My bodytech log

I had an AWESOME workout today, can't wait to train Friday (back is the plan)

Right now I am running Tuesday and Friday injections of:

  • 1cc Tren200
  • 1cc Mast200
  • 0.3cc T400

Preworkout I am taking

  • 200mg caffeine
  • 8mg ephedrine
  • 5mg BT Albuterol
  • 1x BT Var
  • 1x BT Stanolone
  • 2x BT Turinabol

I will lower Turinabol soon too and drop it.

So I am winding down the doses and I feel good. I am still making progress.

Today I was able to do the most on bench since restarting after COVID lockdown. I also tested incline bench DB presses and I was okay up to 70lbs. As per friend's suggestion I will do this so my ligaments and tendons get used to it before I get wild. One of the days he's in we'll train together and I'll attempt light seated shoulder presses with his support so I can finally start building my shoulders again, it's been a year and two months since I last could train shoulders regularly.

Finally, my right bicep is feeling better but still aching BUT I am able to curl again...! So hopefully my arms will start growing again, felt good!

Cardio is also getting easier and I am going to keep it up post-lifts every time.

Thursday November 5 2020

  • Start 743
  • Finish 909

Decline bench

  1. 135x26
  2. 225x12
  3. 225x8
  4. 245x4
  5. 245x7
  6. 275x4

Db curl

  1. 35x17
  2. 40x14
  3. 45x10
  4. 45x10
  5. 45x10

Tricep rope

  1. 42.5x13
  2. 50x16
  3. 57.5x12

Single db behind neck both hands

  1. 65x19
  2. 70x13
  3. 70x15

Incline db

  1. 45x17
  2. 55x13
  3. 65x8
  4. 70x6

Db hammer curl

  1. 65x6

Db curl flat

  1. 47.5x8

Life fitness tricep extensions

  1. 150x12
  2. 150x8
  3. 150x4 cramping


  • Start 854
  • Finish 909
Oh and Ipamorelin 200mcg and mod-grf 200mcg is good to go, helps me sleep better and it must be contributing to the healing of the bicep and shoulder. It's been so long since I ran it as it used to be a staple in my arsenal years ago (I never would get off it).

BPC157 unfortunately once again did not help me, I am being honest. I know I am being sponsored and get free items here and there, but unfortunately didn't work for me 😞 Everything else is killer and I love.

Morning update, went to bed with 150mcg ipamorelin and 150mcg GRF-MOD and I had very good quality sleep. Also chest is sore, haven't felt that in a while (good kind of sore).

Friday November 6 2020

  • Start 358pm
  • Finish 6pm

Pissed off today, came in all excited to train back and the gym blocked of all my fav back equipment! My buddy was pissed too we both came to train back.

We're having to improvise... just as I started to make steady progress again... Fuck COVID. Apparently might have to start booking appointments soon too no more lineup... and... they are further reducing amount of ppl that can be in gym. Also in Sauga it might go down to 10 ppl in the gym at a time when they reopen. So much bs.

Barbell rows

  1. 135x20
  2. 135x16
  3. 155x14
  4. 155x11
  5. 175x9
  6. 195x7
  7. 195x7
  8. 195x4
  9. 215x4
  10. 215x5

Working my forearms with this exercise as it's my weak link here lol

Rear delt db raises

  1. 17.5x20
  2. 17.5x20
  3. 20x16
  4. 20x16
  5. 20x12
  6. 22.5x14
  7. 22.5x14
  8. 25x12
  9. 25x12

Reverse deck

  1. 130x13
  2. 130x11
  3. 130x7

Crossover cables rear delt

  1. 17x13
  2. 17x15
  3. 17x15

Life fitness front pulldowns sideways

  1. 90x12 cramped bad fuck
  2. 90x12 mad hungry
  3. 100x12
  4. 110x12
  5. 120x12

Seated cable rows

  1. 190x13
  2. 205x12
  3. 205x13
  4. 220x8

Life fitness torso rotations

  1. 150x13
  2. 170x12
  3. 170x12
  4. 190x11
  5. 190x12

Db sideways (oblique/ab)

  1. 60x14
  2. 70x12

Was going to do cardio but I am so hungry and just about to eat now...

