PL 2019/2020 offseason log


Active member
Aug 15, 2018
Starting a new log today.  There are some interesting changes this offseason regarding total athleticism and not strict bodybuilding.  I am opening up a Tae Kwon Do club with a fellow master 5th dan instructor, and after 17 years of not practicing, i'm getting back into the fold.  So this means I have to not only attempt to get to the splits again (and improve all general mobility), but I also have to have my cardio jacked way way up, or else i'll fail the upgrade dan tests miserably.

I see this only as an extremely positive thing.  So i'm contining my bodybuilding offseason mass building sitting at 227 or so pounds (see new pic), but I will be training towards a 10 km run by the spring.

This past week I'm starting at 2 km. Can do it at 5.5 mph in 13:30 mins.  I suck.  OMG i'm out of shape.  Heart rate constantly at 160 bpm.  Splits training has got to be the ABSOLUTE WORST i've ever done.  I can't believe I was able to be full side and long splits as a 17 year old.  Not anymore as a 36 year old.  It's improved a lot, but I have months to go to get anywhere close to bottom.  Every inch of muscle in my pelvic girdle has shortened to unbelievable lengths..sitting for 8 years in school, practicing for 10 years as a physio sitting at a desk charting.  I know this will positively affect my squats, deads, etc having better mobility too.

Current cycle:
Body tech Test 800, Equipoise 600, NPP 450 weekly.  Dbol 50 mg daily for 6 or so weeks.  I will be starting genetic cardarine at 10 mg daily to see about the improved cardiovascular effects, as well as mk677 12.5 mg, bumping up to 25 once I am accustomed to it and not wanting to eat everything in sight.

side chest sept 16.jpg

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Sitting at 225.6 this morning and I look bigger and possibly leaner! Arms are absolutely bigger!! I found a nice pose for myself too that seems to work!






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230 lbs. Getting bigger! Staying lean!

Turkey gains are coming from this thanksgiving! New PR row row rowing that heavy 315 lbs ass weight up for a crude 6 at the end of my workout. Be thankful for something! I'm thankful for my family, my health and career, and especially the blessing of being able to wake up every day and make a difference, no matter how shitty the day begins or ends.

View attachment 20191014_183451~2.mp4



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Well I PR'd another tonight with 3.5 plates per side on shoulder press.  Got that vid up too but gotta figure out how to embed it without taking such a huge frame in the box.

I feel great!!  This is by far the best offseason i've had for steady gains, strength, growth.  And it's nice and simple really.  

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Oh yeah! My fave threads in forums are logs and progress pics. Definitely following this. Sick shoulder press. Kill it bro!

238 lbs today! Still have ab lines! Man. This has been a frickin awesome offseason!  My freaking arms feel like their bigger than my fat head now!





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You asshole making me want to do arms more ! You look good brother whatever you are doing this offseason keep it up don’t change a thing it’s working for you ! 

A bit more full body.  Still can't say enough good things about how this cycle is going. Pumps and strength are fantastic. Fullness, vascular, the whole deal. Eating 3000 Cals a day. 20-25 mins of cardio 3-4 days a week. I'm definitely in the classic physique stage. 





Looking good man, if you follow you can see the changes , I love a good log like this thanks for taking the time to do it .

Hot damn you guys

BT stuff fucking rocks

Check me out!!  I can't believe I look like this in the offseason.  Sitting at a good 240 lbs still but changing shape!

nov 22 back d.jpg

nov 22 front d.jpg

nov 22 most m.jpg

nov 22 side chest 2.jpg

nov 22 side chest.jpg

nov 22 side t.jpg