PL and wife fall 2020 training log


Active member
Aug 15, 2018
Hello lifters, No
I am putting up my first training log on this board for both myself and my wife (who is not a part of this board).  I hope you find what I put up entertaining, enriching, and a positive learning experience.

37 yo
235 lbs
Two competitions under my belt

36 yo
135 lbs


Left Calf: 15.5"

Thigh: 25.25"

Hip: 41.75"

Waist: 39"

Bust: 41.75"

Chest" 48.75"

Shoulder 52.25"

Left Arm: 15.5" (cold at side unflexed)

Her (Sept 28, 2020):
Left calf: 13.5"
Thigh: 21"
Hip: 38"
Bust: 29.5"
Chest: 36.5"
Shoulder: 38"
Left arm: 11.75"

Training plan: I train Sun/Mon/Wed/Sat and sometimes fridays.  Tue/thur I Teach Tae Kwon Do so I continue to do body weight training and flexibility training.  My wife is an avid cyclist and hits a million hills, usually biking 16-25 km almost daily and has a spin bike in the house, as well as standard training 4-5 days a week.

Cycling: I will be running bodytech test enanthate 800 mg/wk, as well as NPP 600 mg/wk.  I will be starting with a new product called Tdrol which is 12.5mg Turinabol and 12.5mg Superdrol, twice a day for a month. I will use Asin at 12.5 mg every 3rd day as I am well tolerant to gear and can keep my E2 under control.  I will be running this total for 16 weeks.  I am on permanent TRT at 200 mg/wk so when the cycle is done I will just resume my normal shots and keep E2 under control.
My wife will be using Ostarine at 12.5 mg/day for a month, and if tolerated, will bump up to 25 mg.  She will also be using their liquid T3, ramping up to 50 mcg over a week, maintaining for up to 6 weeks, before ramping down.  She will also be trialing their HGH Frag at 250 mcg in two shots, waiting 20-30 mins, and then doing 20-30 mins of cardio afterwards fasted. She will do these shots on training days, probably in a 2-3 day on/1 day off approach.

I won't keep this log extremely detailed, but will give progress shots and updates regularly.  I have used bodytech gear for 6 years now, with my shows, and am a significant supporter of them.  I do not receive kickbacks, I do not make money off this log or by supporting them.  Anything given is by pure donation and no expectation of reciprocation.  They make absolutely great gear, great prices, and have been oustanding in their support.

Here are some great pics of us!  Showing recent photos plus a couple of stage shots.






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So i'm going to breakdown my training days as to what I generally do, and that way when I reference it, I reference to this post:
Yesterday I trained shoulders, and I really don't worry about weight too much as long as i'm stimming at the time.  If I do something like a new PR, or regaining significant ground, or even feeling weak, i'll comment on it.

Seated hammer strength press superset with wide grip upright barbell rows 4x10-12

Dumbbell laterals superseat with cable face pulls 4x10-12

Bent over dumbbbell laterals superset with cable laterals on same side 4x10-12

Flat bench press 2 warm ups x12, then 4 sets of 8-10 - unless on power days i go 4 sets of 5 to try to max out

Seated hammer chest press 4x10 superset with cable flys

Dumbbell pullovers superset with incline dumbbell flyes

***i'll change the last exercise at times to incline smith press with cable flyes

Seated or prone hamstring curls 4x10

Leg press (unable to do squats right now due to nagging back injury) 2 warm ups with 3-4 sets of 10 superset with standing one leg dumbbell calf press

Split squats superset with Sissy squats 4x10

Leg extensions 4x12-15

Hammer curls superset with cable rope pushdowns 4x10

Barbell curls with straight bar superset with dips 4x10

Seated incline dumbbell curl superset with single arm overhead tricep extension (or sometimes close grip bench on smith) 4x8-10

