Ryu's Lean Up Log

Quick Update;

Weight as of this AM is 111.1kg. Pretty wild weight gain for some reason. 

Starting getting a little bloat from the MK but nothing too bad. Find I am pretty tired as of late though. 

Saturdays workout:

Romanian Deadlift 5 X 8-10

RDL 1 X failure (30% 1RM)

V Pull Down 3 X 8-10

Pull Downs 3 X 8-10

1 Arm Row 5 X 8-10

Hammer Curl 5 X 8-10

Seated Back Fly 5 X 10-12

20min Incline Treadmill. 

Weekend diet is always a little rough. Not in the sense of eating anything and everything coming in at a 3000cal surplus, but in the sense that I actually dont eat enough and my calories drop to around 1800 or so. 

Legs tonight. Hoping I dont die from the squats. 

No adjustments still as again, waiting to clear this month to see where my body is at and then Ill ajust cal/macros a little. 

Personal update; wife is doing ok. Resting, recovering but still a little out of it mentally. Im in the same boat more or less, minus the rest as Im trying to keep things as normal as possible and be as supportive as possible. 

Forgot to post the days eats....and extras;

AM Stack: VD, Curcumin, Q10, NAC, Niacin, VC, Cranberry Extract, baby aspirin, 100mg Var + 15mg MK677

Extras: 1000IU HCG, 12.5mg Aromasin

Meal 1:  2 scoops whey w/instant coffee, ICE, 5g fiber powder, 3 caps EFA, 1 extra spicey 2 egg jinbing.

Meal 2: 150g white rice, 100g shredded pork, 1 scoop whey, multi V, 2 caps fish oil, 1 can of Sprite Fiber+

Meal 3: 10g EAA's, 1 medium apple, 2 caps EFA

Meal 4: 100g backed chicken, 2 tortilla, wasabi and lettuce, 2 caps calcium/magnesium 

Pre-workout: 1 scoop ASN Prophecy Sour Candy 

Intra Workout: 10g EAA's

Post Workout: 1.5 scoops whey

Post Workout Meal: 100g rice, 1 cup mixed steamed veg, 100g mystery fish. 


Legs last night. Good workout. Low back pump was brutal and dizzy as fuk, but worth it. Strength on squat jumped about 10% randomly which is kinda nuts.

Single Leg Hip Thrust 3 x 20 (bodyweight) 

Squats 2 X 8-10 + 5 X 5

Squats 1 X failure (30% 1RM)

Leg Press 3 X 8-10

Single Leg Press 3 X 10-12 (this sucked) 

Barbell Hypers 5 X 8-10

Leg Curls 5 X 8-10

Calf Press 5 X 8-10


Meal 1:  2 scoops whey w/instant coffee +10g fiber, 3 caps fish oil, 2 eggs

Meal 2: Double Whopper, Large Fries, Diet Coke (ya ya) 

Meal 3: 100g backed chicken, 2 tortilla, wasabi. Diet Coke Fiber+

Pre-workout: 1 scoop ASN Prophecy Sour Candy 

Intra Workout: 10g EAA's

Post Workout: 1.5 scoops whey

Post Workout Meal: 100g rice, 2 cups stir fry, 100g tofu 

Quick Update;

Hit a push workout, the day after my leg workout (typically I take a day off after legs).  

Incline Machine Bench 2 + 5 X 10-12

Seated DB Shoulder Press 2 + 3 X 8-10

Dips 3 X failure (very controlled) 

Pec Dec 5 X 10-12 (TUT40)

Laying Try Extensions (behind head) 5 X 10-12

Was feeling pretty good last night.  I need to back off the amount of water I am mixing my pre-workout in as I find I feel like I want to hurl during my workout and I think its due to excessive pre-workout water intake. Its just a theory, but one I will test to validate. 

I have been doing 100 rep leg press as my warmup typically, but as this is the day after legs, I decided to skip it. I do need to work in some more ab work and maybe start to integrate a little more cardio into the mix soon. I think Im starting to look about pre-lockdown levels so the end of month pics might actually happen. 


Been feeling really good aside from this random nausea feeling I get during some of the training sessions and of course the lower back pump issues from the var. 

Shirts are getting a little tight, and I dont know if that's good or bad but will do a full assessment in about 6 days (1 month into it) to see what adjustments I should make or if I continue on this path. 

I am actually considering moving squats and deads to the end of their respective workouts because I find after those I am almost crippled for the rest of my workout from the back pump. 

Hit a pull workout last night and my deadlift strength is coming back pretty nice. 150 on the bar for 5 sets of 6-8 reps each. 150kg, not pounds, and I know that is still not that impressive compared to some of you assholes given my height and weight lol. 


Leg Press 1 X 100 (sled only)

Deadlift 2 + 5 X 6 - 8

Deadlift 1 X failure (30% 1RM)

Pulldowns 2 + 3 X 8-10

Chest Support Rows 3 X 8-10

Shrugs 5 X 10-12

Cheat Curls 5 X 8-10

Reverse Fly 5 X 8-10

Diet: Keeping it pretty solid. Not super tight, but enough that the changes are coming for what I hope is the better. 

