Talon's vortex log


Aug 15, 2018
Okay so here we go again.  I am starting at 15% body fat and am going to be running

 600 mg eq  ew

400 to 600 mg primo ew

500 to 750 mg test e

T3 50 to 75 mcg each day

I will be adjusting my cardio and weight training in order to achieve the goal.  I will be continuing with intermittent fasting and carb cycling 2 weeks on each per month.    This will be a sole vortex cycle


This will be interesting to watch!  Cycle is similar to something I was looking into for myself.  Be watching your progress for sure

Okay so this was taken the other day on an empty stomach pre workout,  I am hell bent to smash below 10%. 

I took my first shot of 3 ml of primo and wow no sting and no knots or anything post

the eq I took 1 ml went in no problem in the quad and was like water 

test same no issues

I will keep the log going and will post more pics as time progresses


Should be a good one to follow!

How long do you plan to run this one? T3 during all the cycle duration?

I'm sure you'll do great achieving your goal!
I will run the t3 in 4 week cycles 


how about your back? and wheels?

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Thanks guys it's much appreciated.....keeps me going just got out of a 2 hour marathon in the gym

Okay so today was a 2 a day back and core 

I shot 1 ml of primo through slin pin into quad little sore but zero issues

Today shot 2 ml primo 1 ml t 400 zero issues so far.  Body fat is at 13.9% and am sitting at 189 pounds has to put another hole in my belt.  Sent a pic to my wife while she was getting her hair done and apperetnly the hairdressers all huddled to see it.  Definately enjoying having my body back

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well woke up this morning post shot and still no issued thank god today and tomorrow are my hard cardio only days.  I will be having a solid cheat meal tonight 1 inch thick rib eye with mashed potatoes and gravy.

today will be one hour of intense tempo jogging FML I hate running but it seems yo like me.  I won't get the full benefits of the eq for a few weeks and I know this will suck but all goeth it in the long run,  

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