Pulldowns 4x10-12

Deadlifts (or rack deads) 2 warm ups with 3-4 sets of 6-8

Tbar rows or seated cable rows 4x10

Machine overhead one arm plate pulldowns 4x10 palm towards me 4x10

I also have training days for flexibility and conditioning: generally prowler/sled pushes, 200 m dash rows, the air attack bike (omg that sucks), a lot of splits training for tae kwon do, and kicking techniques along the wall to improve glute strength

@Physlifter Thank you for such a detailed log we are happy with the positive feedback of the products, I would like to reiterate what @Physlifter said he has no gain or kickbacks from BodyTech this is all on his own opinion , With that being said we do treat our loyal and longtime clients like family and that will never change so if we think something will compliment the cycle we will throw it in for a thank you for being loyal, Best of luck @Physlifter and wife . If you need anything you know how to reach us.

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Wife pinned her first 250 mcg shot of frag, 20 mins later doing 30 mins steady state cardio on her indoor cycle. Split the dose of her ostarine to take 12.5 mg

I did my second shot tonight. Think the schedule is Monday 1 ml T400, 1 ml npp; wed 2 ml npp, Friday same as Monday. I also took one tab of tbol today. Half Life for each compound is 12-16 hours give or take an hour. I'll see how the remainder of the week goes on one pill then I'll double it.

Training chest tonight. Should be a good one.

Here's pics of the gear so you know what were doing


So trained arms today. Strength already climbing and could feel a hell of an arm pump. I bumped up the tdrol to two tabs.

I had some bad anxiety today and I don't know why. It made the training tough. Heart rate was about 170 BPM consistently and I was quite nauseated. Seemed to have calmed down after the training. Tomorrow begins weeks two!

The wife feels skinnier already. No issues with injections, and is doing a 5 day on 2 day off approach to the frag (starts tomorrow). Still sticking to half an ostarine tab. Not experiencing any sides yet. She trained mainly glutes today and is trying to work on the side booty shelf.

Lighting it shit for me, but just after a big back workout. Could use a bit more pump though...and a bit better lighting  plus a little pic of the wifey





Great progress guys , @Physlifter amazing progress from the first photos until now . You definitely see it. Your shots are amazing .

Damn brother, you really bulked up and gained all that muscle back! Whats your current weight?

Haven't trained since friday.  I Have a severe case of sciatica going on in my left butt cheek with referral into the lateral part of my left knee (fibula region).  I can stand, I can sit, but transitioning between the two pretty much drops me. I've been having the wife at home treat me with acupuncture with electrical stim, having my own ultrasound unit, TENS, and light stretching as anything else creates a significant ache in my ass.  This started from overstretching a few weeks ago and has progressed.  I'll take off until wednesday and continue to treat it and hopefully it'll start resolving, so I can at least get something done and load through my body.

ps @Ryujiin they literally are my most fav gym shoes ever!

Big chest and arm thickness tonight! Back to finally benching 3 plates for 5 reps since covid gym restrictions lifted and I'm super elated! Training always harder than last time!! 





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Very nice man. How's the pump from the Tbol/Sdrol mix?

Good to see your up and moving and the ass nerve is leaving you alone. 

Very nice man. How's the pump from the Tbol/Sdrol mix?

Good to see your up and moving and the ass nerve is leaving you alone. 
The tdrol is very noticeable now. Vascularity increases within a few hours and a pump feeling before I even lift. There was such a large jump in strength in this third week it's hard to pinpoint exactly, so I'll say it's confirmation of the whole stack "turning on" now. 

My sciatica is still a bitch. It's pinching and referring still, but not as bad, so long as I'm mindful of every movement when sitting to standing. 

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Nice update today! Weight up to 240.4 yesterday and I got a new bench PR of 335 lbs for two! I uploaded the video here, hope you can see. Raw strength feels amazing on this cycle! 

Wife is down 3 lbs and it shows everywhere (especially being only 5 ft tall) but I'm sure inches are going down elsewhere. Measurements after this week.

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Nice pic update from the wife
Big changes in the last month running the frag and t3. Really coming in. She's down 5 lbs and on a 5'0 tall frame it's extremely noticeable. About 5 full inches too. Here are pics and see the difference 🙂




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