Ryu's Lean Up Log


Well-known member
Sep 12, 2019
OK, its finally time to do this. Not only as a way to track progress but as a way to put some pressure on myself to go at it full on with all the NL peeps watching. 

Im going to lock things down and give myself until June to hit 11%.  That's 6-7 months more or less with a kick off date of Dec 01. (A lot of business travel coming up over the next few weeks)


38 years old, 6'3" @ 238.14lbs and I would put myself around 21% BF.

Training off and on since I was 13.  Biggest, 308lbs when I was power lifting, smallest (adult life) 198lbs when I was in a very bad place. Skinny fat and such. 

Current Diet / Supplements: (Macros are estimates)

6:00AM: 100mcg Synthroid, 50mg Proviron, 1 baby aspirin, cranberry extract 

6:30AM: Curcumin, Q10, VD,  Liver Support, Maca w/ HGW (adding a OTC fat burner when this officially kicks off)

7AM: Omlet (3 large eggs, 100-150g shrimp, 1 cup mixed diced fresh veg, 1 small wrap) 40P, 20C, 12F

9:30AM: Shake (2 scoots whey – 50g, 1 scoop flax seed, 500mg VC 600mg Calcium w/Mag, ) 50P, 8C, 5F

12:00PM: 1 8oz chicken breast, 2-3 cups mixed veggies, 1 cup rice, 3 caps fish oil, multi V 50P, 40C, 5-10F

1-2PM: (adding a OTC fat burner when this officially kicks off)

2:30PM: Shake (2 scoops Whey, 3 caps fish oil, 500mg VC, 600mg Calcium w/Mag, 1 tsp husk fiber) 50P, 5C, 5F

5:00PM: (Pre-Workout) 1 x 8oz chicken breast, 1 large apple. 50P, 50C, 0F

6:30 to 8:00PM: Gym (BCAA)

8:30PM: 200g steak, 1 cup rice, 2 cups mixed veg 55P, 40C, 30F

Totals: 295P, 163C, 62F (1832+496) = 2328cal +/1 500cal

Training: Leg, Push, Pull, (LISS)

Legs A

Leg Press 5 X 3-5


Sumo Deadlift 3 X 8-10

Hip Thrust 3 X 15

Split Squat 5 X 8-10

Landmine Squat 5 X 10

Push A

Incline Machine Bench 2 + 5 X 5

Seated DB Shoulder Press 2 + 3 X 8-10

Dips 3 X failure 

Rainbows 5 X 10-12 (each direction)

Laying Try Extensions (behind head) 5 X 10-12

Pull A 

Deadlift 2 + 5 X 5

Deadlift 1 X failure (30% 1RM)

Chins or Pulldowns 3 X 8-10

Chest Support Rows 3 X 8-10

Shrugs 5 X 10-12

Cheat Curls 5 X 8-10

Reverse Fly 5 X 8-10

Bicep hang x failure 

Legs B

Squats 5 X 5

Squats 1 X failure (30% 1RM)

Leg Press 3 X 8-10

Single Leg Press 3 x 10-12

Hypers 5 X failure

Leg Curls 5 X 8-10

Calf Press 5 X 8-10

Push B

Overhead Press 5 X 5

Overhead Press 1 X failure (30% 1RM)

Incline Bench 3 X 8-10

Close Grip Bench Push 3 X Failure 

Landmine Press 5 X 8-10 or Cable Crossovers (multi level) 5 X 8-10

Laying Extensions (Arms Back) 5 X 8-10

Standing Laterals 5 X 10-12

Pull B

Romanian Deadlift 5 X 5

RDL 1 X failure (30% 1RM)

V Pull Down 3 X 8-10

Pull Downs 3 X 8-10

1 Arm Row 5 X 8-10

Hammer Curl 5 X 8-10

Seated Back Fly 5 X 10-12

Note: I try to put something AB based into the end of each workout (gymnast tuck, hanging leg raises, etc) normally 2-3 sets

Note: I do 20-45min LISS after each session if I have time (incline treadmill)

Note: Each workout is follow by 10-15min of full body stretching

Note: Training is 3ON, 1OFF format. 

Note: If the gym is busy, some exercises that are not BCL might get subbed, or just for a change. I will also change feet or grip placement sometimes just to hit a little different angle. 


I am hoping to run a little something extra come March 1: Test (TRT Dose 150mg wk, Mast E 500mg wk, Var 100mg wk) I would stop the proviron during this time. Not also that I run 500ui of HCG Mon, Wed, Fri. 

Then back to TRT after this little blast is done. 

Advice I am hoping for:

Diet: Any notes about the above. I was considering giving intermittent fasting a go (8/16) by more or less scrapping my first two meals and adding in some extra cals through the day. 

Training: Thoughts about the above, new program recommendations, etc. 

