High Dose Short Cycle Log


Trusted Member
Aug 15, 2018
Hi there everyone,

For those of you that are following my Madol log know I've been also taking DNP from BT. I took it for about 5 days before I left on a surprise trip to Vegas. 

So now that I'm back, I'm going to run a cycle for the next 11 days to basically the end of my cycle.

So it's 200 mg a day for the first 4 days, then 400 mg a day for the remaining 7.

From my previous run I've learned that one does not take it on an empty stomach and with orals before a workout. 

I took my first dose just after lunch and on a full stomach. So far few sides. Taking another dose momentarily. 

It does make you somewhat lethargic. You'll have definitely less sides with dosing your DNP with food.

Follow along if you like. Looking forward to the experiment. 


So far taking DNP with meals is the way to go in my opinion. 

Mind you I'm only taking 100 mg twice a day for 4 days before I ramp it up tp 200 mg twice a day starting Saturday. 

My energy has been great. Unlike when I dosed it pre-workout at the beginning of the month. Sure, I can feel my internal temperatures increasing, but it;s not crazy and I am able to sleep well and not cover the bed in sweat. I'm sure that'll change when I double the dose. 

So I just ate some salmon with basmati rice and then took my DNP. The carbs help increase the thermogenic effects of the DNP, but I do try and steer clear of most carbs as they are my nemesis. 

It's still early, but I'm feeling good. Shit should get real by Sunday. 


I did a one week blitz but first I did a massive carb depletion ,literally like keto for 3 days. went upto 600 mg. Best fat loss blitz ive ever done in my life,ill be following along bro. Stay hydrated and keep the supplements up. I use to add in some glycerin aswell

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I ran as high as 750mg of Dinitros DNP my last go - and felt like hell lol

the jump for myself between 500 and 750 was huge. 500mg I didn't feel anything too crazy, was certainly manageable, 750mg was warm, lethargic - just zombie like. I feel like 600mg would be my tolerable dose. Now everyone has different experiences with DNP so take it slow, pay attention to how you feel and supplement with many minerals.

In all honesty, while I like to push the envelope and experiment with many things - I truly feel like DNP isn't needed to achieve what most of us are after. A low dose T3, moderate amount of clen has produced much better looks. 

I ran as high as 750mg of Dinitros DNP my last go - and felt like hell lol

the jump for myself between 500 and 750 was huge. 500mg I didn't feel anything too crazy, was certainly manageable, 750mg was warm, lethargic - just zombie like. I feel like 600mg would be my tolerable dose. Now everyone has different experiences with DNP so take it slow, pay attention to how you feel and supplement with many minerals.

In all honesty, while I like to push the envelope and experiment with many things - I truly feel like DNP isn't needed to achieve what most of us are after. A low dose T3, moderate amount of clen has produced much better looks. 
You're probably right. I ran a moderate clen/T3 cut in the spring and really enjoyed the results. I've read so much about DNP that I wanted to try it for myself. 

I do believe you have to find your own sweet spot. 400 mg a day for me seemed like quite a lot. I doubt I'll go over that on this run. But may just slightly on my next.

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So for the past 2 says I've been experimenting with timing of my doses. Yesterday I took my first dose with lunch and the second in the evening about an hour before bed. 

Since this shit makes you lethargic as hell I figured before bed would be advantageous and help ward off some of the insomnia effects of running tren. 

So the effects of the DNP were definitely lessened with taking it with a meal, which I've already mentioned. During the meeting last night I did doze off a little, but that is in part to the DNP and needing more than about 5 hours of sleep which I have been getting all week. Leaving at 4:30 in the morning and getting home at 10 or 11 every night can get to you. Also I am somewhat still recovering from Vegas. 

Last night I slept very well. I think there is a benefit to taking a compound like this about an hour before bed. It may not be with a meal at that time, but I don't care as any dopey effects from it will only act as a sleep aid. 

