Ryu's Lean Up Log

Not much of an update this round. Weight plateau near the end of the week, so I am upping the LISS to 40min from 35. No calorie modifications until I hit 60min cardio as a requirement to see progress. 

Some updated pics, and while I dont really see much of a change from the start to now, it has not been that long and Im not sponsored by Muscle Tech lol.




Todays workout:

Wide Grip Lat Pulldown 2 + 4 x 8-10

Wide Grip Behind The Neck Pulldown 3 x 10-12

Rope Straight Arm Pulldown 3 X 10-12

Dumbbell Shrug 4 x 8-10

Standing Barbell Curl 2 + 3 x 8-10 + 1 Cheat Curl Set

Incline Dumbbell Curl 3 x 10-12

Hammer Curls 3 X 8-10

Wrist Curls - Palms Down 3 x 10-12

Gymnastic Tucks 3 x Bodyweight Failure 

LISS x 40min (8 incline, 4.5 speed)

Todays food:

Meal 1: 2 scoops whey + 10g fiber, 1 TBSP natural PB, 4oz steamed ribs, 3 cups mixed greens (spinach, broccoli, and something else I cant spell) 

Meal 2: 8oz backed chicken breast, 1 avocado (w/ soy and wasabi) 

Intra-workout: 8g EAA

Meal 3: Post workout 1.5 scoops whey

Meal 4: 200g shrimp in a stir fry with asparagus, yellow and red peppers, garlic. No sauce. 

Meal 5: 3 eggs, salt/pepper

Energy and strength is good. I did manage to tweak my neck and right rotator somehow during the night...life. 

Good job man, you're coming along 

T3 will not eat you alive 

Taper up and taper down 

You'll feel next to no sides, doesn't mean it isn't working 

I'm not a big fan of sarms, I am more of a peptide+hgh guy 

If you're ever looking for a fat loss cycle with peptides, I can definitely help 

But rad is known to shut people down, as does lgd at higher dosages 

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I run lgd all the time and I actually really like it. Get close to results as I would of a light blast of say test e at 2-400 mg per week obviously without the good feeling of being on test. But I get good gains and strength goes up. But in my opinion lgd has worked well for me. I take 10mg on training days in the am and 5 on off days. Run for about 10 weeks. I wouldn’t waste it and run it with test though as you won’t see anything different. 

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If you're ever looking for a fat loss cycle with peptides, I can definitely help 
Thanks man. If the LGD/Clen/T3 dont get me into my 15% range I will be hitting you up for some knowledge for sure. 

 I take 10mg on training days in the am and 5 on off days. Run for about 10 weeks. I wouldn’t waste it and run it with test though as you won’t see anything different. 
Its my first go with SARMS so I figured Id try it solo to see what it does. I as also thinking 10mg ED in the AM for about 8 weeks. Will be interesting to see the effects when I start logging them. 

Quick Update (I know, I dont do the badass daily updates, just random weekly ones)


Barbell Shoulder Press: 2 + 4 x 8-10

Dumbbell Shoulder Press (Unilateral) 3 x 10-12

Upright Rows (DB) 3 x 10-12

Squats: 2 + 4 x 8-10 + DC Stretch

Deadlift: 2 + 3 x 8-10

Leg Press: 3 X 10-12

Standing Calf Raise: 4 x 10-12 + DC Stretch 

Liss: 40min 8 incline / 4.5 speed


Meal 1: 2 scoops whey, 5g fiber, 3 cups mixed greens, 1 cup tofu, 1 TBSP N-Peanut Butter

Meal 2: 8oz Chicken Breast, 1 avocado 

Pre-workout + Intra Workout EAA

Post workout: 1.5 scoops whey

Meal 3: 200g shrimp, mixed veg stir fry (Coconut Oil), 1 TBSP N-Peanut Butter

Meal 4: 3 small-medium eggs (I was starving)

Here is a shot of my SF to display my culinary skills, lmao. 


Micro Update:

Should is store sore so not sure what I did, but I have been avoiding any heavy stresser exercises or going lighter with it. 