Right now I am running Tuesday and Friday injections of:

  • 1cc Tren200
  • 1cc Mast200
  • 0.3cc T400
So orals aside you are running about 400mg tren/wk, 400 mast/wk and 250-ish test/week. 

Looks pretty fun and intense.  How are you liking it and how long are you planning to run it?  

This will be my 'cruise' I stay on all year as I am on HRT for life. It's smooth, I feel good and make steady progress.

Lower test works well. I also take aromasin every other or every third day depending on sides.

SO I was mad pissed last night, not only did they lock up certain machines on Friday, now my gym needs booking in advance AND wait in line. So if you book 6pm, you have to come early, can't be late more than 15min (that time counts) and you and everyone else has to be prechecked before being let in at 6pm. So tecchnically I only started 615pm BUT you have to leave 7pm sharp. So I had to go bathroom and guess what I barely had a workout. Can't do cardio.

So I am seriously considering switching gyms, so pissed off.

Monday November 9 2020

  • Arrived 543
  • Start 612
  • Finish 659

Decline bench

  1. 135x20
  2. 225x11 was 12
  3. 235x9
  4. 245x5
  5. 255x4 failed on fifth rep
  6. 265x1
  7. 275x1
  8. 285xfail

Tricep pressdown bar

  1. 42.5x14

Db curl

  1. 37.5x15
  2. 40x14
  3. 45x10
  4. 47.5x7
  5. 47.5x7
  6. 50x7
  7. 50x7

Db lateral

  1. 45x12
  2. 45x12
  3. 45x13

Incline bench db

  1. 60x7
  2. 65x6
My friend and I are cancelling our membership at our old gym and joining another. No comparison between the two. Today they locked down even more equipment at our old gym, so pretty pointless to wait 40 minutes, train 30 minutes and pay for that. The new gym is double the price but pro oriented, 10x the amount of equipment (and good unique equipment). Lots of buddies and old competitors I know in there. I am also making another old friend join up as he is fed up of the restrictions. So the three of us will train together.

So as a point of reference while there is similar equipment, it's all different brands and set of equipment.

Tuesday November 10 2020

  • Start 512
  • Finish 700 (I don't remember the exact time as the phone died on me and I also did some cardio on stairmaster and talked to another old friend for about 20 minutes)

Hammer strength Outer hip abductor

  1. 295x20
  2. 305x30

Hammer strength Inner hip abductor

  1. 295x20
  2. 305x30

Cybx eagle Leg extensions

  1. 170x16
  2. 190x16
  3. 190x17

Atlantis single Leg curls

  1. 45x20
  2. 60x13
  3. 60x10


  1. 135x12
  2. 135x12
  3. 225x6
  4. 225x6
  5. 225x5
  6. 275x3 seeing stars n extremely hungry

Atlantis bent single Leg curl

  1. 45x14
  2. 45x14
  3. 45x13
  4. 45x11
  5. 45x14

Five sets of Leg presses (phone died)

4 minutes on stair master

I like to see you pushing through man.  Not letting those setbacks get you down.

have you had your bloods taken lately?  You’ve been running some orals and other liver harsh stuff for quite some time now which could contribute to some of the crappy feeling.   

im down here smack dab in the middle of the USA, and crap has spiked here too.  So far no shut downs in my area, but just having an election and blah blah blah, I’m anticipating it happening after the turn of the year.   You know,  I’m reading that like 96% of all these covid cases are asymptomatic.   Wouldn’t you think by now with that kind of percentage of people catching the virus, but not actually getting sick from it.  That the whole “herd immunity” approach is the most logical?  I mean cmon.   Old people, and people with pre existing conditions/immune deficiency take the precautions needed, and let the average joes just go about as normal?   There is a vaccine out now for those compromised indeviduals.   

how do you like that ATLANTIS equipment? My gym got rid of hammer strength a few years ago and went with Atlantis.  I personally like Atlantis better.  Definitely smoother and the more adjustable range of motion for sure.

anyway dude, cheers and keep on trucking!

