Ever have a disc issue?


Trusted Member
Aug 21, 2018
Looking for past experiences with disc issues. Been having troubles with my back for the better part of the last year. It gets to the point when I get a sharp pain in the lumbar region then my legs basically loose all strength and I drop. This is followed by 2-3 days of horrible pain and stiffness. Not even a hope of getting socks on those days. 

Went to the doc, prescribed naproxen and cyclobenzaprine. Seems to help a little. Also order an MRI and referred me to a chiropractor.

The Chiropractor says it’s discogenic pain due to suspected infiltration of the “inner gooey stuff” pushing through layers of the disc cartilage and possibly a full herniation at some point (probably the times my legs go weak and I drop). L4 and L5 seem to be the culprits.

For treatment I have been doing the stretches and exercises the chiro prescribed, and taking the meds on the worst days. I have also been hanging from the top bar on the squat rack while hanging weights for spinal traction. Getting some relief from the traction if I do them first thing in the morning after struggling to get out of bed due to the pain and stiffness.

So to turn a long post shorter:

Have you had a disc issue in the past? Did it get better to the point of returning to normal functioning?(ie. can jog, shovel snow, do squats, etc.. again). How long did it take? How is the pain now?

...and now the bonus part. Have you tried Deca or another compound that increases collagen synthesis with much result? I’m about to start some low dose deca and really hit a rehab program with it.

Well, disc issues are serious in question of pain. But if u dont want to feel a lot of pain just sit on your knees and strach on your stomach (forwards). Its very very temporary solution. This help becaise theres a nerv between 2 of your disks and its pinched from them. This is where the pain come from. When you strach forward actually you are streching your disks and the nerv is getting more relaxed. Whatever I say here. The only REAL cure is operation. 

Well, disc issues are serious in question of pain. But if u dont want to feel a lot of pain just sit on your knees and strach on your stomach (forwards). Its very very temporary solution. This help becaise theres a nerv between 2 of your disks and its pinched from them. This is where the pain come from. When you strach forward actually you are streching your disks and the nerv is getting more relaxed. Whatever I say here. The only REAL cure is operation. 
I have disc issues, boy do I have disc issues. The tech for my last mri asked me about that time I seem to have swallowed a hand grenade lol...The worst of it is at L5/S1. The best way I have been able to find relief is to sit on a hard chair,, bring my ankle across the opposite knee (I guess it would have to be the opposite knee lol) and then bend forward at the waist and try to touch my forehead to my knee and then alternate sides doing this. I do about 5 reps per side trying to stretch a little more each time.

The key though is core strength, The stronger everything around the discs is the less trouble they give you out of just incidental rubbish like not paying attention to your limits or chucking 200lb drunks out of the bar you're working far to often for someone your age lol...

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Yeah streaching is the only way that helps but only towards knees.. 

I also have a custom orthotic brace that I wear when I ride my e-bike. Sounds a bit funny something as tame as an e-bike lol but my ebike was clocked on radar at 110 km/h and there was throttle left lol. I dunno how fast it actually goes as I had to put it up until my back is in better shape again lol. The cop asked me if I was "F'ing nuts" and he was surprised he could get a good radar profile on a bicycle hahahahahaha...

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I have 3 collapsed disk because of a bad overweight deadlift that rolled on a cheater plate (im 6ft5 ) .. had to drop 30lbs because of the amount of top heavy weight i had , but im hearing bcp-157 can do wonders .. always wondered how true it actually is ! 

bpc-157 will help in total system recovery and act as an anti-inflammatory, combined with TB500 you have the known wolverine stack for recovery.

However, you still need the discs to be settled into the back.  With posterior herniations, you need to be doing sloppy pushup/cobra based exercises to get the disc to move a bit more anteriorly and take the pressure off the nerve.  Then the medication can work at settling the tissue and building up scarring to block it from bulging again.

Of course, making sure you don't continuously anterior load your back is the best way too, ensuring you are also hip hinging when bending and moving and not putting forces through your back.

The compounds can help heal, but it doesn't fix structural issues in an of itself.

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I've used BPC and TB before for a tennis elbow. That definitely helped a lot. Scared the bejesus out of me when I was told by my source I need to inject directly into the painful tissue, but it wasn't all that bad and like two days later i started feeling benefits that I wasn't getting for the weeks I was getting no where. I was able to get my exercises in at the gym, though I couldn't lift as much, but at least I could train, and I kept going. I can't imagine you can inject directly into a disc?!?

I used 1 mg a week for about 8 weeks for me and it worked really well.
Funny I see this thread... I am going to try BPC 157 as my GP told me the same garbage, offered me 6 weeks of tylenol 3 or naproxene and just gave me recquisition for an xray... intead of ultrasound and mri...

I've been taking 6+ weeks of pain ibuprofen and tylenol myself and it has barely helped. The pain was/is so bad and I even got migraines and fever from how painful it was.

So I am trying to book a physio and I will try BPC 157...
Funny I see this thread... I am going to try BPC 157 as my GP told me the same garbage, offered me 6 weeks of tylenol 3 or naproxene and just gave me recquisition for an xray... intead of ultrasound and mri...

I've been taking 6+ weeks of pain ibuprofen and tylenol myself and it has barely helped. The pain was/is so bad and I even got migraines and fever from how painful it was.

So I am trying to book a physio and I will try BPC 157...
I'm using BPC 157 and TB500 right now for tennis elbow on both sides, as well as a wrist sprain. 7 days in and I've gone from 30-40% improvement to 90%. It's freaking insane how amazing this stuff is.

I mix both bottles into one, then draw 500 mcg worth (so 10-20 iu if you're mixing 1-2 ml), then do a direct injection into the tissue with slin pin. Sweet baby jesus I love it.
I'm using BPC 157 and TB500 right now for tennis elbow on both sides, as well as a wrist sprain. 7 days in and I've gone from 30-40% improvement to 90%. It's freaking insane how amazing this stuff is.

I mix both bottles into one, then draw 500 mcg worth (so 10-20 iu if you're mixing 1-2 ml), then do a direct injection into the tissue with slin pin. Sweet baby jesus I love it.
did this post bicep tendon surgery a few years ago, cut my recovery into less than half. amazing mix
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