Ryu's Lean Up Log

6:00AM: Curcumin, Q10, VD,  VC, Cranberry Extract, Baby Aspirin, 50mg Proviron*, (hoping to add niacin 500mg here and at my last meal)
Forgot to put in the 10mg Cialis EOD (20mg half tab)

Update: plan did not kick off well. My gym was not given permission to open and is now closed "until further notice"....

Back to the kettle bells and bands I guess.  That also means I need to cut my calorie load back a bit I think as the load stress wont be there. 

Keeps getting better and better....

Update: keeping diet on point, home routine in swing, no official opening date for my gym yet (god I miss the going to the gym), weight is coming in steady around 100KG flat. 

Additional notes: Wife is in full morning, noon, evening sickness monster mode, good times.

That's all for now folks...catch you in a week or so with another minimalist update unless they unlock the doors and I pull my arms off deadlifting. 

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We are on the tail end of it over here...in theory. 

Most places are re-opening now etc, but control measures are still in place. 

Example: you are issued a digital ID code to prove that you have completed a 14 day quarantine and have been cleared. You need that code to enter and exit most places. My apartment complex, office building, government building, malls etc.

No green code, the dice.  Other colors are yellow and red. Red means your fucked and if they catch you outside...jail time. Yellow means that you can go outside and walk around, but you cant enter public buildings like offices or malls.

Lots of security and volunteers to make sure things are smooth and everyone is still wearing masks and using hand sanitizer.  If you are seen without a mask, you will be given a couple free ones.  And hand sanitizer is at the entrance of almost every building. 

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T minus 2 days until the gym re-opens.

Its going to be a slow start to get back into things after this 3 month lay off, but we will see how it goes. 

Will try and catch some pics of my new skinny fat status and Ill throw up my revised plan of attack.

Going to be interesting training with a mask on, lol. 

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And we are back in the game.  104kg Covid-19 reset point. 

Todays food;

Meal 1:  2 scoops whey w/instant coffee, 3 caps fish oil, 1 extra spicey jinbing (like a really light breakfast burrito...google it lol)

Meal 2: 200g sweet potato, 200g baked chicken, 2 cups mixed steamed veggies, multi V, 2 caps fish oil

Meal 3: 10g EAA's, 1 medium apple, 2 caps calcium/magnesium 

Meal 4: 100g backed chicken, 1 tortilla, wasabi and lettuce 

Pre-workout: 1 scoop ASN Prophecy Sour Candy 

Intra Workout: 10g EAA's

Post Workout: 2 scoops whey

Post Workout Meal: 100g rice, 1 cup mixed steamed veg, 100g lean..ish pork

Todays workout;

Push A:

Leg Press (Sled Only) 1 x 100 (I need to grow my legs)

Incline Machine Bench 2 + 5 X 5

Seated DB Shoulder Press 2 + 3 X 8-10

Dips 3 X failure 

Crossovers 5 X 10-12 (TUT40)

Laying Try Extensions (behind head) 5 X 10-12

Lateral Raises 5 X 10-12

Its a 6km round trip walk to the gym, so that was my "cardio" for today. I do plan to reintroduce 20 min 3 x week post workout in a couple of weeks. 

"Supplements" are 175mg wk Test Cyp (2 shots), 100mg Anavar, 15mg MK677 (mixed in with my var), 12.5mg Aromasin on shot days (because Im fat and I keep wanting to squeeze my right nipple)

Health Supplements: Lots, see way back to first post.  

My goal right now is to see how my body reacts after such a long time out of the gym and mid level calories. I plan to track it for about a month and adjust as needed at that point. 

See if I can get some shots next gym session for a "physique" update. 

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Great log man. That’s awesome your back lifting. What’s 100 mg Anavar like? Tbh I’ve never used more than 20. Those pumps must be next level!

Great log man. That’s awesome your back lifting. What’s 100 mg Anavar like? Tbh I’ve never used more than 20. Those pumps must be next level!
Only on day 2 of the 100mg, so only time will tell.  I should actually say more like 100mg +/- 15mg since I cap them myself, even though I would say I'm pretty pro at how I do it, you never know. Ill let you know what it feels like in about 5 or 6 days lol.

So I was wrong about needing 5 or 6 days to update on the VAR pump @GainTrain

Lower back felt like it was going to explode.

Workout was OK, although I did swap normal dead's for RDL.  Hella weak, everything feels heavy. I mean my RDL's were 2 plates a side with good control. 