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Bros I am SPOILED at this new gym! My buddy is super happy, we literally the whole time were like kids at a candy store! So fricking excited and motivated! We were jacked back in the day together and so training together again AND at a good gym this time around we are esctatic.

Everything we've tried is epic, bro, we're in the middle of the training session and we are already giddy about the next day and what we're gonna try out and do.

Today everything we used was AMAZING, it just kept getting and feeling better. He trains like a pure BBer I am part PL, so we push each other in the opposite directions and it helps us both progress. So while training with him I go for volume and tension alot, I do the aggression thing and pushing numbers and the envelope.

We push each other just the right amount too.

Anwyays felt epic literally worked out two hours with him and we wanted to keep going LOL

Best decision ever moving gyms together and I am getting another buddy who is a big PLer joining up saturday! Getting my whole old crew to join together!

Oh ya cause I didn't have proper hamstring machines at my old gym I am so f'en sore today from yesterday, it just feels different when you try different equipment and feel that lactic acid burn finally haha, it's like what we were telling each other, we were pretty much 'maintaining' the way we trained at our old shitty gym (limited crap and options)

Wednesday November 11 2020

  • Arrive 528
  • Start 530 (f yea no wait time)
  • Finish 746
  • Leave 747

There's so much equipment choice at this gym, equipment brands and models I never even heard of so lol don't mind me if I have some long ass names in here.

Life fitness seated cable rows

  1. 42.5x20
  2. 70x20
  3. 80x19
  4. 80x18

Panatta Lat machine convergent

  1. 45x25
  2. 90x20
  3. 90x18
  4. 90x18

Hammer strength row

  1. 90x18
  2. 90x18
  3. 100x14
  4. 100x15
  5. 100x14

Nautilus seated plate rows with dynamic motion handles

  1. 90x15
  2. 90x13
  3. 90x14

No label plated single row Machine

(AWESOME similar to hammer strength/life fitness but unique and felt the squeeze and burn)

  1. 45x20
  2. 45x15
  3. 90x18
  4. 90x18
  5. 90x20
  6. 135x13
  7. 135x9

Hammer strength isolate single rep pull downs

Same/but different to my old gym THIS WAS AMAAAZING we were so impressed, the lat squeeze and pump!

  1. 70x19
  2. 70x20
  3. 80x19
  4. 90x18
  5. 90x15

Abdominal crunch (plate loaded)

  1. 25x13
  2. 50x16
  3. 85x20
  4. 85x10
  5. 50x18
  6. 50x48
  7. 60x27
  8. 60x20
  9. 60x18

Side oblique plate bends

  1. 45x16
  2. 45x16
  3. 45x15
  4. 45x16

Tomorrow I am giddy to do chest/shoulder training there are SO MANY options.. I'll still continue decline benching but there are so many unique options, plate loaded laying flies, lateral raise options (standing, sitting, bent -- bent one hits rear delts too sick), a shit ton SHIT TON of vertical presses, incline presses, omg... I will be in trial mode and just gotta keep my head on straight and not tear my right again and hopefully finally start growing my shoulders after a frickin year and my chest properly (i made all this progress on the decline dont wana undo that)!

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ya them orals are dropping hahaha... I am doing good

I had a great workout yesterday, but I took today off. I also heard our region is going red so more restrictions (FUCK)

Thursday November 12 2020

  • Arrive 524
  • Start 532
  • Finish 722
  • Leave 726

Decline bench

  1. 135x25
  2. 225x11
  3. 245x6
  4. 245x5
  5. 265x4
  6. 275x2
  7. 295x3 spotted need to improve

Db curl

  1. 37.5x15
  2. 40x14
  3. 45x10 flat + 4 sideways
  4. 50x7
  5. 50x8

Atlantis Lateral delt standing raises

  1. 45x35
  2. 75x23
  3. 90x23
  4. 90x21
  5. 105x14 this is the weight to challenge me
  6. 105x13
  7. 105x13 wrist hurting a bit
  8. 105x16

Atlantis behind the neck seated Bar Tricep extensions

  1. 60x15
  2. 60x9 hard as hell
  3. 60x13

Problem with this machine is getting started as bar is so far behind the neck to grab to start