Extras: I am open to pretty much anything for the blast, but I am not a fan of overly high doses and this is for a lean out/little recomp. 


Ill snap a few "before" photos when I get back from this next business trip as I will be a little extra round then from all the eating out and whiskey. (I do not drink, as Im on TRT,  unless I am traveling for work, and its not much) 


I’m in for the follow , thanks for the detail you put in thus far.

Couple pics as promised. Just after getting to the hotel after my 15 hour flight lol.

I may have underestimated my bodyfat from the pic. You can see my pretty loose skin on the lower stomach. Yes, I have been pretty fat before. 

Still considering switching to IF once I kick off. Same plan, just delete meal 1 and 2 and try to move a few of the cal to meal 3/4 or 5. 


20191110 Side.jpg

How is everything coming along? 
I do apologize for the lack of updates. I am traveling for work right now so I have not officially kicked off yet.  I do plan on launching this endeavour this coming Monday as I will be back and rolling then. 

I do maintain my training while traveling though as well as, a more or less half assed version of my diet given most of my food is prepared in airports.

I was thinking weekly basic updates and biweekly progress photos. I then 100% plan on asking for advice on any tweaks to my plan.

OK. So I am back from my biz trip. Got in about 11PM last night after a nice 14 hour flight. 

Got up at 6am and took:

1 Thermo Burn, 1 cranberry extract w/VC-VE, 3 TetsoFX, 1 baby asprin. 

Just hit the office a few min ago and took 50mg Clomid, 25mg Aromasin, 500IU HCG. 

A couple modifications in the plan:

1. I have to fully come off my TRT for now.  I just got my last round of fertility results back and my motility some how dropped to 4% forward progression after it had rises to 14%, so that's confusing. 

2. I am going to switch to IF during the next 2-4 months.

3. I am still hoping to knock my girl up asap so I can get back on HRT and keep my plan to add var and mast pre summer.  But that will also depend on how fat I am at that time as well. 

Updated Diet:

12:00-1PM: Shake (2 scoops Whey, 3 caps fish oil, 500mg VC, 600mg Calcium w/Mag, 1 tsp husk fiber), 2-3 cups mixed veggies 

3PM: 1 8oz chicken breast, 2-3 cups mixed veggies, 3 caps fish oil, multi V 

5:00PM: Shake (2 scoops Whey, 3 caps fish oil, 500mg VC, 600mg Calcium w/Mag, 1 scoop daily cleanse) 

6:30 to 8:00PM: Gym (BCAA)

8:30PM: 200g steak or chicken or shrimp, 1 cup rice, 2 cups mixed veg 

Mixed veggies will typically be pulled from the following: asparagus, broccoli, cucumber, tomato, radish, spinach. 

Training will remain the same as previously listed. 

Starting weight this AM: 246lbs

Wish my luck. 

Good luck man you look like you have everything on track I love seeing a member that has such a detailed log , thank you !

OK. So I am back from my biz trip. Got in about 11PM last night after a nice 14 hour flight. 

Got up at 6am and took:

1 Thermo Burn, 1 cranberry extract w/VC-VE, 3 TetsoFX, 1 baby asprin. 

Just hit the office a few min ago and took 50mg Clomid, 25mg Aromasin, 500IU HCG. 

A couple modifications in the plan:

1. I have to fully come off my TRT for now.  I just got my last round of fertility results back and my motility some how dropped to 4% forward progression after it had rises to 14%, so that's confusing. 

2. I am going to switch to IF during the next 2-4 months.

3. I am still hoping to knock my girl up asap so I can get back on HRT and keep my plan to add var and mast pre summer.  But that will also depend on how fat I am at that time as well. 

Updated Diet:

12:00-1PM: Shake (2 scoops Whey, 3 caps fish oil, 500mg VC, 600mg Calcium w/Mag, 1 tsp husk fiber), 2-3 cups mixed veggies 

3PM: 1 8oz chicken breast, 2-3 cups mixed veggies, 3 caps fish oil, multi V 

5:00PM: Shake (2 scoops Whey, 3 caps fish oil, 500mg VC, 600mg Calcium w/Mag, 1 scoop daily cleanse) 

6:30 to 8:00PM: Gym (BCAA)

8:30PM: 200g steak or chicken or shrimp, 1 cup rice, 2 cups mixed veg 

Mixed veggies will typically be pulled from the following: asparagus, broccoli, cucumber, tomato, radish, spinach. 

Training will remain the same as previously listed. 

Starting weight this AM: 246lbs

Wish my luck. 
Any particular reason for using intermittent fasting?

Just a piece of advice - not that it overly affects anything, but have you not thought about switching the shake and introducing actual food instead? Simply for the satiating factor. As I know once calories get low it becomes way easier once shakes are removed. 