Gym is pretty much empty, so that is nice (people are still all anti-covid fear mode) 

Workout: Pull A

Deadlift 2 + 5 X 5 (I subbed in RDL's)

Deadlift 1 X failure (30% 1RM)

Chins or Pulldowns 3 X 8-10

Chest Support Rows 3 X 8-10

Shrugs 5 X 10-12

Cheat Curls 5 X 8-10

Reverse Fly 5 X 8-10

Diet: Decent 

Meal 1:  2 scoops whey w/instant coffee, 3 caps fish oil, 1 cup steamed rice w/ a little sea salt. 

Meal 2: 100g streamed rice, 200g baked chicken, 2 cups mixed steamed veggies, multi V, 2 caps fish oil

Meal 3: 10g EAA's, 1 medium apple, 2 caps calcium/magnesium 

Meal 4: 100g backed chicken, 2 tortilla, wasabi and mixed raw veggies 

Pre-workout: 1 scoop ASN Prophecy Sour Candy 

Intra Workout: 10g EAA's

Post Workout: 1.5 scoops whey

Post Workout Meal: 100g rice, 1 cup mixed steamed veg, 100g steamd fish. 

I will probably start to need to increase my protein levels a little. Only sitting around 180-200g right now unless you count the EAA's.

Really hoping I see some recomp this month from muscle memory, water loss and god willing, some fat loss. If the situation with Covid improves I might actually be able to get home to Canada in late June or early July and then I can look at picking up some of the goodies sitting at home and planning my little blast out for early fall (also assuming I'm not such a fat ass anymore)  

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Triple Tap Update:

Friday was Legs; 

Leg Press 5 X 3-5

Sumo Deadlift 3 X 8-10

Single Leg Hip Thrust 3 X 15

Walking Barbell Lunges 5 X 10 per side ( I might hurl) 

Extensions 5 X 10-12 (TUT40)

Hanging Ab Raises 3 X Failure 

Saturday was a rest day aside from some stretching. Give my aching body and my pride some time to recover. Both are hurting pretty bad lol. 

Sunday was Push;

Leg Press (Sled Only) 1 x 100

Overhead Press 5 X 5

Overhead Press 1 X failure (30% 1RM)

Incline DB Bench 3 X 8-10

Close Grip Bench Push 3 X Failure 

Landmine Press 5 X 8-10 or Cable Crossovers (multi level) 5 X 8-10

Laying Extensions (Arms Back) 5 X 8-10

Standing Laterals 5 X 10-12

Monday was Pull;

Romanian Deadlift 5 X 5

RDL 1 X failure (30% 1RM)

V Pull Down 3 X 8-10

Pull Downs 3 X 8-10

1 Arm Row 5 X 8-10

Hammer Curl 5 X 8-10

Seated Back Fly 5 X 10-12

Diet has been pretty spot on except for Sunday. I did have a nice cold beer and a bowel of noodles lol.

Otherwise still on with;

Meal 1:  2 scoops whey w/instant coffee, 3 caps fish oil, 1 large banana  

Meal 2: 200g streamed sweet potato, 200g baked chicken, 2 cups mixed steamed veggies, multi V, 2 caps fish oil

Meal 3: 10g EAA's, 1 medium apple, 2 caps calcium/magnesium 

Meal 4: 100g backed chicken, 2 tortilla, wasabi and mixed salad (dry style)...

Pre-workout: 1 scoop ASN Prophecy Sour Candy 

Intra Workout: 10g EAA's

Post Workout: 1.5 scoops whey

Post Workout Meal: 100g rice, 1 cup mixed steamed veg, 100g baked chicken

Weight, here is the odd thing, I was 104kg when I got back into this, and as of today AM I am 108.5kg...that's 4.5kg in a week.  So there must be some water retention just not sure what the cause is unless my Var is actually DBol lol. Feeling solid in the gym though and great pumps with some good viens in the only place that is not really fat...my arms.

Tonight is legs, and squats should be interesting. Really want to focus on my leg development over the next few months. 

Random input request;

Given that I am not running proviron as I normally would with TRT given the current anavar usage, and with my test at 175mg a week, what are your thoughts about testing the waters with some low dose mast-e in mix at say equal parts to the test.  So 175/175 wk.  

My plan was to start a blast soon but with everything going on my re-comp has been reset to base level so I am probably looking at 6 months of re-comp and at least 3-4 months before I can get back to Canada and pick up my more interesting goodies to run an actual blast. (and no, Im not planning on running the var for 6 months straight lol) 


Legs workout was good. Passed out after a set of squats. Just cant pull enough air through these damn masks. 

Odd part is the DOM's started kicking in within 5-6 hours. I woke up sore in the middle of the night. 