Weight this AM was a surprise as I checked in at 97.7kg or 215.4lbs so it seems after my off center spike in weight with the addition of some extra calories I have dropped back down to around my January 8 update number. I do think I am leaner though, but I am getting old any my eyes could be getting bad lol.

Im off on holidays next week and traveling with zero access to a gym, so there will be some interim calisthenics while keeping diet under control. Of course, 1 week after I get back from holidays I have a 2 week work trip which means lots of hotel gym time + Filet Mignon or Salmon vs. beer and burgers. On the bright side, I can expense it. See if I can hit some local stores as well and try to get some powered sample packs or RTD's just to supplement. Jerky of course is there if I can find a low sugar mid/low sodium one.

Will continue to avoid beer over this stretch and if I do end up having a drink with clients it will be one or two at most, and probably a nice single malt. 

Cardio is currently set at 40min and will stay there until after I get back from the work trip.  I will get back into a solid groove and then at that point I will be logging about 8 weeks of extra supplements I picked up from BT (not sponsored @BodyTechPharma) lol. Jokes. 

Items Ill be logging for this portion are:

BT Clen, BT LGD and NP Liquid T3 via BT.  I would prefer tabs for the T3, but such is life and feedback on the NP liquid has been good.  I will log daily doses/timing etc. 

I will update my progress photos (during my biz trip to show different lighting) as well as a standard shit lighting pic to match the rest as soon as I get back from the trip and as my mini reset point. 

Really looking forward to getting this fat off, knocking up the wife and then transition into nice lean bulk with some more interesting supplements that I will also log here.  

great log

i will tag rep @BodyTechPharma sponsor this man, be a positive impact to his lifestyle change

ryu,if you got their email,email them,i will

I support logs and people who are dedicated to change and help the public,ill pay for it myself if needed but i doubt it will come to that

I support logs and people who are dedicated to change and help the public,ill pay for it myself if needed but i doubt it will come to that
No worries NL. I dont think my log warrants that kind of attention yet as Im only planning on using as minimal supplements per my last post as I can to get my body fat under control. 

Once I get it down to a level that I feel is low enough to justify trying to put on some muscle, then that might be a good time to try some more fun things. Although with that and the above said, I have most goodies in hand already and I have no issue offering an honest review of items in this log for the knowledge of others.

I do want to apologize to everyone for the lack of updates over the next week or so, as I am on my PRC work rotation as some of you know and with the Corona virus issue, pretty much everyone is on a travel lock down and most public avenues are closed, so i dont have access to a gym.  Hitting a lot of body weight and kettle bell/band work to keep things even. Im sure my next weight update will be in the same ballpark as my last one, or at least I hope. 

Ill try to get an update in mid next week.  Again, I apologize for the lack of updates at this point. 

good progress bro. loving that last mealu cookedup, looked good. lmao ive been eatinghard, but im much heavier at 240. I was good in december and my nutrition went downhill since but im bent on getting my numbers up.

hmg btw is damn expensive... my wife and i needed to do ivf and it cost us alot... for her... as thats whats needed but theres a few different brands ones that mix with LH and FSH not just pure FSH

Quick Update:

With the Corona lockdowns and suspensions in full effect, it has been an interesting situation here. 

My gym is closed until further notice and food supply is somewhat limited so diet wise things have been pretty bland. Maybe that is a good thing, who knows. 

Weight as of today spiked a little to 98.3kg as of this AM. There are many factors that could attribute to this though and Im hoping its just a "backed up" issue due to the lack of fiber the last week or so lol. 

Training is now being done at home with some kettle bells and bands and has been modified to 5 X week full body split plus the addition of some extra yoga and skipping / shadow boxing ( I look like a tool) for cardio. 

Im hoping to get back into the swing of things so I can keep leaning out while I wait for my wife to....ow, that's right, we got a positive pregnancy test result as of yesterday; BOOM lol.