Did you do anything different from when you first posted? As your weight jumped nearly 8lbs since?

Are you prescribed synthroid? If so, do you routinely get blood work done to see if your TSH is in a good range?

Last thing, I'd just like to point out on your final meal that you are introducing a fatty source of protein alongside the option  of two leaner meats... I'd stick to one or the other, personally I'd just opt for the leaner (but I wouldn't have your carbs so low).

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Any particular reason for using intermittent fasting?

Just a piece of advice - not that it overly affects anything, but have you not thought about switching the shake and introducing actual food instead? Simply for the satiating factor. As I know once calories get low it becomes way easier once shakes are removed. 

Did you do anything different from when you first posted? As your weight jumped nearly 8lbs since?

Are you prescribed synthroid? If so, do you routinely get blood work done to see if your TSH is in a good range?

Last thing, I'd just like to point out on your final meal that you are introducing a fatty source of protein alongside the option  of two leaner meats... I'd stick to one or the other, personally I'd just opt for the leaner (but I wouldn't have your carbs so low).
Hi Corey, 

IF has worked for me in the past with good results and I find the scheduling to fit really well into my average weekday. Depending on how things progress, I might look at re-introducing meal 1 and 2 as I track this along. Maybe as a weekend thing. 

I was thinking to use the shake as a protein bench mark, but I do plan to throw 250-300g of Basa or chicken in there as an alt source.

My first post was pre-business trip. So a week of min 1 flight a day, bad jet lag, some drinking, and a few burgers I typically manage to go up around 5-10lbs from what I hope is water retention.  My next weight update should reflect a pretty hefty drop in lbs.

I was prescribed Synthroid a few years back (I was bottom end of the low range, so my doc put my on 100mcg as a "pre-measure") but after I moved I have not been able to get a good set of bloodwork done as were I live the doctors would rather tell me to "drink more hot water and dont eat cold things" then to issue a blood panel request. 

On my next trip over to Canada I do hope to get in for a full hormone panel as it is long over due. 

Good call on dropping the beef from my last meal. I think I will proceed with the chicken, shrimp or other seafood option outside of high fat sources. On the carb note, I was thinking about putting the pre-workout apple back in, but I get a little gun shy on putting a fructose based carb source there. Thoughts?

Thanks for the advise all around man.

Hi Corey, 

IF has worked for me in the past with good results and I find the scheduling to fit really well into my average weekday. Depending on how things progress, I might look at re-introducing meal 1 and 2 as I track this along. Maybe as a weekend thing. 

I was thinking to use the shake as a protein bench mark, but I do plan to throw 250-300g of Basa or chicken in there as an alt source.

My first post was pre-business trip. So a week of min 1 flight a day, bad jet lag, some drinking, and a few burgers I typically manage to go up around 5-10lbs from what I hope is water retention.  My next weight update should reflect a pretty hefty drop in lbs.

I was prescribed Synthroid a few years back (I was bottom end of the low range, so my doc put my on 100mcg as a "pre-measure") but after I moved I have not been able to get a good set of bloodwork done as were I live the doctors would rather tell me to "drink more hot water and dont eat cold things" then to issue a blood panel request. 

On my next trip over to Canada I do hope to get in for a full hormone panel as it is long over due. 

Good call on dropping the beef from my last meal. I think I will proceed with the chicken, shrimp or other seafood option outside of high fat sources. On the carb note, I was thinking about putting the pre-workout apple back in, but I get a little gun shy on putting a fructose based carb source there. Thoughts?

Thanks for the advise all around man.
I'm not a huge fan of IF simply due to optimizing protein intake - I don't particularly care for meal timing (unless we're talking optimizing everything - right now I'm talking very general), I do believe protein intake should be roughly every 3 or so hours depending on digestion to optimize MPS. In terms of weight loss, if calories are equated it really won't make a difference - so then I say its mostly down to preference. 

Not that you were wrong to have the shakes in there - just for food volume while dieting you may want to consider switching at a point where hunger levels get out of whack.

My advice is then go to a walk in clinic - they may be a pain in the ass but they're more to the point in my experience, don't let a ill informed, or non caring doctor mess with your health. I have seem more skewed thyroid bloodwork than anything. The best adjustment that I've seen is a blend of cytomel/synthroid... everyone is different and some people do respond well to synthroid monotherapy, but to others a blend is preferred.

My mention of the beef, is simply to help keep calories consistent. I personally prefer to diet myself on a lower fat approach and keep carbs higher.

You could certainly add it back in... I have ZERO issues with fructose, and believe the benefits of having fruit in a diet drastically outweigh any possible negatives. THE ONLY thing I wouldnt be a fan of in regards to adding it in (at this spot) is the fiber content. My preference would be something easily digestible/low volume/sugary... like rice cakes and jam, or my personal favorite Rice Crispy Squares. 

