The Health Stack


Well-known member
Sep 12, 2019
As title suggests, what's in your health stack and why. 

I just ordered a few bottle of morphoprime (not looking forward to the shipping time or the friggin import tax into China) as it has almost everything in it I would want except for Astragalus for kidneys at 3000mg or so, IP6 at 500mg to 1000mg for hemocrit (if it actually works) and a baby asprin lol. 

Tudca is also on the list but only when needed. 

Here is the list of whats in morphoprime: (copy and paste)


Possesses anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetic effects. It can also improve intestinal health, lower cholesterol, and decrease systolic blood pressure.

Shown to be as potent as the pharmaceutical drug Metformin at reducing blood glucose levels and biomarkers of Type II diabetes.

Berberine is commonly dosed between 500-1,500mg per day in divided doses.

MORPHOPRIME contains 1,000mg berberine per serving.


N-Acetylcysteine (NAC) supplementation is able to reliably increase levels of glutathione, a potent antioxidant that prevents free radical damage from toxic exposures.

Promotes kidney and liver protection and helps with chronic lung conditions such as COPD.

MORPHOPRIME contains 600mg NAC per serving.


Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) is involved in energy metabolism blood glucose metabolism as well as antioxidant activity.

ALA reduces oxidation and inflammation, reversing some of the oxidative damage related to the effects of aging.

Protects against heart diseases, liver diseases, diabetes, and neurological decline associated with aging.

Standard dosages of ALA are 300-600mg, with little differentiation based on whether the racemic mixture of ALA (S- and R- isomers) orNa-R-ALA results in higher blood levels.

MORPHOPRIME contains 600mg ALA per serving. 


Terminalia arjuna (Arjuna) is a tree that has its bark used medicinally, usually for the purposes of cardioprotection. It appears to reduce blood pressure and pulse rate, and may increase aerobic exercise capacity.

A standard dose for the purposes of cardiac health appears to be 500mg taken daily. 

For persons who suffered cardiac trauma (such as Myocardial Infarction), this dose tends to be taken three times a day every 8 hours.

MORPHOPRIME contains the research supported dose of 500mg Arjuna (std. 40% polyphenols and 0.5% arjuinolic acid) per serving. 


A citrus extract that have been clinically documented to provide natural support for healthy cholesterol levels and blood glucose metabolism.

Promotes Cardiovascular Health.

Clinically shown to raise HDL cholesterol and reduce LDL cholesterol levels.

Supports healthy blood glucose metabolism.

Reduces triglycerides and maintains blood pressure.

MORPHOPRIME contains 500mg citrus bergamot per serving.


Curcumin is the active ingredient of turmeric. It is an anti-inflammatory molecule with anti-cancer properties.

Also shown to help alleviate cognitive decline associated with aging, reduce lipid and plaque levels in arteries, and reduce diabetes risk.

Curcumin has poor bioavailability and should be paired with piperine (black pepper extract); 20mg for every 500mg curcumin. Curcumin absorption up to 2,000% has been noted in human studies. 

MORPHOPRIME contains 500mg curcumin (standardized for 95% curcuminoids) per serving alongside 20mg piperine (as Bioperine) and 50mg AstraGin™ for maximum absorption.  


Also known as Coenzyme Q10, a molecule found in mitochondria that has a critical role in producing energy for the body.

Enhances blood flow and protects blood vessels.

Reduces oxidative damage and plaque buildup in the arteries.

Common dosing is 90-200mg per day.

MORPHOPRIME contains 200mg ubiquinol per serving.


Found commonly in wine, Resveratrol (as trans-resveratrol) appears to be effective at protecting the heart and increasing blood flow, and may be an insulin sensitizer.

May protect humans from heart disease and insulin resistance.

The lower end of supplementation tends to be for cardiovascular health, insulin sensitivity, and longevity for somebody who is otherwise unhealthy is 5-10mg daily. For persons who are otherwise healthy, dosages between the range of 150-445mg have been used (with no clear indication for what is the optimal dose).

MORPHOPRIME contains the research supported dose of 150mg Trans-Resveratrol per serving. 


AstraGin® is a patented blend of highly purified saponins isolated from the Astragalus membranaceous and Panax notoginseng plant.

Shown to dramatically increase the absorption and bioavailability of a variety of nutrients, such as peptides, amino acids, glucose, vitamins and minerals, phytonutrients, and various sports nutrition supplements.

Supports the gut ecosystem by providing a favorable microbiome environment.

Enhances the immune system.

Recommended daily dose is 50mg per day.

MORPHOPRIME contains 50mg AstraGin® per serving.


The trademarked version of piperine, a black pepper extract that increases the absorption of various nutrients such as curcumin (up to 2,000% in humans) as well as inhibits the breakdown of fat-burning compounds such as caffeine and the catecholamines, prolonging the effects of preworkout stimulants and increasing their bioavailability.

Piperine also reduces LDL cholesterol and plasma lipids while elevating HDL cholesterol and the thyroid hormones.

Common dosing is 5-10mg for preworkout supplements and 20mg for curcumin containing products.