I wont be touching any TRT or other supps until things here have calmed down and the pregnancy is locked down and that little sucker has found a VIP parking spot in my girls uterus.

Will try to update photos this coming weekend, but dont expect to much from my still currently fat ass. 

Ah life, how you make things complicated sometimes (but never impossible) 

All of my BT goodies as noted above (again, non sponsored; so nobody can comment on bias, not that there would be) are safe and sound waiting for me in Canada. Cant wait to really get things going. 

Thank you all for the continued support during my lean up/recomp process.  Its going to be a long log 😛

A little something fun for you guys.  It took me almost four hours to get through this checkpoint lol.



Congrats on the positive pregnancy test brother nothing makes you get your shit together like a child , are you nervous over there at all with the virus going around ? What precautions do you take.

That’s crazy is it slowing at all or becoming more stable
Its slowed down a lot. There is a lot of media over-reaction from from all countries which of course has caused people everywhere to go a little nuts.. For example, the total cases is something like 40K+ right now, and 1000+ deaths, but it 95% in Wuhan.  To put that number into perspective, Wuhan's population is like 10 mil I think, and there medical system is so overwhelmed. But Shanghai has a population of 25 mil, with 305 cases, 1 death, and 65 people "cured"....but, I'm on a 14 day mandatory lock-down as of Feb 7, even though we have no symptoms and almost no chance of exposure since this all began lol. I was supposed to be traveling around the US and Canada over the next two weeks but I pulled the plug on that. I don't want to be "that guy" lol. 

Congrats on the positive pregnancy test brother nothing makes you get your shit together like a child , are you nervous over there at all with the virus going around ? What precautions do you take.
Yip, baby on the way has really made me want to lean out even more so I can keep up with the extra workload of diapers and eventually chasing him/her around lol.

My wife is crazy paranoid and while Im not, the precautions are nuts.  We have about 7 more days of mandatory lock down (kinda like house arrest) and we have a stockpile of N95 masks, disinfectant, gloves, etc. I think things will be more or less semi normal first week March with everything being cleared up by April. Im supposed to be in Germany and then Japan second week March, follow by a trip to the US and Canada, but who knows (and again, I wont be that guy lol)

Micro update in that this log is pretty much on hold until March and will be more or less reset back to square one then. 

The lack of a gym I have been dealing with by going the home exercise route, but I dont exactly have the ability to load up and do some nice heavy deadlifts or anything.  The real challenge is food and the fact that I have been off TRT for a while so my test is pretty much bottom barrel. 

Due to the current situation here, what food that can be obtained is very limited, and anything good we can get our hands on goes to the wife at this point. Priorities as she is in full morning/afternoon/evening sickness mode right now so I am making sure she is always snacking on something micronutrient and amino acid rich. 

An example of yesterdays meals (my meals and by meals I mean meal, singular): 2 cups rice, 1 egg, a lot of tea. 

Sitting around 100kg right now, and honestly, Im feeling pretty skinny fat. At least prior I was a decent amount of muscle covered in fat. Like a tootsie pop. Remember those?

March 1st is when my gym is supposed to reopen, I hear rumors that the market near my place will be open and as of this coming Monday I will no longer be on forced quarantine.  

My US/Canada trip is pushed back until May so my goodies are just there, collecting dust and occasionally visiting me in my dreams. 

Life, what can ya do. 

So in theory, March 1, back to the gym hopefully and back on TRT 175mg week. New "starting point" photos will go up, new training plan will be outlined, and god I hope a new diet plan will be outlined. 

Ok Fam,

Things are starting to normalize a little bit here now and things should be on track as stated above to hopefully get back into the gym as of March 1.

For the next month I plan to eat at about 200-300cal below my "calculated" maintenance level of around 3200 and see how my body responds to being reintroduced to the gym as well as real food. In all honesty, I know with IF I was not getting enough cals and being off TRT was killing me. 

Will make adjustments on the carb side per advice given here but also on how my body responds in the coming weeks.  I do intend to see some initial weight gain, hence the first 4 weeks back to assess. 