Today much of the same. DNP just after lunch and I'm feeling pretty good. Nothing unusual. A little hotter maybe but not unreasonably. 

I'll be home a little later tonight. maybe around 11-12. I'll take my next dose then. To ward off night sweats I've been sleeping completely naked. Just so you get an idea, my wife sleeps in a nighty thing, with her thermal mattress cover turned ON, and a thick comforter! I sleep naked, and for the most part uncovered. No sweats to write home about.

Whatever you gotta do right?

So tomorrow is day 5 of this high dose short DNP cycle. The dosages double to 400 mg/ day. 200 mg in the am and 400 mg in the pm. 

This is when shit's going to get real. Thankfully I'll have a 2 days to assess my tolerance before going back to work. 

That's all for now and thanks for following. 

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Since I didn't post yesterday I'll double up today.

I felt really good taking DNP with meals. As mentioned on Friday I took a dose with lunch, and another about an hour before bed. 

The only concern I have since running it since Tuesday has been not to let it wipe me out during the day when needed energy is a premium.  Sure it's easy to be amped up after you've poked yourself full of AAS and are headed to the gym, but by mid afternoon this shit can make you fall asleep while walking mid-stride if you're not careful.

I've felt no nausea. No insomnia to speak of, night sweats have been contained but literally sleeping naked in a cool room. Just some lethargy.

Yesterday  I upped my dosages to 400 mg a day. 200 mg in the morning and once again at night. I took the first dose after my protein shake in the morning. Felt fine. I did start to get ravenously hungry by around 1 pm. The wife and I were running errands so I picked up some rotisserie chicken to eat on the fly. 

Felt pretty good all day. No ill effects of the increased dosage. I can certainly feel it, but no adverse reactions.

I know people run it higher but I'm not sure there is a need for a guy like me looking for the ultimate Dad bod. I'm perfectly fine with the progress I'm making and don't feel any potential side effects are worth trying to rush something that's on it's way all already. 

My experience has been a positive one so far. There was more trepidation if anything when I began DNP. But now I think with a common sense approach and responsible dosing it delivers on it's expectations 

Thanks again to Bodytech. I've read some complaints of them being underdosed. That certainly hasn't been my experience with using their products solely for the past month.

Thanks for following along. 


i think a lot of these under dosing comments against all labs come from competition. Politics at its finest.

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I ran as high as 750mg of Dinitros DNP my last go - and felt like hell lol

the jump for myself between 500 and 750 was huge. 500mg I didn't feel anything too crazy, was certainly manageable, 750mg was warm, lethargic - just zombie like. I feel like 600mg would be my tolerable dose. Now everyone has different experiences with DNP so take it slow, pay attention to how you feel and supplement with many minerals.

In all honesty, while I like to push the envelope and experiment with many things - I truly feel like DNP isn't needed to achieve what most of us are after. A low dose T3, moderate amount of clen has produced much better looks. 
clen is old school,clen causes scarring of the heart. Id go for albuterol> clen

Also there is no doubt in my mind that DNP is the definition of the best fat burner,no clen or anything can compare.

I have done a moderate 200mg a day for weeks and enjoyed that cycle more than an clen and eca stack. I suffer from anxiety and clen being a hardcore stim made me miserable

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its sad but happens,im hoping everyone tries to be fair here.
That's just it. You can express a negative experience without being an asshole about it. When I read reviews I want to know a little bit more  than " It was fucking awesome", or, "it was fucking shit!" 

Just because someone doesn't respond well to a lab or compound doesn't mean someone else won't. 

It's when you get a bunch of people saying it didn't live up to their expectations I refer to a lab as "not good." I never take one persons opinions as gospel. 

Labs are in business to supply a product. it doesn't do them any good to cut corners. Especially in this world where reputations and quality is paramount regardless of price. 

We as consumers are always looking for the best value= best gear for the best price. One term than makes me queasy is, "you get what you pay for." 

My very first lab was Teragon. Considered by many to be a "discount lab." But in all fairness their gear were just as good as any highly touted lab charging 3-4 times the price. 

