High Dose Short Cycle Log

So today is my last day of dosing DNP. It's been roughly 11 days since I've started using it and about 7 at 400 mg per day. As the compound has been building up in my body I've started to sweat profusely. I've been out at a few functions with my wife and I've been sweating through my suit. I like to wear a newsboy cap and I can't wear it unless I'm outside. I'm seating all the time now. My metabolism has sped up like nothing I have ever experienced before. I am literally hungry a half an hour after I eat. If I have a low carb or no carb meal it's like I haven't eaten anything at all and I'm still starving after dinner. People say eat no carbs. I think it's impossible if you're lifting heavy during a cut. Well if you're lifting to any serious degree during a cut. Be moderate with them. There were times I binged because I had almost zero carbs and it drove me crazy. Moderate amounts help with that. But you will  crave them a LOT.

I can honestly say that without a doubt DNP is the best fat burner I've ever used. I've had vascularity in parts of my body I've never had vascularity before. The veins pooping out of my shoulders and arms have been unreal. In my quads, lower abdomen, calves... unreal. 

My only disappointment was that my diets was 100% on point. I still have about 10 lbs to lose to look absolutely shredded, but it's always the last 10 lbs that's the hardest to lose. next cut for sure. Damn carb cravings! 

But I'm super happy with my physique. I've maintained size by lifting as fucking heavy as I possible could as often as I could regardless of body part. 

If my wife wasn't such a horn dog lately I would've run an ECA stack with it to stave off hunger ( cuz it makes you hungry all the fucking time!) and as a boost pre-workout.

I'll post up some pics this weekend when I have time. It's been hard with my 15 hr days this week. 

I hope those following get an idea of how to use this compound if you haven't already tried it. I also hope it teaches you that you don't need to run ridiculously high amounts of a compound to get results. 

At the end of the day all drugs can be dangerous when used improperly. We're here to educate ourselves to not only become the best version of ourselves, but to be realistic in our approach, methodical in our application, and successful in our pursuits. 

I have no doubt that DNP can be a very dangerous drug if used by an impatient novice looking to make shortcuts. But properly dosed to YOUR tolerance, you should be safe and happy with your results.