my diet


Trusted Member
Oct 26, 2018
Meal 1
fasted drink only
Only use 45 grams of whey protien mixed with water choose protien powder that is 25 grams to around 6 carbs!!
Workout 45 minutes
- Meal 2 post Workout

1 pk oatmeal 2 egg whites 1 whole egg
1 wheat toast
- Meal 3
Chicken breast baked or grilled 8 oz
1 bowl
Salad lettuce mixed leaf, cherry tomatoes
Fat free vinegarette ONLY 1-1/2 table spoon max
Meal 4
1 Fruit apple, orange, banana etc..
1 Greek yogurt fat free
Meal 5
8 oz pork loin
1 plain sweet potateo
Broccoli 1 cup
Meal 6
High fiber cereal 1 serving size only
Skim milk 1/2 cup

 I need to fix this up to where the protein is high enough to help recover from what's going to be some savage workouts.

What’s your stats? (Age, bodyweight, fat% etc)

Whats your goal? (Bulk, fat loss, recomp, etc)

Are you on any gear?

age 31 300 pounds 6 feet tall unsure of bf% on gear. gonna cut try to lose fat.

Try to get in some low intensity fasted cardio in the morning. Go in incline treadmill and at a nice walking pace. You’ll shed the pounds good

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 I'm planning on hitting the gym tomorrow morning I will do the incline treadmill then bike then workout. or vice versa

excellent advice boys.  cardio for a good 30 min then hit the weights empty stomach is best you burn through your glycogen stores start burning fat like a mofo

Cut off eating past 2-3 hours before sleeping.  Early morning cardio no food just water.  Rowing machine is great because it activates all muscle groups.  More muscles firing = more energy spent. Do what you will not hate though.  I’ve said this before on another thread but I’ll say it here too.  Find something you don’t hate!  I hate running on the treadmill so I don’t fuckin do it... might be a bit better I don’t know, but find something you will stick to. All fine and dandy that x exercise will do wonders but if you hate doing it what does it matter.

last of all DONT LIE TO YOURSELF know where you are know that you have work to do and don’t make excuses for yourself. I’d say 80-90% of this game is mental.  Telling your brain to fuck off while you get that last rep or tell your brain to fuck off when you’re starving on 1600 calories a day.  If you can get that conquered you can do anything!!!

Meal 1
fasted drink only
Only use 45 grams of whey protien mixed with water choose protien powder that is 25 grams to around 6 carbs!!
Workout 45 minutes
- Meal 2 post Workout

1 pk oatmeal 2 egg whites 1 whole egg
1 wheat toast
- Meal 3
Chicken breast baked or grilled 8 oz
1 bowl
Salad lettuce mixed leaf, cherry tomatoes
Fat free vinegarette ONLY 1-1/2 table spoon max
Meal 4
1 Fruit apple, orange, banana etc..
1 Greek yogurt fat free
Meal 5
8 oz pork loin
1 plain sweet potateo
Broccoli 1 cup
Meal 6
High fiber cereal 1 serving size only
Skim milk 1/2 cup
How much cardio are you doing? Whats the intensity like? Are you doing every day?

Are those portions of protein cooked or uncooked? Is this an increase in calories or decrease from your previous diet?

What gear and doses are you doing? 

What are your workout looking like? how many days off? What your perceived recovery like currently?

Have you taken any body measurements? BF callipers? or just scale? Progress Pictures?