Flex fitness systems bisolator singles

  1. 80x21
  2. 80x22
  3. 100x14
  4. 120x14
  5. 120x12
  6. 130x14 don't go higher improve tension n form

Atlantis seated bent flies rear and lateral delt

  1. 75x12
  2. 75x15
  3. 75x15 great
  4. 90x12 really hard but did it must improve
  5. 90x13 done

Atlantis plated standing shoulder press perpendicular handle

  1. 90x14
  2. 90x

Cooled off talking to my buddy lol n someone took my Machine

Strength 3xl flies

  1. 25x16
  2. 25x12
  3. 35x15
  4. 35x7 tired

Panatta inclined chest press

  1. 90x15
  2. 90x17
  3. 110x18
  4. 110x12 tired

Atlantis plated standing shoulder press perpendicular handles

  1. 90x12
  2. 110x12
  3. 110x8
  4. 130x7
  5. 130x6
  6. 150x6
  7. 170x4

Db lateral one handed

  1. 45x14
We have the Atlantis seared shoulder press plate loader.  It’s one of my favorite machines.   I usually use the outside grip, which is more like a conventional press.  The inside grip I think hits more upper pec.     Atlantis blows hammer strength out of the water in my opinion.

dont worry too much about the weight on that decline bench bro.  I’ve always seen decline as more of a mass and development type movement, especially at the steep decline of most set ups.  Concentrate on the reps and the squeeze and your boobies will fill out nicely.   Hitting decline super heavy is a good way to get injured, especially at our old age lol..   as I get older, I tend to steer further and further away from any barbell presses.  Even now I might do a flat barbell bench once or twice a month just to see where my strength is at.  Dumbells are so much more safe, and easier to go to failure with!

I am getting really worried if we get shut down, my area is in red zone starting monday so most likely it'll be down to ten ppl at a time.. better than closed, i am booking in advance but I'll find out the news monday.

Tomorrow I planned to train legs but I won't as the wife is making us go up north some place... so no gym tomorrow. Scared for monday...

@BodyTechPharma I emailed your rep, I am guessing the man is just enjoying his weekend but I thought I'd tag you 🙂

Saturday November 14 2020

  • Arrive 1110
  • Start 1115
  • Finish phone died...

Hammer strength isolateral row

  1. 90x18
  2. 135x18
  3. 180x8
  4. 180x12
  5. 180x13
  6. 225x8 very tough and hungry

Different feel to my old gym version - better harder and smoother

Hammer strength plated low row

  1. 45x21
  2. 90x14 tough
  3. 90x14 better
  4. 100x14 tough
  5. 100x14 better
  6. 100x14
  7. 110x10 tough

Pannatta Lat machine convergent

  1. 45x23
  2. 90x14 pain in right Bicep, elbow, Rotator and Lat lmao
  3. 90x7
  4. 90x16 good feel n form

No label played single row Machine

  1. 90x16
  2. 135x5 too hungry

Hammer strength isolate rap pulldown

  1. 45x27
  2. 90x 8 tough
  3. 90x12 tough
  4. 90x12 tough n hungry
  5. 90x10 tough

Atlantis seated bent flies rear and lateral delt

  1. 75x15 tough still I think not recovered from Thursday
  2. 75x16
  3. 75x12 tough n hungry
  4. 60x19 good feels
  5. 60x

Pannatta seated lateral raise

  1. 30x25
  2. 40x26
  3. 50x18

Atlantis plated standing shoulder press perpendicular handle

  1. 90x11
  2. 90x8 too hungry
  3. 90x6
  4. 100x7
  5. 110x6
  6. 120x5 hungry tired


  1. 50x12+18
  2. 80x12

Did low of sets of this before leaving. Phone battery died so I didn't get chance to record it probably a good 6 more sets. I went up to 120lbs on last set

Oh yeah I weighed myself this morning and I am down to 260lbs

The change in scheduling and training late is hard on me so far, having to space out meals so far out and get hungry at night before training, it'll get some getting used to even for my buddy.

So last night was 1030pm, tonight is midnight... and i have to get up for a team meeting it'lll really really suck.