Tuesday Workout;

Leg Press 1 x 100 (just the sled)

Squats 5 X 5

Squats 1 X failure (30% 1RM)

Leg Press 3 X 8-10

Single Leg Press 3 x 10-12

Barbell Hypers 5 X 10-15 (back pump post squats in this was crippling)

Leg Curls 5 X 8-10

Calf Press 5 X 8-10


Meal 1:  2 scoops whey w/instant coffee +10g fiber, 3 caps fish oil, 1 Jianbing w/ 2 eggs

Meal 2: 150g rice, 200g baked chicken, 2 cups mixed steamed veggies, multi V, 2 caps fish oil

Meal 3: 10g EAA's, 1 medium apple, 2 caps calcium/magnesium 

Meal 4: 100g backed chicken, 2 tortilla, wasabi. No greens todays.

Pre-workout: 1 scoop ASN Prophecy Sour Candy 

Intra Workout: 10g EAA's

Post Workout: 1.5 scoops whey

Post Workout Meal: 100g rice, 1 cup mixed steamed veg, 150g ribs

Wednesday was a rest day. Diet was the same as above except 1 wrap, not 2. And ribs were swapped out of 2 eggs. 

Supplements and "supplements" still the same. And almost zero niacin flush at 500mg empty stomach now. 

Weight: 109.2kg. Dont know what is going on there. Going to keep doing what I am and see where I stabilize as I actually think Im looking leaner? I could also be blind/drunk or something.

Sleep has been brutal the last two nights getting only about 3-4 hours each night. 

Push workout coming up tonight. 

Random life update: My wife went in for her 12-13wk NT scan, and while the NT results were within range, they found out the fetus has not been developing properly. So they are recommending we terminate the pregnancy.  So, ya, life. 

I guess it happens in about 25% of pregnancies and is more common in the first pregnancy. So we can try to conceive again in about 3-6 months depending on her recovery if we choose to try again, and my fertility has not been insta-fried by jumping on my little re-comp cycle. 

I will probably keep the cycle going in an attempt to get my "health" back and get to a good place physically, but I will start HCG at 500mcg twice a week starting next month in hopes that I can maintain the fertility I had gotten back after coming off 100% for about 4 months last time. 

Skipped the gym yesterday given the news about the fetus, so it was a support night. 

Some random diet info just to keep an update logged:

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Micro update;

With everything that has been going on I have been at the hospital a lot with my girl so my diet has been kind shot.  Clean, but very low cal. 

I did get my leg workout in yesterday and my strength jumped up from the last time I did this workout.  Again, really focusing on my legs this time around and the 100 rep leg press warmup before most sessions seems to be paying off.  Also, 2 min between sets on big compound lifts is the win. I used to be the 60 seconds max (insert joke) guy, but screw that. 

Yesterdays leg session:

Leg Press 2 + 5 X 8-10

Sumo Deadlift 2 + 3 X 8-10

Single Leg Hip Thrust 3 X 15

Walking Barbell Lunges 5 X 10 per side (less vomit feeling, more gasping for air)

Extensions 5 X 10-12 (TUT40)

Hanging Ab Raises 3 X Failure 

Weight: 107.6kg

Pics: Nope...

Back on HCG, 1000mcg 2 x week the day before my test and mast.  MK677 makes it really hard to wakeup in the AM fyi. I used to fly out of bed in the AM, not so much now. 


So my wife is back from the hospital as of today and we start our road to recovery and will eventually need to decide if we want to try again. As a just in case as mentioned above, Im back to running HCG at 1000mcg twice a week for the next two weeks and then down to 500mcg twice a week after that until, well, we decide and proceed either way. 

I got a push workout in yesterday with really good strength for some reason;

Leg Press (Sled Only) 1 x 100

Overhead Press 5 X 5

Overhead Press 1 X failure (30% 1RM)

Incline DB Bench 3 X 8-10

Close Grip Bench Push 3 X Failure 

Cable Crossovers (multi level) 5 X 8-10

Laying Extensions (Arms Back) 5 X 8-10

Standing Laterals 5 X 10-12

15min full body stretching. 

Diet was a little iffy and consisted of only 3 protein shakes, 4 wraps with chicken a medium apple, and a BCAA drink.

Random note: I decide today that instead of 2 shots of 0.35ml of test and mast via slin pin, I would break out some 25g 1" darts to save some time. To that end, I have become a bitch.  When I popped the cap off the 25g, I thought I was looking at an 18g and when I had both mixed in the pin and prepped the shot, I wanted to hit something for the 0.05ml I noted I lost in the dart barrel. That and my ass hurts now.  Back to slin pins for me man.