Masked Log


Feb 18, 2019
Hey guys,

Masked here, let me just start by saying I've been natty for 4 years, close to 5 years with on's and off's because of a couple of injuries, never did any steroids but I am looking for my first cycle right now. 

My stats are 5'7 weighting 185lbs right now, I'm 22yo. I am in a semi-bulk right now, thinking about cuting down before my cycle. 

I'll attach pictures of what I look like right now. Also, do you guys think I should cut down more before the cycle to make sure I dont get too many side effects?

Thanks! I'll keep you guys updated on what my cycle will look like!




Looking good bro. Do you plan to use gear? Or currently on? Most people begin their cut in March but to each their own. 

I will only try to loose 5-10 pounds of fat before I start my cycle, so I'm guessing I'll be ready in a month, not trying to get shredded before my cycle. I will not use any gear to cut, but I'll bulk while on my cycle even if summer is coming! 

Looking good buddy. You've got an excellent base to start from. I must say that only 22 you've got potential for more growing naturally. Maybe something you want to consider before your first pin?

Just know it's a big decision. The community supports you here either way. Keep learning and educating yourself!! All the best

I agree with @Fullblown on this one. You’re only 22. Unless you’re looking at getting into some serious competition I’d hold off on the gear. If you’re just doing it recreationally I wouldn’t bother. Your natural test is at full peak right now, no need to mess that up. It’s a big decision man. You got a good frame on yourself and you haven’t even hit your peak yet. Don’t take the easy way out and try to hit your genetic potential naturally.  It’s your health that’s at stake here too. If you plan on settling down and having kids this is also a huge factor, it’s something that’ll follow you for life so make sure you understand all the consequences. On another note if you’re dead set on using aas. Stick with a basic test e or c cycle of no more than 10-12 weeks. Have some nolva and clo mid on hand as well as an AI. At your age sticking with a basic test cycle and not adding multiple compounds you’ll recover easier once you come off. Limit your test to 400mg/week. As your first you don’t need any more than that. But heck at your age I wouldn’t even consider running anything other than a strict diet and hard ass training for the next few more years. 


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Thanks for the comments guy! I know I might be young but I clearly want to dedicate my life to working out and having the best physique as I can! I would really love to enter a bodybuilding competition and this is my next step! I am currently considering going on gear because I have been struggling with low test for 3 years now. Seen my personal doctors who recommended seeing an endo about my current condition. Last blood work my test came out at 5,5 nmol/l. I have been feeling shitty for the past years and have been through a depression, started getting gyno too. At this point the endo won't get me on TRT, and idk why??? He though I was on steroids when I went to see him which I was clearly not, never did any steroids in my life. I'll have another blood test this wednesday and I'll see what I'll do from there! Appreciate your comments! Also, my first cycle would be test e 400 or 500mg/week, Ill have an AI on hand and nolva for my pct!

I would say your test isn’t that low, maybe in bloood, but I have this theory that as a natural that heavy training, maybe even overtraining can reduce test levels.  So blood tests are missing the peaks, and if you are constantly training hard it could look low as it’s being used.  Don’t train for a week then do your next blood work, but keep eating like you are triaining and see what happens.

If your test levels were really that horrible you would have not achieved the build you have now.

I would look at what supplements you are running and the food you are eating.  Check out your shampoo, does it have tea tree oil in it, if so chuck it, that shit is horrible for men.  Also check your body wash.

Do you eat any soy products?  Stop that as well.  You drink out of water bottles all the time?  But a thermos type of water container.

Maybe a suplement you are taking is suppressing your test levels?  Most of that stuff is not regulated.  Are you using a test booster. Or gh enhancer?  If you are not sure where to start, then get on a basic diet with lots of red meat, and good carbs like potatoes and rice, oats.  Don’t overdo the carbs and eat fat.  So chicken skin/thighs, fat on steaks and so on.  Your body need cholesterol to produce hormones.

Anyhow this is just me guessing.

