lbs on stage and my weight limit for classic is 252lbs.  I know it's not all about the weight, but I'm quite a bit under the limit and I think especially at my height I need to maximize my weight in order to not look lanky on stage. 

Hopefully the next few months will be productive and I will give it a shot next season. 

So been slacking on posting updates.  Just got busy getting back into swing of things, catching up on things at work that I ignored during prep etc. 

Sitting now at around 255lbs, and have been for the last couple weeks (if not more).  Just started a cruise this week, which I will continue until at least the New Year.  Post show, ran a bunch of stuff, trying to take advantage of a rebound.  Did Test Prop daily at 50mg, MENT at 25mgs daily, then for about 4 weeks added 50mg NPP daily.  Also for about 3 weeks tried IGF-LR3 at 50mcg pre workout. Was also doing 3IU gh, split into 1.5iu morning and 1.5iu pre bed.   All BT supplements. 

Diet has been 'ok'.  Stuck to a main clean off season diet, but added tons of extra sugary carbs.  I'm like a crack head when it comes to sugar.  But I have it under control now 🙂

Overall not bad, condition could be better but pretty good considering I'm up 20lbs and was eating junk every night.   It was my first time doing MENT and noticed a lot fuller look.  Like it.  With the IGF, I got crazy pumps.  Not sure if it's just the extra food but at times they were ridiculous.  For example, did a light warm up on a bike for 15 minutes before doing legs.  Nothing crazy, like on level 5 to 7 out of 20.  Got off and went to do lying leg curls, and couldn't do them because my quads felt like they were going to rip off, like they were contracting so hard, with so much blood from the bike, I couldn't bend my leg.  Had to take an extra 15 to 20 minutes, to relax, and stretch them out before proceeding with my workout. 

So now the plan is around 200mg Test E per week, and GH 2iu pre bed. Ride this out for a bit and try to hang on to everything (hopefully continue to grow).  Diet will be perfect now, since I can't rely on extra supps as a crutch.  

Pic of current condition attached, taken a couple days ago. 

Nov29 o4NoDJ1.jpg

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Thank you.  Shoulders is something I was told (and already knew) I have to bring up.  So it's a priority for me this year. 

Thanks GameChanger, couldn't do it without your help.  Much appreciated. 
Any plans for future competitions? 

Any plans for future competitions? 
Right now it looks like most likely I'll be doing the North Americans in August.  There was talk about doing the Arnold Amateur in March, but after speaking with my coach, he doesn't think it is wise to do.  Thinks it's not enough time to make significant improvements, and then shortens the time time to improve/prepare for North Americans.  But it would have been fun to do, just to step on that stage. 

Might also do the Toronto Pro in June, but not set in stone.  Depends how I'm looking in the spring. 

Can't wait to see the progress my friend! You should do well at the NA's
Thank you my friend. 

Very good log, great detail!

You mention your coach a few times, care to share who it is?
I'm being coached by Mike Davies.  It's my first time using a coach, but exactly what I was looking for.  He is priced very fairly, initial diet plan is $75 USD, and diet updates are $35 USD.  However, he only has me doing diet updates every 3 weeks.  When I do text him pics in preps, he will tell me to grab a cheat meal when looking flat, but the diet stays the same.  He's been doing this for over 20 years, and has so far turned 319 people into IFBB pros.  Coached a couple Ms Olympia's in Fitness.  His food choices/meals are great not the usual broccoli chicken and rice.  When I started with him, I was already lean so it wasn't a tough job for him, but the main reason I got a coach this year is that in the past I've always sabotaged myself and over dieted or just did some stupid peak week things.  Need him for his expertise, and leave the decision making to him.  He is the kind of guy that if he tells you, you look good you actually look good, and if not he has no problem to say you look like shit. 

Overall just reminds me of a real coach, the kind of coaches I had when I played basketball, that would really push me and expect the best from me.   Happy I went with him. 

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So just a little update.  Had a shitty Christmas break.  A couple days before Christmas, threw my back out doing squats (been saying this every year, but now I really mean it, no more doing squats or at least not heavy squats).  Was pretty much couch bound for almost two weeks.  First week back at the gym, still couldn't give it 100% even on upper body, but things are getting better.  Finally did a light leg workout last week, and while it was far from a great workout, it felt good to get some blood pumping in the legs.  Upperbody is pretty good.  Lower back is still stiff and achy in the morning, but can workout (mostly machines) and starting to feel like my old self.  

Was crusing the whole time, kept diet in check, so not too bad overall.  Held my weight at around 252.  Just started a Test Deca cycle.  Will be doing 750 Test, and 450 Deca.  Thinking about adding 300 DHB, and throw in Anadrol for a couple weeks at some point. 

Hope everyone is doing well and had a better Christmas than me. 

Well this off season has not been the greatest.  As mentioned in my previous post, battled a back injury for a couple weeks.  Then last week of February had a bad flu (mabye Covid, no idea), but I was off work for a couple weeks, couldn't eat, and lost 16lbs. Got back to the gym for a couple weeks and then we had the shutdown. 

Been doing home workouts as best I could, mostly upper body.  Just using a pair of adjustable dumbbells (max 65lbs), resistance bands, and build myself a pull-up and dip station.  Ate my way back up to over 260lbs.  Been hanging between 260 to 265 the last 3 weeks or so.  This morning was 260lbs. 

Not sure if the show will happen, but planning on doing North Americans on Sept 4. So starting prep this weekend.  With the borders still closed, no gyms open, it doesn't feel like there is a point to prep, but hoping we get over this soon.  And I'm thinking in the end it doesn't matter, if the show doesn't happen at least I will be in shape for the summer. 

Got 14 weeks to go.  Below is me in contest shape at 234 vs my 260 now.  Hoping even with all the bs this year, there is some new muscle under the fluff.  I guess I will find out soon enough. 

Hope everyone is doing well. 