Meal 1:  2 scoops whey w/instant coffee +10g fiber, 3 caps fish oil, 1 Jianbing w/ 2 eggs

Meal 2: 150g rice, 100g baked chicken, 2 scoops whey, 2 cups mixed steamed veggies, multi V, 2 caps fish oil

Meal 3: 10g EAA's, 1 medium apple, 2 caps calcium/magnesium 

Meal 4: 100g backed chicken, 2 tortilla, wasabi. No greens todays. Sprite Zero Fiber+

Pre-workout: 1 scoop ASN Prophecy Sour Candy 

Intra Workout: 10g EAA's

Post Workout: 1.5 scoops whey

Post Workout Meal: 150g rice, 1 cup mixed steamed veg, 100g random pork. 


Had a pretty solid leg workout Friday night. I dont know why but my leg strength has really been jumping as of late. Also noticed a couple viens in my quads which I did not think would be possible at my current body fat level. 

Leg Press 2 + 5 X 8-10

Sumo Deadlift 2 + 3 X 8-10

Single Leg Hip Thrust 3 X 15 (dumbbell for added weight) 

Extensions 5 X 10-12 (TUT40)

Leg Curls 5 X 10-12

Hanging Ab Raises 3 X Failure 

I was supposed to do walking lunges, but after the leg press, I did not feel like I had anything left in the tank (pretty wobbly).

Weight came in at 110.3kg and that is actually a drop and the opposite direction of what I was going in, so Im not sure if I hit the rebound cap and now I might be starting to lean out, or...well, who knows. On a random note, I have been doing vacuums (3 x 10-15 seconds hard pull in) randomly at work when I make a coffee (black) or anytime I am just up with a couple min to spare. 

Starting next month I might add in some post weight LISS.  I do walk to and from the gym though as mentioned before at about 3 km each way so Im not sure if that counts as cardio lol. 

Diet was spot on:

Meal 1:  2 scoops whey w/instant coffee +10g fiber, 3 caps fish oil, 2 eggs, 100g rice

Meal 2: 150g rice, 2 scoops whey, 2 cups mixed steamed veggies, multi V, 2 caps fish oil

Meal 3: 10g EAA's, 1 large apple, 2 caps calcium/magnesium 

Meal 4: 100g backed chicken, 2 whole wheat tortilla, wasabi. Sprite Zero Fiber+ (I love wasabi, but I might invest is some plain old fashion mustard to mix things up)

Pre-workout: 1 scoop ASN Prophecy Sour Candy 

Intra Workout: 10g EAA's

Post Workout: 1.5 scoops whey

Post Workout Meal: 150g rice, 1 cup mixed steamed veg, 100g stewed chicken, handful of wallnuts. 

No change in my supplements for now. Going to pick up some HCG sticks as I want to make sure at 500IU my body is registering it enough to show up on the test (also to validate that my HCG is still good) 


Push day yesterday, not a bad workout, but not a great one. My left shoulder keeps engaging when I do chest work so Im still working on getting it out of the movement. 

Leg Press (Sled Only) 1 x 100

Overhead Press 5 X 8-10

Overhead Press 1 X failure (30% 1RM)

Incline DB Bench 3 X 8-10

Close Grip Bench Push 3 X Failure 

Cable Crossovers (multi level) 5 X 8-10

Single Arm Tri Pushdowns 5 X 8-10

Seated Laterals 5 X 10-12

Hanging Leg Raise 2 x failure 

No real change in diet except for a new flavour of EAA lol. 

Random note to please be gentle as this is after only 1 month back in the gym after 3 months out due to the Covid crap. 

Update: rough gym session, felt like ass for some reason. No energy or strength. 

Romanian Deadlift 5 X 8-10

RDL 1 X failure (30% 1RM)

V Pull Down 3 X 8-10

Pull Downs 3 X 8-10

1 Arm Row 5 X 8-10

Hammer Curl 5 X 8-10

Seated Back Fly 5 X 10-12

All the lifts were about half weight, just could not...get...it...up.

Got home and crashed pretty hard.

No change in diet over previous days. Reassessment coming this weekend for diet/training/goal adjustment. 


Hit a good leg workout last night. Feeling much better power wise vs my last pull workout. Really liking the new level belt. 

Could barely walk home after the gym, and I will say my left knee is a little sore today, so I might need to re-check my form when it comes to the last few reps.

Squats 2 X 8-10 + 5 X 6

Squats 1 X failure (30% 1RM)

Leg Press 3 X 12-15

Single Leg Press 3 X 12 -15

Barbell Hypers 5 X 8-10

Leg Curls 5 X 8-10

Calf Press 5 X 8-10


Meal 1:  2 scoops whey w/instant coffee +10g fiber, 3 caps fish oil, 1 sweet potato 

Meal 2:  2 scoops whey, 150g rice, 200g mixed vegetables, 100g boiled ribs. 