My preference would be something easily digestible/low volume/sugary... like rice cakes and jam, or my personal favorite Rice Crispy Squares. 
My mouth literally started to water reading that line.

I think I will put a piece of fruit back into the diet pre-workout. I hit the gym with a lot of energy yesterday but gassed out pretty hard near the end during LISS.

Thanks for all the advice Corey. Ill throw a weight update and maybe some comp photos this weekend. See how the first week played out with all the water weight dropping. 

Micro Update:

Yesterday my diet came OK (not perfect but good) with the following:

5:30AM: 1 cap thermal burn, 1 cap cranberry w/VC, 4000IU VD3, 3 caps TesoFX

11:45AM: 2 scoops Whey, 3 caps fish oil, multi V, 2-3 cups mixed veggies (my office provides a lunch everyday, I just dont eat the 4 cups of rice they slap on the tray)

1:45PM: 1 cap thermal burn, 1g VC

2:45PM: 8oz chicken breast w/mushrooms, 2 cups raw veg (radish, green pepper, tomato) 3 caps fish oil, 2 caps calcium 

5:00PM: 2 scoops Whey, 1 scoop north coast naturals daily cleanse, 2 caps calcium 

6:30 to 8:45PM: Gym (BCAA)

9:30PM: 8oz chicken breast w/mushrooms, 1 cup rice, 1 cup broccoli, 2 baked chicken wings 

11:30PM: ZMA

On that note, I hit my leg workout but there was a dude living on the leg press for almost an hour so I subbed leg press for land mine squats. 40min LISS after training. 

Today is on track to be the same thing (diet wise) except the 8oz of chicken is 200g of shrimp and my post workout meal will not have the chicken wings. As a side note, I do like to use raw coconut oil when cooking my meat, or at least throwing a tsp or 2 into the tubberwear with it after. 

Just throwing in a small update, but weight update and maybe pics this weekend. 

This has been a pretty good week.  Diet has been on track. No cheats. Feeling good and the water from my trip is pretty much all gone.

The thermal burn has been a good so far. Good stable energy through the day and the "warm body" feeling I seem to get form the ProGBB is a little interesting.

The only think I am finding a little odd is that my energy levels when I get to the gym have been way above normal.  Why is that odd? Well, as you know due to some fertility issues, I have been off TRT for 3 weeks now (50mg clomid, 25mg aromasin, 1000mcg HCG EOD) so I figured I would be feeling pretty crappy.  Anyway, its a nice surprise. 

On that note I might document my fertility results over the next few months in this thread as well,  just for anyone who might end up in the same boat.

As you can see from my last test things were not looking too good. Really hoping the above therapy turns it around so I can knock the wife up asap, get back on HRT and keep my little blast on schedule for a March kick off.  

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So, Im thinking the below pics should be the new baseline as this will be the crappy mirror and lighting I will be using for the next few months.

Energy has been consistent although I do find that by the time 11pm hits, I can barely stay awake. 

November 23, 2019

Weight: 105.3kg / 232lbs (taken 6am) 

Photos: morning, taken 7am-ish.

I will try to keep the photo and weight measurement time the same across the next few months. Anyway, Im a fat ass, so I wont be running anything special outside of my fertility protocol for the next few months until my fat levels get to a point that it is warranted. 

That said, the eight drop is there but its a little fake as mentioned above, and the photos are somewhat depressing lol.




So, Im thinking the below pics should be the new baseline as this will be the crappy mirror and lighting I will be using for the next few months.

Energy has been consistent although I do find that by the time 11pm hits, I can barely stay awake. 

November 23, 2019

Weight: 105.3kg / 232lbs (taken 6am) 

Photos: morning, taken 7am-ish.

I will try to keep the photo and weight measurement time the same across the next few months. Anyway, Im a fat ass, so I wont be running anything special outside of my fertility protocol for the next few months until my fat levels get to a point that it is warranted. 

That said, the eight drop is there but its a little fake as mentioned above, and the photos are somewhat depressing lol.

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Consistency my friend! Keep pushing

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The week started off really good. Excellent energy and strength across the board.....but then (dramatic pause) from Thursday to now I have been pretty sick with a head cold.

Training was dialed back to 10km walk each day (that I so anyways on my commute to and from work) 

Weight: 103.3kg / 227.8lbs 

Its another drop in weight but I doubt is has anything to do with the training and more to do with being sick and a drop in food intake. 

No pics this week as I'm feeling shy with all you jacked mofo's throwing up pics recently. Looking at you @Corey5150

Back at it next week full tilt. I will also have updated fertility test result coming next week (about a month fully off TRT while maintaining the Clomid/HCG/Armoasin protocol, so lets see. Given its a 72 day turn on new swimmers development, Im not expecting much.

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