My honest opinion initially is for a guy your size, this is VERY skimpy in terms of not only protein but calories as well. Other than the protein portions being larger in a given meal - I have Figure and bikini girls that I diet for a show on more calories than this. HOWEVER, its all dependent on what you were consuming prior to starting this diet. I also notice you carbs are spread throughout the day - any reason for this? Why are you eating Pork? Your fats are nearly non existent - any reason why? 

just scale and progress pics. I'll get some measurements in about 2 weeks. 3x a week light walk for about 2 hours...part of my job. when I get to the gym ..30-45 minutes. One muscle a day. I've been off the diet for a week. 500mg test e a week. I take metaformin 500mg 2x day. for insulin spikes sugrs

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just scale and progress pics. I'll get some measurements in about 2 weeks. 3x a week light walk for about 2 hours...part of my job. when I get to the gym ..30-45 minutes. One muscle a day. I've been off the diet for a week. 500mg test e a week. I take metaformin 500mg 2x day. for insulin spikes sugrs
Whats the rate of loss per week? I'd ditch the metformin - I think thats a terrible drug (if you're not prescribed it that is)

That diet definitely needs to be cleaned up. 40/40/20% is usually a good starting point. You need more healthy fats in your diet. Personally, I’d start taking omega 3’s or add some salmon to your diet, whole eggs and a bit of either avocado or some olive oil.

If you got some cash and really want to get shit together, look into hiring @funnyman

Worth every penny.

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IMO anyone with a good amount of weight to loose would do well with a keto style diet or palumbo. And a meal is not a meal unless its protein based

If you're 15+ BF I would recommend changing your diet. Drugs aren't a miracle drug. They may seem that way with guys with low BF percentages.

But let's be realistic... it doesn't matter which forum you visit, anyone with any amount of experience will tell you that diet is 99% of the game. You can't out train our out juice a bad diet.

As a matter of fact, most steroids will make you fatter in the long run.

Be smart. read, learn, apply the knowledge, then juice. 

And yes, I was one of those impatient guys who didn't listen and learn. I threw money away hoping for a fantasy. 

There is no such thing in this game. AAS and their cousins are merely an enhancement to that you are already doing correctly.

For instance, if you want to look good by summer (At 15% BF) you start in February to look good by June. That's diet.. not drugs.

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NovaFreak said:
As ElectricRocker said treadmill on the incline low to moderate pace keep your heart rate in the moderate range that's where the fat burning happens,  if you go too high it goes into cardio training.
I do 4,2 km treadmill at a speed between 5.5 and 6 km/h on a 15% incline ... Do you mean that I'm not burning any fat?

Yeah I agree with @eazy57. Also a big point that if you’re high BF% and running test you’re just asking for troubles with your aromatization levels and estrogen and all that fun stuff. Recipe for disaster really. Get that BF way down and then decide if you want to run aas and what not. Now is definitely not the time u TIL that is under control. 

Yeah I agree with @eazy57. Also a big point that if you’re high BF% and running test you’re just asking for troubles with your aromatization levels and estrogen and all that fun stuff. Recipe for disaster really. Get that BF way down and then decide if you want to run aas and what not. Now is definitely not the time u TIL that is under control. 
Somewhat disagree. I’ve ran test and an ai at a high (for me) level of body fat % just to preserve as much muscle as I could during a cut last year. If it’s done right, then I wouldn’t worry about it.

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Meal 1
fasted drink only
Only use 45 grams of whey protien mixed with water choose protien powder that is 25 grams to around 6 carbs!!
Workout 45 minutes
- Meal 2 post Workout

1 pk oatmeal 2 egg whites 1 whole egg
1 wheat toast
- Meal 3
Chicken breast baked or grilled 8 oz
1 bowl
Salad lettuce mixed leaf, cherry tomatoes
Fat free vinegarette ONLY 1-1/2 table spoon max
Meal 4
1 Fruit apple, orange, banana etc..
1 Greek yogurt fat free
Meal 5
8 oz pork loin
1 plain sweet potateo
Broccoli 1 cup
Meal 6
High fiber cereal 1 serving size only
Skim milk 1/2 cup
Your diet is way too low in protein. Also is there a reason you are going so low fat? That can't be good for hormone balance, metabolism or hunger. I would increase fat and decrease your starch.

You should have protein in every meal without relying on shakes. You should avoid fat free anything... These are a inexperienced dieters trap.