I barely ate today and it's supposed to be legs tonight for me... but family is coming over and soon we'll make some lamb so hopefully that makes me feel good!

Also I got gear on the way from Bodytech, hopefully by thursday as I am out.

Monday November 16 2020

  • Leave 1013pm
  • Arrive 1024pm
  • Start 1036pm
  • Finish 1201am
  • Leave 1207am

Decline bench

  1. 135x25
  2. 225x11
  3. 245x6
  4. 255x3

Db curl

  1. 37.5x15
  2. 40x15
  3. 45x12
  4. 50x7

Atlantis plated standing shoulder press perpendicular handle

  1. 45x12
  2. 65x8

Atlantis standing laterals

  1. 60x16
  2. 75x16
  3. 75x18
  4. 90x13
  5. 90x14

Db incline

  1. 50x14
  2. 55x14
  3. 55x7 has to stop need to try different bench shoulder clicking on this incline not good

Atlantis plated standing shoulder press perpendicular handle

  1. 65x8
  2. 65x7 slow n controlled
  3. 85x6
  4. 85x6
  5. 95x6
  6. 95x6

Atlantis bent handle rear n lateral delt

  1. 60x18
  2. 75x19
  3. 75x13
  4. 90x14
  5. 90x18
  6. 90x14

Db curl

  1. 50x17
  2. 50x10
  3. 50x8 hungry and tired

Atlantis Standing laterals

  1. 105x12

Flex bisolator

  1. 100x14
  2. 100x18
  3. 110x19
  4. 120x12
  5. 130x12

Strength 3xl plated flies

  1. 25x15
  2. 25x20 tried to be really focused having to be super careful on right shoulder n chest
  3. 25x20 same better
  4. 25x18
Tuesday November 17 2020

  • Arrive 1142
  • Start 1205
  • Finish 130
  • Leave 135

No caffeine or ephedrine today but I did take cialis the other which has caused me to cramp on higher reps

Late night timing is also not quite working with my food timings either

Hammer strength Outer hip abductor

  1. 295x30
  2. 305x40

Hammer strength Inner hip abductor

  1. 305x27
  2. 305x20

Cybex eagle Leg extensions

  1. 190x15
  2. 190x9 higher rep last time
  3. 190x6
  4. 190x6
  5. 190x4 bad cramping had to stop
  6. 170x12
  7. 170x8
  8. 170x4 horrendous cramping

Atlantis single Leg curls

  1. 45x20 bad cramps from cialis
  2. 60x13
  3. 60x10


  1. 135x11
  2. 155x3
  3. 185x3
  4. 205x3
  5. 225x3
  6. 255x3 so empty n hungry
  7. 275x1
  8. 295x1
  9. 315x1

Atlantis Leg press

  1. 360x8
  2. 360x8

Single Leg curls

  1. 60x12
Wednesday November 18 2020

  • Leave 1020
  • Arrive 1030
  • Start 1037
  • Finish 1205

Life fitness seated wide rows

  1. 50x25
  2. 70x18
  3. 80x14 lower back pump
  4. 80x14

Panatta high row

  1. 45x20
  2. 90x22
  3. 135x8
  4. 135x7
  5. 115x14 good feels
  6. 115x16
  7. 115x14
  8. 90x17

Hammer strength plated low row

  1. 90x17
  2. 100x14
  3. 100x16
  4. 100x12
  5. 110x10
  6. 110x7
  7. 100x6

Hammer strength individual plated pull downs

  1. 45x31
  2. 70x20
  3. 70x17
  4. 70x16

Nautilus xplod Lat pull down plated

  1. 80x15
  2. 105x15
  3. 105x10

Prime extreme row setting 1

  1. 45x20 very unique machine and feel
  2. 45x12 lowered seat as I'm tall
  3. 55x12
  4. 55x12
  5. 65x12
  6. 65x12

Life fitness seated rows close grip

  1. 60x16
  2. 60x20
  3. 70x12
  4. 70x15
  5. 70x12
  6. 80x12

Pannatta abdominal crunch

  1. 50x20
  2. 75x25
  3. 75x25
  4. 85x22
  5. 85x16


  1. Start 1201
  2. Finish 1206