Meal 3: 100g backed chicken, 2 tortilla, wasabi. Diet Coke Fiber+

Pre-workout: 1 scoop ASN Prophecy Sour Candy 

Intra Workout: 10g EAA's

Post Workout: 1.5 scoops whey

Post Workout Meal: 100g rice, 2 cups stir fry, 100g tofu 

Update: Small

Weight coming in at 113.2kg, so its still climbing even on a clean diet (2500 to 2700 Cal)

Strength still climbing so that's nice. Couple really good workouts over the last week, but its starting to get hot here now, so been sweating my ass off in the gym. Also been having some light night sweats for some reason. 

Will get back on the steady update train for the balance of this week. 

26% BF? I think you're less than that bro. Good to see u at it though.

I now know the feels... 8+ weeks of quarantine and getting fat at home lol. I crave the gym so badly...

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26% BF? I think you're less than that bro. 
With the set of mitties I have, pretty sure I am >25% lol. (mitties = man titties for those in the know)

Thanks for the support man. Looking forward to more updates in your log for sure as well. You will bounce back quick once things get moving again. 


Solid workout, diet fairly on point. I was bored so I checked the scale last night and was coming in at around 114kg. Weight just keeps climbing. Will post new pics mid month for feedback.


Leg Press (Sled Only) 1 x 100

Overhead Machine Press 2 + 5 X 12

Overhead Press 1 X failure (30% 1RM)

Incline DB Bench 3 X 8-10

Flat Machine Bench 3 X 10-12 

Cable Crossovers (multi level) 5 X 8-10

Laying Extensions (Arms Back) 5 X 8-10

Seated Laterals 5 X 10-12

Hanging Leg Raises 2 x Failure 

15min full body stretching.

Note: Going to start adding some extra sets here and there were doing anything unilateral to try and balance out my left side to my right side. 


Meal 1:  2 scoops whey w/instant coffee +10g fiber, 3 caps fish oil, 2 steamed buns and 1 cup green beans 

Meal 2:  2 scoops whey, 150g rice, 200g mixed vegetables

Meal 3:  1 medium apple, 10g EAA, 2 caps fish oil. 

Meal 4: 100g baked chicken, 2 tortilla, wasabi. Diet Coke Fiber+

Pre-workout: 1 scoop ASN Prophecy Sour Candy 

Intra Workout: 10g EAA's

Post Workout: 1.5 scoops whey

Post Workout Meal: 100g rice, 200g mixed vegetables, 100g baked duck


Just a note, that after dropping my test/mast down to 150/150 I feel much better. Everything else still the same.  

Quick Update:

Good pull workout last night, normally I have RDL's in the front end, but I pulled them from the workout as my low back was feeling a little off and I have a leg session tonight that has heavy squats on the front end. I did add a little extra volume to try and make up for it.  Better safe than sorry. Strength still climbing. 

Seated Back Fly 2 + 5 X 10-12

V Pull Down 2 + 4 X 8-10

Pull Downs 4 X 8-10

1 Arm Row 5 X 8-10

Hammer Curl 5 X 8-10 (plus an extra set left arm only)

15 min stretching. 

Diet was on point until dinner, when I found it was my brother in laws birthday and there was cake to be had. Random note (that makes me feel like a dick) is that his wife was wearing a little dress and kept sitting spread eagle, and I kept thinking about how much I want to pound her. Between the mast and my wife being out of commission due to the recent loss, I guess my thoughts were drifting to bad places. Not proud of it, but I will admit to it. Life. 

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Heavy legs last night. Heavy for me, not heavy for some of you asses I know, lol. But man, my knees are screaming today. I think I might have overloaded the tendons/ligs or something. See how they feel later today. 

Squats 2 X 8-10 + 5 X 8

Squats 1 X failure (30% 1RM)

Leg Press 3 X 8-10

Single Leg Press 3 X 10-12 

Barbell Hypers 5 X 8-10

Leg Curls 5 X 8-10

Calf Press 5 X 8-10


Meal 1:  2 scoops whey w/instant coffee +10g fiber, 3 caps fish oil, 2 eggs, 2 steamed buns

Meal 2: 2 scoops whey, 200g rice, 3 fish oil, 150g mixed veg

Meal 3: 100g backed chicken, 2 tortilla, wasabi. Diet Sprite Fiber+

Pre-workout: 1 scoop ASN Prophecy Sour Candy 

Intra Workout: 10g EAA's

Post Workout: 1.5 scoops whey

Post Workout Meal: 150g rice, 2 cups stir fry, 75g liver

Will post a weight update on Monday. I am a little afraid to look right now. 

Micro update:

115.3kg as of this AM. So, ya, scale keeps going up when I was trying to get it to drop (although when I say that I simply mean I want to lean out)

Knees are still a little sore and we will see how tonight goes as I have heavy deadlifts planned. 

Hit a push workout Saturday and then took a day off yesterday and hit the driving range instead. 

Incline Machine Bench 2 + 5 x 10-12

Incline Machine Bench Unilateral 3 x 10-12 (extra focus on my left side)

Seated DB Shoulder Press 2 + 3 X 8-10

Dips 3 X failure (bodyweight) 

Cable Crossovers 5 x 10-12

Laying Try Extensions (behind head) 5 X 10-12

Diet was on point until after golf, then it was Korean BBQ and a bottle a really nice bottle of single malt.