What inspired your Handle name?


Trusted Member
Aug 17, 2018
This is a great one fellas! One of my favourite threads on the old board was how guys came to choosing their board names! 

Mine however is pretty basic and speaks for itself! Haha

i do my best to live up to it too

the intense Alpha Male comes naturally I guess

Givverr Spoonz is something I just started spitting out in rages of excitement since then it stuck. 

Tell us your stories boyeeess

@PFPpoirier I know you have a good story behind it. Many actually! Let’s hear it!

@ElectricRocker your another one I’m curious about! 

WAYYYYY back in early 2000's I was trying to learn more about roids and found anabolicsteroids.com (I think its now just steroid.com).  Anyways I wanted to ask questions and look at pictures which meant I needed to create a profile.  It was the very first "forum" I ever joined so it was all new..  While I was creating a profile I was also reading on animal pak's website (https://www.animalpak.com/).  They used to have really cool insiprational writtings on there, not sure if they do anymore.  Anyways I was reading a writting on there called "fuck everything else"...   So while thinking of a profile name I had the "animal" from animal pak's in my head and then it just clicked the "animal-inside".   I think "fuck everything else" might have also reffered to releasing your animal inside... Can't remember that much..  That was I think 15 years ago.

WAYYYYY back in early 2000's I was trying to learn more about roids and found anabolicsteroids.com (I think its now just steroid.com).  Anyways I wanted to ask questions and look at pictures which meant I needed to create a profile.  It was the very first "forum" I ever joined so it was all new..  While I was creating a profile I was also reading on animal pak's website (https://www.animalpak.com/).  They used to have really cool insiprational writtings on there, not sure if they do anymore.  Anyways I was reading a writting on there called "fuck everything else"...   So while thinking of a profile name I had the "animal" from animal pak's in my head and then it just clicked the "animal-inside".   I think "fuck everything else" might have also reffered to releasing your animal inside... Can't remember that much..  That was I think 15 years ago.
Fuck everything else 


The unmotivated. The weak. The ones that always have an excuse for why they have not yet reached their goals. You know the type of person I’m talking about. The “could have been”, the “should have been”, the “almost was something” type. Are you one of them? Or do you grab your dreams by the balls, take control of what you want, and go after it? Do you have the heart, determination, drive, persistence, perseverance, and that animal lust for that which will undeniably be yours one day? Do you want to be big? Strong? Can you muster up enough drive and ambition every time you are in the gym to give your all? Can you mentally say fuck the world and everything in it cuz all that exists right now is this weight I am about to move, no matter what?

Listen up brothers. Motivation is the key to anything in life. In the world of iron, only the motivated will survive. There is nothing like the feeling of adrenaline coursing through your veins like a jacked up hydraulic pump making you shake, sweat, and filling you with anger and rage right before a heavy lift. It’s the fucking best. I love it. You have to love it. If you don’t you should probably go buy a fitness magazine and read up on the latest to firm up that fat ass of yours. Did I say that? Sorry, I guess that may have been a little rough, but fuck it, so is training like an Animal.

Moving iron takes motivation. Growing to those sick proportions of the ones we consider freaks takes motivation. Some of my favorite motivators are heavy music, new gyms, and different training partners to bang heads and compete with while training. Training with someone who is stronger and much more developed is a great motivator. Lastly and probably the most powerful motivator for me is finding that one thought that enrages me enough to rip someone’s arms and legs off.

I won’t share my thoughts, cuz they are mine and may be a little twisted, but they work for me. What’s life like without a spine? I don’t know cuz I have one. I imagine it would be a life full of fear of failing to the point that you are a doormat for anyone who wants to wipe his feet on you. Are you willing to let others wipe their feet on you? Can you find a way to light a fire in you to make you push? Take a look at some of the most successful people in the world and they are all motivated. Shit, even some of the worlds most notorious criminals have motivation to act out they way they do. One truly motivated person can inspire everyone around them.

Right now you are probably thinking how the fuck is this article going to help motivate me? Here’s how, man. I want you to pick a goal. Whether it’s a few extra pounds to a heavy lift, or a few extra inches of muscle on your body, take a look at what you want. Be realistic cuz you are never going to put on 100 pounds of solid muscle in a month no matter how motivated you are. Now ask yourself, “Why did I pick this goal?” Is it cuz you want to impress some hottie? Maybe it’s cuz you are tired of being the fat guy? Or is it cuz you want to break records in competitions and look like a fucking animal? The reason for picking the goal is the same thing that should motivate you.