If you want to run gear, you don’t need to justify it, you are 22, you are an adult, run it.  But there is a down side to gear use, it is addictive to feel on and I’m glad I waited till I was older.  See life has a funny way of getting in the way of the gym. 

I’m going to echo what @ElectricRocker and @Sorbate said.  At 22 it’s a huge decision... I’m not saying don’t to each their own, at 22 no one could tell me anything.  Unless you plan on trying to make it a career I would truly weigh the pros and cons and truly educate yourself as much as possible.

Im not saying the tests are wrong but like @Sorbate said there’s no way you would have built what you have on constant low test like that.

i wish you all the best brother 22 is young you’ve got your whole life ahead of you priorities change.  At 22 I didn’t want kids, I have 4 now... shit changes all I’m saying is it’s a personal decision and I’m sure everyone here will be around to help you whichever path you choose 

Looking good for not touching the gear pal. If it were me, I’d hold off because of age and your bloodwork results. Have you used any prohormones?  Your test is super low, plain and simple. No tea tree oil or soy is gonna make your test that low at 22 unless you’re crushing bricks of tofu on a daily basis (and still, not gonna do it).  I do agree that you absolutely should be getting more bloodwork done to verify and get to the bottom of whatever is causing your hormones to be so low before starting a cycle. When something affects quality of life you need to figure that out. It’s uncommon but not impossible to have low test at your age. If your doctor is not listening to your symptoms, get a new one.  Other than that, keep up the good work 

Alright, so I get my blood test results guys! 

Here it is:

T Total : 10,3 nmol/L scale is 8,3-30,2 nmol/L (def on the lower side, but better than last time)

SHBG : 24 nmol/L scale is 19-79 nmol/L

Estradiol : 60 pmol/L scale is 40-161 pmol/L

LH : 3,3 U/L scale is 0,6-12,1 U/L

Prolactin : 12,3 ug/L scale is 3,5-19,4 ug/L

TSH : 2,9 mU/L scale is 0,3-5,0 mU/L

FSH : 2,08 U/L scale is 1-12 U/L

Anything I should be worried about here? My prolactin seems to be on the higher side, anything I could do to bring it down?


Alright, so I get my blood test results guys! 

Here it is:

T Total : 10,3 nmol/L scale is 8,3-30,2 nmol/L (def on the lower side, but better than last time)

SHBG : 24 nmol/L scale is 19-79 nmol/L

Estradiol : 60 pmol/L scale is 40-161 pmol/L

LH : 3,3 U/L scale is 0,6-12,1 U/L

Prolactin : 12,3 ug/L scale is 3,5-19,4 ug/L

TSH : 2,9 mU/L scale is 0,3-5,0 mU/L

FSH : 2,08 U/L scale is 1-12 U/L

Anything I should be worried about here? My prolactin seems to be on the higher side, anything I could do to bring it down?

Try some vitamin B6 to get that down a little. 

Try some vitamin B6 to get that down a little. 
Got on B6 + Ashwaganda, I can feel its working for sure, I had some gyno from it and its slowly starting to get away!

Also, for my update, I started 2 weeks ago on 500mg of Test E per week, pinning monday morning and thursday morning. 

Started the cycle at roughly 190 pounds, right now I'm at 200 pounds. Calorie intake per day is about 3k, trying to eat as clean as I can. 

My only problem is pinning. I've only pinned the upper outer quadrant of the glutes alternating from the right glute to the left one because I've seen a lot of people saying that pinning delts or quads is somewhat more painful than the glutes. But oh boy, I've had some fucking painful PIP on my last injection monday. The swelling started going up on my tailbone and right now I cant even sit or sleep on it. Today was my chest/shoulders/triceps day and oh boy was it painful just lying on the bench. I'm thinking about trying ventro glute this thursday, or hell even quads because I cant stand the pain right now. For your information, I am pinning with a 23gauge 1 1/2 inch. 

I'll upload some pictures of my progress soon. Cheers!

Week 7 in progress, up 10lbs since week 5, now sitting at 215lbs.. I think the test really kicked in this week. Here's a back shot for you 🙂 :58380146_638166086645536_6925456880139501568_n.jpg