I believe if you've been around long enough you know which labs are good and which aren't. it doesn't take that much research. 

The least effective cycle I've had was with a very expensive lab. The product was sustanon so it's not like I was a, "non-responder" or anything. 

But hey, if it worked for others, have at it. 

Any complaints I've had with labs about communications (primarily) or shipping has always been addressed and sometimes rewarded with goodies thrown in. 

What I have never done, or will never do I post some shit on a forum. I just think it's low class. If I ever have a issue that's unresolved I'd likely contact the admins of the board or boards and let it work itself out there. 

knock on wood, that hasn't been necessary. 

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So yesterday was my 2nd full day at 400 mg per day. things were going swimmingly as we had brunch with the in-laws then out taking the niece and nephew out for candy n shit. While shopping I sat down and nearly fell asleep. A cat nap if you will, but once we left the store (it was freakin hot!)I as fine. 

I was fine for the rest of the day. I took my second dose at around 10 pm. Hit the hay around 10:45, up at five feeling good. 

For me, this dosing protocol and timing works best for me for dealing with the lethargy DNP brings. 

DNP on an empty stomach= Not so good. 

DNP on an empty stomach pre-workout with other oral AAS= not good

DNP with meals a few hours before or after working out= GOOD!

With or without DNP I take a nap around lunch anyway. When you're usually only getting 5-6 hrs of sleep a night (and not quality sleep) naps are a fact of life. 

Other than the occasional sweats I feel good. Tightening everything up for the this final week with before and after pics to come Saturday. 

Other than the taste DNP has been good so far. 

400 in this weather is great,600 killed me. Im happy you did DNP and saw the good part of it vs the bro science people put out there. Its an excellent compound

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400 in this weather is great,600 killed me. Im happy you did DNP and saw the good part of it vs the bro science people put out there. Its an excellent compound
For sure. You read all this shit about it and people acting like you're gonna die off just one dose. Ridiculous. It's been great.

I stayed away from tren for years because of the same fear mongering. 

Both compounds have been fantastic. 

its the same thing about insulin,very easy to use and safe but too much fear mongering as you put it

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So 5 days in at 400 mg a day and I can say that lethargy is here. Was very drowsy last night and although I slept well I had to drag myself out of bed and around the gym this morning.

I still summoned the will for some great lifts today but as I write this I am already feeling sleepy. I have some ephedrine if need be but I don't like mixing fat burners. 

I've staved off night sweats by sleeping completely naked in  a cool room. My wife sleeps in layers. LOL But it works. I'm not waking up in a pool of sweat like I had been all summer on clen. 

I can definitely see the definition in my abs even though the past two days were heavier on the carb side. 

I've noticed that I am constantly hungry on DNP. And when I eat I'm still hungry. You have to be very mindful of what you're doing or you'll succumb to your cravings. I've done it once or twice. Eating keto leave me hungry all the time. So something to be mindful of when running this compound. it may  be different for you...

Not much else to report. 

Until tomorrow. 

So 5 days in at 400 mg a day and I can say that lethargy is here. Was very drowsy last night and although I slept well I had to drag myself out of bed and around the gym this morning.

I still summoned the will for some great lifts today but as I write this I am already feeling sleepy. I have some ephedrine if need be but I don't like mixing fat burners. 

I've staved off night sweats by sleeping completely naked in  a cool room. My wife sleeps in layers. LOL But it works. I'm not waking up in a pool of sweat like I had been all summer on clen. 

I can definitely see the definition in my abs even though the past two days were heavier on the carb side. 

I've noticed that I am constantly hungry on DNP. And when I eat I'm still hungry. You have to be very mindful of what you're doing or you'll succumb to your cravings. I've done it once or twice. Eating keto leave me hungry all the time. So something to be mindful of when running this compound. it may  be different for you...

Not much else to report. 

Until tomorrow. 
this is why sibutramine is important on dnp,kills all cravings

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