Do you skip legs day?


Oct 19, 2018
I have to admit bodybuilding have changed how many of you skip legs day? do you remember the mister douche with a great upper buddy with skinny ass legs  genetic is everything I race motocross at young age and still race enduro and mountain sleds for that you need legs!

ps: guys woman loveeee big legs 😉 

I have serious football player at my gym , when uncle jet do is legs they look and say no fucking way this guy is natural 🙂 love it!


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Mmmm.... I love me some sexy, hairless, chicken-legs - pass the hot sauce 😉


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I never skip leg day , I can’t be one of those guys in the gym great upper body but looks like he’s standing on tooth picks .

I never skip leg day, I train them 2x per week and they are my favorite body part to train! I've always been strong and had massive legs even when I was a kid, I had a big butt and people would make fun of me but I just had muscly glutes lol

Haha the bar star workout chest and bi’s Only haha!


People don’t realize doing legs helps the rest of the body grow , people don’t realize the amount of secondary muscle involved in heavy squats.

People don’t realize doing legs helps the rest of the body grow , people don’t realize the amount of secondary muscle involved in heavy squats.
Yes!  This and deadlifts.  Last week I hit a new personal PR in the deadlift, the next day my everything was sore, chest, abs, back you name it.  

Training legs can suck until you train them consistently and start seeing major progress moving bigger and bigger weight.  But if you always take the mentality of "leg day sucks" and you only train legs once a month or not at all, you'll never progress to that level that makes leg training enjoyable and rewarding.

The first time I could squat 315, I was hooked on training legs!  Not too many guys in the gym that will be consistent enough to get there so once you do, you feel encouraged to keep going and hit 405, then maybe 495 (not quite there yet).

Or maybe that's just me, LOL.

Squatting is life. King of lifts imo.

I always chuckle when I hear about guys who "can't eat enough" to grow. Start squatting heavy 2x week. I bet you will be hungry.