Note: dropping the IF. Just not digging it. 

Updated training and diet plan (it may look familiar) 

Diet / Supplements: 

6:00AM: Curcumin, Q10, VD,  VC, Cranberry Extract, Baby Aspirin, 50mg Proviron*, (hoping to add niacin 500mg here and at my last meal)

7-7:30AM: Omelet (2-3 eggs, 1 cup mixed diced fresh veg (spinach, cherry tomato, green pepper, etc), 2 medium tortillas

10-10:30AM: 1-2 Scoops Whey, 1 medium banana or avocado, multi vitamin, 3 caps Omega 3 (skipped if eating avocado that day) 

1-2PM: 200g baked chicken breast w/wasabi, 100g regular popcorn (no fat etc added)

4-5PM: 200g baked chicken breast w/wasabi, 200g rice, 100-200g leafy vegetable, calcium 

6:00PM: Pre-Workout Stim/Pump and 10g EAA Intra-Workout 

8:30PM: Post-Workout At Gym 1.5 scoops whey, 10g >90% dark chocolate 

9-9:30PM: 200g rice, 100-200g vegetable, 100g lean meat* 

Rough Macros: Carb (305), Fat (45)*, Protein (295-300)

Rough Cal: 2900

Training: Leg, Push, Pull, (LISS)

Legs A

Leg Press 5 X 3-5

Sumo Deadlift 3 X 8-10

Hip Thrust 3 X 15

Walking Barbell Lunges 5 X 10 per side ( I might hurl) 

Extensions 5 X 10-12 (TUT40)

Push A

Leg Press (Sled Only) 1 x 100 (I need to grow my legs)

Incline Machine Bench 2 + 5 X 5

Seated DB Shoulder Press 2 + 3 X 8-10

Dips 3 X failure 

Crossovers 5 X 10-12 (TUT40)

Laying Try Extensions (behind head) 5 X 10-12

Pull A 

Deadlift 2 + 5 X 5

Deadlift 1 X failure (30% 1RM)

Chins or Pulldowns 3 X 8-10

Chest Support Rows 3 X 8-10

Shrugs 5 X 10-12

Cheat Curls 5 X 8-10

Reverse Fly 5 X 8-10

Legs B

Squats 5 X 5

Squats 1 X failure (30% 1RM)

Leg Press 3 X 8-10

Single Leg Press 3 x 10-12

Barbell Hypers 5 X failure

Leg Curls 5 X 8-10

Calf Press 5 X 8-10

Push B

Leg Press (Sled Only) 1 x 100

Overhead Press 5 X 5

Overhead Press 1 X failure (30% 1RM)

Incline DB Bench 3 X 8-10

Close Grip Bench Push 3 X Failure 

Landmine Press 5 X 8-10 or Cable Crossovers (multi level) 5 X 8-10

Laying Extensions (Arms Back) 5 X 8-10

Standing Laterals 5 X 10-12

Pull B

Romanian Deadlift 5 X 5

RDL 1 X failure (30% 1RM)

V Pull Down 3 X 8-10

Pull Downs 3 X 8-10

1 Arm Row 5 X 8-10

Hammer Curl 5 X 8-10

Seated Back Fly 5 X 10-12

Note: I try to put something AB based into the end of each workout (gymnast tuck, hanging leg raises, etc) normally 2-3 sets

Note: I will start at 20min LISS after each session if I have time (incline treadmill)

Note: Each workout is follow by 10-15min of full body stretching

Note: Training is 3ON, 1OFF format. 

Note: If the gym is busy, some exercises that are not BCL might get subbed, or just for a change. I will also change feet or grip placement sometimes just to hit a little different angle. 


Back on TRT at 175mg/week

Will see where things are at the end of March and make some tweaks. Still hoping to re-comp. Any and all advice welcome, especially from @Corey5150

Hoping after my May work trip I will have some of the above mentioned items on hand and if my progress at that time warrants it, will look at running some extras.

Just want to thank everyone on NL for the continued support.