Do you skip legs day?

I will admit that it's only been in the last year or so I learnt how to work my legs properly. I use to squat way too heavy. I could squat 600lb but didn't look like it.

I now split my legs so I have two leg days a week. On my quads I'm so 3-5 sets and 15-25 reps. I only do squats, hack squats and leg press now, nothing else. My legs have seen more improvement in the last 12 months than probably 6 years prior.

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Me personally, I split my leg days into 2 days. Ā One for glutes, and hammies. Ā The next for quads and calves. Ā Just works better development wise for me. Ā My gym just recently got a reverse hyper extension machine, and my booty loves it!

My dad has super skinny legs so my genetics for legs suck. I Skip Leg Day for a whole year! Idiot! Until somebody said hey you have legs like your old man. Chicken legs! Since then, twice a week LOL

Remember brothers, women like nice legs and booty too! Ā  I can be shredded and my wife will still only compliment my legs and ass lol. Ā Gives her something to hold on to I guess

Remember brothers, women like nice legs and booty too! Ā  I can be shredded and my wife will still only compliment my legs and ass lol. Ā Gives her something to hold on to I guess
Haha!! Good call brother. We should treat legs like our biceps and always give them a good pump. I can't get enough of that photo of the dude carrying the beer with the skinny legs haha!

Itā€™s rediculous how many guys at my gym I have never seen in the squat rack. Ā I always wear baggy shorts at the gym, but always opt for the ā€œshorty shortsā€ as my wife calls them for leg days. Ā  Yes leg days are painful, dug. Ā But for all of the natty lifters out there, squats and dead lifts spike testosterone and growth hormone production, which aids in all the other gains. Ā  I get it that not everyone is a bodybuilder, but I know of at least 5 guys that every day is back and bicep day, and another 5 thatā€™s chest and arms day. Ā Every single time I see them in there lol. Ā  Ā The squat racks arenā€™t just for the women to show off their asses in yoga pants you know lol. Ā  Ā  Ā My favorite is a natty guy that comes in, heā€™s ripped, reps 315 on flat bench with no spot and has big arms. Ā But absolutely no back, legs, or delts. Ā Itā€™s so bad that his chest and arms fucked with his posture so bad he looks rediculous. Ā But hey thatā€™s my opinion, if he prefers to look goofy, then thatā€™s his business, Ā I could never rep 315 as natty, but Iā€™m also genetically a skinny dude lol.

Haha funny how you mentioned the short shorts. Not too long ago I bought three pairs of those Jed North short shorts. My wife loves it but my kids make fun of me. So true though. Too many guys skip the squat rack. And it shows. I used to be one of those guys. Skinny skinny legs! And underdeveloped rear delts to boot. Didn't look good at all man.

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I mostly spend my time in the rack doing squats, and deads from various pin heights and benches from various pin heights ( benches are killer from a dead stop at the bottom, noĀ stretch reflex).Ā  The other time I spend off the floor with conventional and sumo deads.Ā  I actually don't like training upper body except for heavy rows and benches. I didn't have the largest legs at show time but they were not small eitherthighs.jpg

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