MORPHOPRIME contains 20mg Bioperine® per serving.

tldr, lol jk, thats actually some good stuff

Any recommendations for prostate health? With BnC for so long, I thought I should introduce something to take care of my prostate.

Any recommendations for prostate health? With BnC for so long, I thought I should introduce something to take care of my prostate.
Pumpkin Seed Oil Powder and Beta-Sitosterol are supposed to be good. Both around 1g per day. B-S is also good for a few other things. 

Saw Palmetto Extract also has a long history in prostate support, but I don't know if it has enough effect to warrant use. Normally around 500mg day. 

If I had to choose one, it would be the B-S. 

@gabimitch One more external link or make me have to speak to you again about the same issue , You will be getting a long break to reflect on the conversation. Thanks CBDB NorthernLifters Admin Team.

I like this thread, so I’ll jump in.

35 yo male here, pretty healthy guy already.

my health stacks will change as diet changes and cycle changes.  
but right now, while on my current cycle and on keto diet,  my regimen looks like this.

Optimum Nutrition male multi vitamins

4g fish oils

4 cookie cutter CoQ 10

2 scoops super greens powder

6 milk thistle caps spaces throughout the day

4tbsp MCT oil

2 glucosamine tabs

and if I remember I’ll take folic acid, potassium and fiber

Seems to be doing a body good.  Bloods have been on point. Keto is definitely proving to have a good impact on lipids while on cycle as well.

I thought keto would be bad with blood acidity and fatty circulation?

On the contrary, the healthy keto approach with healthy fats incorporated rather than high saturated fat will bring good cholesterol up while bringing bad cholesterol down.    I get most of my fats from avacado, whole eggs, fatty fish, grape seed and EVOO drizzled over things.  I’ll incorporate some good grass fed butters and stuff, and some cleaner REAL cheeses and nuts too  For some reason, the average keto person, especially here in the states will eat super fatty cuts of meat, hella cheese, processed everything and bacon on everything lol.   Basically anything low or no carb is game for them.   But with any type of diet, the nutrition is key.  

don’t get me wrong, I’ll enjoy some ham or bacon on occasion,  not to mention a fat ass rib-eye steak.  But most of my fat intake is pretty clean, and that’s how a good keto type approach should be to be able to maintain the diet for the long term.  It’s really no different than the regular higher carb bodybuilding type diet.   If you’re getting all of your carbs from let’s say potatoes and highly processed pasta, then you’re gonna walk around a bloated mess all the time.

im working on a good keto diet plan and my experience with it for the forums as we speak.  Going to get it to CBDB and I believe he’s gonna pin it for the information.   There are so many misconceptions and confusion surrounding low carb diets, so many sources of mixed info out there and I’m gonna lay it down from an experience approach.    A lot of it is how certain fats make me feel.  Some fats are super inflammatory like vegetable oils and some nuts, and others have the opposite effect.   There’s a lot that goes into a proper keto diet, but I really do love the way I feel on it and am going to run it long term.  But with like any diet, the cleaner the approach, the better results and health benefits you get.  We live in a fast pace world, and 99% of diet fails is from the lack of discipline to cook whole, nutritious foods.   I’m not a big calories in, calories out type guy.  I whole heartily believe that not all calories are the same.  Your body and metabolism adapts in different ways etc. 2500 calories of shit is a lot different than 2500 calories of whole clean foods.  I also think that’s where a lot of people fail too.   “I’ll just do extra cardio to burn off this McDonald’s”. I wish it was all that simple lol.

sorry sitting outside of the gym and the ore workout just hit me.  I started on one thing and ended on another.  But that’s how my brain works lol

Did you end up giving it a go man? Free flowing now?
No, sorry, haven't had a chance yet. Luckily I haven't had issues with the prostate but wanted to get something as a preventative measure. I have some family coming to visit from the States in 2021 and will ask for them to bring some supply for me to try out. 

As title suggests, what's in your health stack and why. 

I just ordered a few bottle of morphoprime (not looking forward to the shipping time or the friggin import tax into China) as it has almost everything in it I would want except for Astragalus for kidneys at 3000mg or so, IP6 at 500mg to 1000mg for hemocrit (if it actually works) and a baby asprin lol. 

Tudca is also on the list but only when needed. 

Here is the list of whats in morphoprime: (copy and paste)


Possesses anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetic effects. It can also improve intestinal health, lower cholesterol, and decrease systolic blood pressure.

Shown to be as potent as the pharmaceutical drug Metformin at reducing blood glucose levels and biomarkers of Type II diabetes.

Berberine is commonly dosed between 500-1,500mg per day in divided doses.

MORPHOPRIME contains 1,000mg berberine per serving.


N-Acetylcysteine (NAC) supplementation is able to reliably increase levels of glutathione, a potent antioxidant that prevents free radical damage from toxic exposures.

Promotes kidney and liver protection and helps with chronic lung conditions such as COPD.

MORPHOPRIME contains 600mg NAC per serving.


Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) is involved in energy metabolism blood glucose metabolism as well as antioxidant activity.

