Distal Bicep Tear

Nov 6, 2018
Hi everyone ! Looking for feedback from those who experienced a distal bicep tear and what they experienced after the surgery ? Had mine repaired just over 10 weeks now using the endo button technique and I just started training in the gym a week ago taking it really easy with very light weight on that arm just trying to improve ROM and get the blood flowing. My surgeon recommended I wait until 12 weeks post op, but I’ve seen plenty of people return to training much sooner, so I figured I’d be safe using this ease back protocol and pay close attention to my body. Right now my entire arm feels much softer when I flex either the bicep or tricep, and there’s been a lot of atrophy, but it’s slowly coming along. I’m mainly concerned about a remaining increased gap between my bicep and forearm, it depends on the positioning of my hand whether it’s supinated or pronated, but there appears to be a cm or so more gap at the distal end which is what alarmed me before the surgery and I’m hoping that will fill in over time. If anyone can write in with their thoughts or experiences I’d really appreciate it ! Physlifter I sent you a pm as well hoping you could help ease my thoughts. It’s quite stressful mentally as well as physically seeing 28 years of dedicated hard work deflate so quickly 😞 Thanks for reading everyone 👍


Same injury here,, I have a gap between the bicep and inner elbow where the tendon snapped,, it fills in a bit but looks different because of the tendon not being exactly where it was before...take it really slow ,,you can slow the healing by lifting too much and it will hurt ,, give it time to see if you can fill in with muscle but take a very long time,,,trust me

Same injury here,, I have a gap between the bicep and inner elbow where the tendon snapped,, it fills in a bit but looks different because of the tendon not being exactly where it was before...take it really slow ,,you can slow the healing by lifting too much and it will hurt ,, give it time to see if you can fill in with muscle but take a very long time,,,trust me
Did you have the surgery to repair your bicep tear Kc_Chief1 ? I’m approaching 12 weeks post op and I’m seeing some size come back training with very light weight and high reps, but I can’t train this bicep properly just yet as it is too soon and I don’t want to rupture it again. My situation may be because I was 8 weeks with a bicep tear before surgery, so I wasn’t within the preferable 5 week window that surgeons like to do this procedure, which could be why my bicep still looks slightly questionable. I’m really hoping that once I can lift heavier, the bicep will fill in some length and give me peace of mind that everything went well with the surgery. My next follow up with the surgeon is in 8 days, and I’ll be asking lots of questions about the condition of the bicep at this point and my personal surgical procedure, and if I sense there are any doubts or concerns by the surgeon, I’ll request an MRI to give us the answers. Thanks for the reply 👍

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