What do u drink/eat intra workout?


Oct 19, 2018
Ive never done anything intra workout other than gatorade but am now considering trying something similar to milos protocol with 25g Peptopro or (15g EAA, 10g BCAA), 50g HBCD, 5g creatine monohydrate, 10g gluatmine.

And utilize some humalog preworkout also.

What do u guys use?

IMO anything you intake PO doesn't reach any sort effective serum level until you are out of the gym, unless you are doing monster 4 hour workouts. If only the GI tract absorbed things as quickly as it does ethanol, as ethanol is absorbed directly via the stomach lining.  Ethanol, Acetyl Salacylic Acid(sp) and some Non-Steroidal Anti Inflamatory Drugs(NSAIDS), most everything else must pass through the stomach into the small intestine before any absorption even occurs. As we all know anything and everything that is absorbed via the small intestine takes a pass through the liver first, evolutions way to protect ourselves in case we eat something poisonous.

IMO I'd concentrate on Pre-Workout supplementation/hydration timed at around 60 minutes before you walk into the gym.  If your slamming Insulin the only Intraworkout I'd worry about is some sort of a real sugar predissolved ready to drink, just in case. And concentrate on your postworkout supplementation/meal.

 All this Pre-Intra-post workout worry has been impressed upon us by people wishing to make money off of us.



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Pre -- nothing but water

While working out -- water

Post workout -- a double scooped protein shake (I like them thick)

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I prefer to work out on an empty stomach then I destroy food over a 6 to 8 hour window really find thats the ticket water only during workout I find anything I take other then that makes me feel like crap If I am having a rough day I will slam a monster energy drink sugar free prior

Yeah I agree with Talon, the last while I work out fasted. Always some caffeine before tho. Bcaas or eaa’s sometimes during but not very often, all depends if I work night shift and get up in the afternoon I’ll head to gym with the pre/intra. But mornings when I’m off always empty stomach and caffeine. 

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Pre work out is usually demo day by Seth feroce.  I train at 2/3am so just as something so it’s not a completely fasted training session.  It’s a carb powder that has fast and slow absorbing compounds.  When I used to try eating or protein powders before it would make me feel like crap! Bloated cramps just all around bag of shit.  Demo day doesn’t bother my stomach in the least.  

Intra is just water usually mixed in the same shaker I had my pre in so it may have a tiny bit of carb powder still in it but essentially water

post is a whey isolate on my drive to work then an hour later I will have a real meal

My intra workout shake varies depending on my training cycle, diet, what I'm trying to accomplish, etc... 

But several of my mainstays are a mixture of BCAA/EAA, Hydrolyzed whey, Electrolytes, Gatorade, Vitargo/Karbolyn/HBCD

I'm not very huge on having shakes Post Workout so this basically stops the need for it, but every case is different. 

IMO anything you intake PO doesn't reach any sort effective serum level until you are out of the gym, unless you are doing monster 4 hour workouts. 
Carbohydrates will hit the bloodstream in a matter of minutes.

If you're one that trains with high intensity on an empty stomach then an energy drink (prob best diluted) can help keep the gas tank full during your WO. 

And utilize some humalog preworkout also.
Pre-workout is probably the least effective time to use insulin IMO. Not only is most of your energy metabolism non-insulin mediated (your own insulin should be sufficient), but now you also have to deal with higher hypoglycemia risks from the increased activity level.

IMO best time to 'one-shot' use it is in the morning if you have a reasonable sized meal to overcome increased insulin resistance from lack of activity. 

Pre-workout is probably the least effective time to use insulin IMO. Not only is most of your energy metabolism non-insulin mediated (your own insulin should be sufficient), but now you also have to deal with higher hypoglycemia risks from the increased activity level.

IMO best time to 'one-shot' use it is in the morning if you have a reasonable sized meal to overcome increased insulin resistance from lack of activity. 
I do like and advocate (DEPENDING on a multitude of factors) pre workout insulin usage as well as post workout. I think they're both great opportunities for added anabolism. Like you mentioned though, pre workout insulin is a bit more tricky in terms of carbohydrate metabolism and thus more care has to be taken. 

Preworkout I like to eat something sweet and carby like a muffin. Occasionally I'll drink a preworkout for the stimulants. If I'm cutting just a coffee.

Intra, nothing just water. Try to get 2L in. The preworkout carbs will fuel the workout. I've tried all the intra workout shit, hbcd, dextrose, bcaa, eaa, creatine.... Didn't offer any benefit. If anything it probably negatively impacted me as sometimes the stuff didn't sit well. Really think intra is only needed if you are taking insulin preworkout and even then just some carbs. I believe a lot of the hype is just marketing. Supp companies trying to push another product category and trainers trying to sell "the secret".

Post workout a cup of egg whites when I walk in the door and then start prepping a full meal.

Anyone else remember the 'cell swell' intra WO that was posted on datbtrue? 

6g L- leucine

4g L-alanine (NOT BETA ALANINE)

3g L-glycine

8-25g L- glutamine (depending how much you can stomach)

75ml coconut water (for electrolyte I believe)

75ml lemon juice (ph balance, flavor)

Mix with 2L water.

If I remember correctly, the coconut water and lemon juice aren't necessary.

I would appreciate of someone with great knowledge explained what the optimal way to do this stuff is.

I generally eat around 5:30pm and like to work out with a relatively empty stomach around 9:30pm. I usually have some fast carbs around 9pm, such as 1/2 banana with couple of spoons of BCAA and a pre-workout stimulant. I feel like it gets me through the workout and if I do cardio, I'm hungry at that point and theoretically burn fat. When I get home, I usually have cottage cheese with a spoon of jam and couple of spoons of BCAA. I take BCAAs mainly because I've read that  I "should" do it. If anyone can suggest any improvements, I'd love to hear it.

Since I train at night like 9:30 pm I’m so full of protien and carbs from eating all day all I do is drink coffee before hand, then during I just drink 1/2 water, 1/2 white cranberry juice.  Usually 49 oz worth.

today though post workout I’m drinking a Pepsi and eating potato chips, lol.

I tried slin. I didn’t like it.