ALA reduces oxidation and inflammation, reversing some of the oxidative damage related to the effects of aging.

Protects against heart diseases, liver diseases, diabetes, and neurological decline associated with aging.

Standard dosages of ALA are 300-600mg, with little differentiation based on whether the racemic mixture of ALA (S- and R- isomers) orNa-R-ALA results in higher blood levels.

MORPHOPRIME contains 600mg ALA per serving. 


Terminalia arjuna (Arjuna) is a tree that has its bark used medicinally, usually for the purposes of cardioprotection. It appears to reduce blood pressure and pulse rate, and may increase aerobic exercise capacity.

A standard dose for the purposes of cardiac health appears to be 500mg taken daily. 

For persons who suffered cardiac trauma (such as Myocardial Infarction), this dose tends to be taken three times a day every 8 hours.

MORPHOPRIME contains the research supported dose of 500mg Arjuna (std. 40% polyphenols and 0.5% arjuinolic acid) per serving. 


A citrus extract that have been clinically documented to provide natural support for healthy cholesterol levels and blood glucose metabolism.

Promotes Cardiovascular Health.

Clinically shown to raise HDL cholesterol and reduce LDL cholesterol levels.

Supports healthy blood glucose metabolism.

Reduces triglycerides and maintains blood pressure.

MORPHOPRIME contains 500mg citrus bergamot per serving.


Curcumin is the active ingredient of turmeric. It is an anti-inflammatory molecule with anti-cancer properties.

Also shown to help alleviate cognitive decline associated with aging, reduce lipid and plaque levels in arteries, and reduce diabetes risk.

Curcumin has poor bioavailability and should be paired with piperine (black pepper extract); 20mg for every 500mg curcumin. Curcumin absorption up to 2,000% has been noted in human studies. 

MORPHOPRIME contains 500mg curcumin (standardized for 95% curcuminoids) per serving alongside 20mg piperine (as Bioperine) and 50mg AstraGin™ for maximum absorption.  


Also known as Coenzyme Q10, a molecule found in mitochondria that has a critical role in producing energy for the body.

Enhances blood flow and protects blood vessels.

Reduces oxidative damage and plaque buildup in the arteries.

Common dosing is 90-200mg per day.

MORPHOPRIME contains 200mg ubiquinol per serving.


Found commonly in wine, Resveratrol (as trans-resveratrol) appears to be effective at protecting the heart and increasing blood flow, and may be an insulin sensitizer.

May protect humans from heart disease and insulin resistance.

The lower end of supplementation tends to be for cardiovascular health, insulin sensitivity, and longevity for somebody who is otherwise unhealthy is 5-10mg daily. For persons who are otherwise healthy, dosages between the range of 150-445mg have been used (with no clear indication for what is the optimal dose).

MORPHOPRIME contains the research supported dose of 150mg Trans-Resveratrol per serving. 


AstraGin® is a patented blend of highly purified saponins isolated from the Astragalus membranaceous and Panax notoginseng plant.

Shown to dramatically increase the absorption and bioavailability of a variety of nutrients, such as peptides, amino acids, glucose, vitamins and minerals, phytonutrients, and various sports nutrition supplements.

Supports the gut ecosystem by providing a favorable microbiome environment.

Enhances the immune system.

Recommended daily dose is 50mg per day.

MORPHOPRIME contains 50mg AstraGin® per serving.


The trademarked version of piperine, a black pepper extract that increases the absorption of various nutrients such as curcumin (up to 2,000% in humans) as well as inhibits the breakdown of fat-burning compounds such as caffeine and the catecholamines, prolonging the effects of preworkout stimulants and increasing their bioavailability.

Piperine also reduces LDL cholesterol and plasma lipids while elevating HDL cholesterol and the thyroid hormones.

Common dosing is 5-10mg for preworkout supplements and 20mg for curcumin containing products.

MORPHOPRIME contains 20mg Bioperine® per serving.

Pumpkin Seed Oil Powder and Beta-Sitosterol are supposed to be good. Both around 1g per day. B-S is also good for a few other things. 

Saw Palmetto Extract also has a long history in prostate support, but I don't know if it has enough effect to warrant use. Normally around 500mg day. 

If I had to choose one, it would be the B-S. 

Thanks for this information. This information will be very useful for my prostate

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Just thought I would bump this as I have been finding a lot of guys (both older but mostly younger) do not take any health measures while on cycle or even while on cruise or TRT+

Post up your health stacks and hopefully some people will gain something from it. 

Current Health Stack:

Morphogen Prime Organ Health x 6 caps per day

Astragalus Extract x 3g per day

Fish oil x 5 caps per day

Vitamin C x 2000mg per day

D3/K2 x 5000IU/100mcg per day

Calcium/Magnesium x 600mg/600mg per day

Cialis x 5mg per day

Nattokinase x 8000mg per day 

Multi Vitamin x Recommended dose of whatever Im using at the time

Telmisartan x 40mg per day

If anyone is interested in the Morpho Prime, there is a 10% discount here but its an American company...soooo, ya. Morphogen (JOINTHETKVR-3670)
