More CBD Info for Lifters


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Aug 23, 2018
CBD For Lifters

It won't get you high, but it might be just what the hardcore lifter needs.

Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of 104 chemical compounds known as cannabinoids found in marijuana plants. CBD lacks psychoactive properties and won't get you high the way THC does. This is appealing for people who want to experience the benefits from the plant without the side effects.

What benefits? It's an emerging field, but people have successfully used CBD for the treatment of pain, anxiety, depression, migraines, inflammation, and much more. From an athlete's perspective, it's excellent for recovery from training as it helps ease muscle soreness and reduce chronic inflammation.

Personally, I've been supplementing with CBD for a while to help treat my tendinitis, lower back pain, and headaches. It's been a lifesaver. I can train hard and concentrate on my lifts without worrying about the constant pain I used to have.

I rely on this supplement stack daily for my recovery:

25mg CBD

2 capsules Curcumin

With the evolving cannabis laws in North America, it's becoming a lot more mainstream, and a less restricted topic. If you're fortunate enough to live in one of the states or provinces that allow the sale of marijuana extracts, you can check out your local dispensaries or online stores for more information.

It's available in many forms, including tinctures, pills, vape pens, mints, candies, and more.

CBD is going to be a big player in the near future as a recovery supplement in the fitness scene - I've been using it for about 3 or so months now and can't praise it enough. 

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I’ve just started using cbd oil a few weeks ago.

I had my doubts but it helps with my tennis elbow a bit, and the anxiety at night when trying to sleep. I’m happy with it.

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If anyone is ever looking to be scripted legitimately let me know I know a clinic that can get it done no matter where in canada you are.  I can 100% help I use CBD religiously after all my injuries from my time in the army and Afghanistan tours and its amazing stuff the medical stuff is off the chain

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If anyone is ever looking to be scripted legitimately let me know I know a clinic that can get it done no matter where in canada you are.  I can 100% help I use CBD religiously after all my injuries from my time in the army and Afghanistan tours and its amazing stuff the medical stuff is off the chain
Good to know, thanks man

If anyone is ever looking to be scripted legitimately let me know I know a clinic that can get it done no matter where in canada you are.  I can 100% help I use CBD religiously after all my injuries from my time in the army and Afghanistan tours and its amazing stuff the medical stuff is off the chain
I’m curious, but why would anyone need a prescription for cbd oil now? Is there a difference between prescribed and the otc that we can get at any cannibis store?

I’m curious, but why would anyone need a prescription for cbd oil now? Is there a difference between prescribed and the otc that we can get at any cannibis store?
you need to know the way medical vs rec works.  You don't get to write rec off when you do income tax You do get too for medical.    Next drug coverage is coming for medicinal scripts, third there is a big difference as a lot of CBD strains rec vs medicinal too some of the LPs will never release their medicinal strains in the rec market......Quality is also a big difference.  Trust me when I say I know my shit in this area....  There are also different rules for use rec vs medical In Liu of where and where you may not use etc etc judging from the rumours I am hearing you may not eventually be able to get CBD in the rec stores  Heath canada is playing with ideas

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you need to know the way medical vs rec works.  You don't get to write rec off when you do income tax You do get too for medical.    Next drug coverage is coming for medicinal scripts, third there is a big difference as a lot of CBD strains rec vs medicinal too some of the LPs will never release their medicinal strains in the rec market......Quality is also a big difference.  Trust me when I say I know my shit in this area....  There are also different rules for use rec vs medical In Liu of where and where you may not use etc etc judging from the rumours I am hearing you may not eventually be able to get CBD in the rec stores  Heath canada is playing with ideas
Thanks, I’ll look into it. I’ll take you up on that clinic of yours? My dr is very much against it

i keep herering it works and it doesnt all the time, is it different from person to person?
its like gear brother some work for some other NO,.   I find that it works for me and my wife we both are lucky that it does work for us....

its like gear brother some work for some other NO,.   I find that it works for me and my wife we both are lucky that it does work for us....
I don’t necessarily think it “works or doesn’t”... just like gear I think we have people that need to use different amounts. 

With CBD it’s taken me awhile to find my sweet spot, and it’s a fair amount. When I first started I used a little and didn’t notice anything. So I gradually increased until I found it - now it’s one of my favorite recovery tools. 

I don’t necessarily think it “works or doesn’t”... just like gear I think we have people that need to use different amounts. 

With CBD it’s taken me awhile to find my sweet spot, and it’s a fair amount. When I first started I used a little and didn’t notice anything. So I gradually increased until I found it - now it’s one of my favorite recovery tools. 
I work in the field and we have patients who just for some reason do not respond well to straight CBD and we end up having to use hybrid strains with more THC in them.   but yes you are right its all about finding the sweet spot so to speak,   we also find one strain of CBD ie an indica based strain works for some and a sativa base cbd strain works on others.  Isreal has some amazing research done in regards to cannabis based medicine and its mind blowing as to how far behind the 8 ball we are. 

around 20% of people have a genetic mutation that increases the natural endocannabinoid level in the body. If you’re lucky enough to have this mutation, you’ll feel less anxious than a normal person but conversely, since you have extra cannabinoids already, CBD may prove ineffective.

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I work in the field and we have patients who just for some reason do not respond well to straight CBD and we end up having to use hybrid strains with more THC in them.   but yes you are right its all about finding the sweet spot so to speak,   we also find one strain of CBD ie an indica based strain works for some and a sativa base cbd strain works on others.  Isreal has some amazing research done in regards to cannabis based medicine and its mind blowing as to how far behind the 8 ball we are. 

around 20% of people have a genetic mutation that increases the natural endocannabinoid level in the body. If you’re lucky enough to have this mutation, you’ll feel less anxious than a normal person but conversely, since you have extra cannabinoids already, CBD may prove ineffective.
20% is a fairly significant amount for a genetic mutation - but that’s very cool. I’m looking forward to seeing more and more research come out on the area as it’s an area I’m quite new to

20% is a fairly significant amount for a genetic mutation - but that’s very cool. I’m looking forward to seeing more and more research come out on the area as it’s an area I’m quite new to
 I agree the number seems very large.  But I am blown away a\how far behind the 8 ball we are so to speak.  I hope one day gear ends up the same way as cannabis has.  Would be amazing to see,  One day all those things the Americans have vilified will be regulated.  their war on everything will one day come to an end. and one day we will be responsible for what we put in our bodies.    Thank god Canada is coming around

I work in the field and we have patients who just for some reason do not respond well to straight CBD and we end up having to use hybrid strains with more THC in them.   but yes you are right its all about finding the sweet spot so to speak,   we also find one strain of CBD ie an indica based strain works for some and a sativa base cbd strain works on others.  Isreal has some amazing research done in regards to cannabis based medicine and its mind blowing as to how far behind the 8 ball we are. 

around 20% of people have a genetic mutation that increases the natural endocannabinoid level in the body. If you’re lucky enough to have this mutation, you’ll feel less anxious than a normal person but conversely, since you have extra cannabinoids already, CBD may prove ineffective.
Good info man. 

I don’t necessarily think it “works or doesn’t”... just like gear I think we have people that need to use different amounts. 

With CBD it’s taken me awhile to find my sweet spot, and it’s a fair amount. When I first started I used a little and didn’t notice anything. So I gradually increased until I found it - now it’s one of my favorite recovery tools. 
How many mg do u find is the sweet spot and at what strength or percentage of cbd?