Take the lead out of your dirty underwear and get moving. Not tomorrow, today. Don’t put it off. Get to work now. Believe in yourself and go get what you want. No, don’t just go get it. Attack it and take it cuz it’s yours. Take it cuz you know that in your heart if you don’t, you will never forget that it was there all along for the taking and you just bitched up and let it go. You have to be able to look yourself in the mirror everyday of your life. How is it going to feel if you let goals and aspirations pass you by? Love it, live it, be it...

One thing I love about what I do is that I knew all along in my life that it was exactly what I wanted to do. I never let anyone tell me different. I remember when I first started to compete as an adult and having family members say, “Why are you still doing that?” I have some very successful people in my family but mostly “could have beens” and “should have beens”. They never took what they wanted. Most of them thought I was wasting my time. It’s funny how those same people now brag about me being in a magazine or on TV for the nationals. They doubt me no more! This is fuel for me. I am different. Are you?

Can you say that when you were 16 and you wanted to be huge, win titles and compete for pro status, that you actually followed through? I can. I’m not saying this to brag but it’s a great feeling when you can say I had a dream and instead of letting it go like everyone else, I actually went for it at all costs. I hope that it motivates and shows my kids, once I have some, that if you really want anything bad enough, you can reach it. Picking a competition and training, dieting, sacrificing, all seem hard at the time, but when you nail that fucking title to the wall and claim it as your own, it’s the best feeling in the world. And no one can take that away from you.

So what’s inside you? This is it. This is the time. There is only now. Tomorrow is a dream and a day away. Can you go after what you want? Yes, only if you are motivated. The real question is, are you? Or do you believe that tomorrow will come and bring the motivation with it? Yeah well while you are waiting for tomorrow, I will be doing heavy squats and deads today to turn pro while you are watching me do so on TV. Animals? Yes, at Animalpak.com we are. Why? Cuz we go after what we want and we don’t wait for tomorrow to bring us motivation.

Be real. Don’t be fake. Be smart. Don’t waste your time. Find that spark inside you and make it the biggest fucking fire around. Let it burn out of control. Take control of your destination and never give it up. Stop making excuses. Make it work. All the pleasures in life cannot compare to living your dream. If you dream of being big, strong, lifting heavy, competing, and winning then go do it. Get off your ass. The only thing that I fear is the thought that one day I may not have a dream, so I will not let this one go until I get all that I want. Take it. Be an Animal. Fuck everything else."


*says article was made in 2016, that's not true..  It was made in early 2000's..  GUessing when they updated their website in 2016 he publishing date went to 2016. 

Fuck everything else 


The unmotivated. The weak. The ones that always have an excuse for why they have not yet reached their goals. You know the type of person I’m talking about. The “could have been”, the “should have been”, the “almost was something” type. Are you one of them? Or do you grab your dreams by the balls, take control of what you want, and go after it? Do you have the heart, determination, drive, persistence, perseverance, and that animal lust for that which will undeniably be yours one day? Do you want to be big? Strong? Can you muster up enough drive and ambition every time you are in the gym to give your all? Can you mentally say fuck the world and everything in it cuz all that exists right now is this weight I am about to move, no matter what?

Listen up brothers. Motivation is the key to anything in life. In the world of iron, only the motivated will survive. There is nothing like the feeling of adrenaline coursing through your veins like a jacked up hydraulic pump making you shake, sweat, and filling you with anger and rage right before a heavy lift. It’s the fucking best. I love it. You have to love it. If you don’t you should probably go buy a fitness magazine and read up on the latest to firm up that fat ass of yours. Did I say that? Sorry, I guess that may have been a little rough, but fuck it, so is training like an Animal.

Moving iron takes motivation. Growing to those sick proportions of the ones we consider freaks takes motivation. Some of my favorite motivators are heavy music, new gyms, and different training partners to bang heads and compete with while training. Training with someone who is stronger and much more developed is a great motivator. Lastly and probably the most powerful motivator for me is finding that one thought that enrages me enough to rip someone’s arms and legs off.

I won’t share my thoughts, cuz they are mine and may be a little twisted, but they work for me. What’s life like without a spine? I don’t know cuz I have one. I imagine it would be a life full of fear of failing to the point that you are a doormat for anyone who wants to wipe his feet on you. Are you willing to let others wipe their feet on you? Can you find a way to light a fire in you to make you push? Take a look at some of the most successful people in the world and they are all motivated. Shit, even some of the worlds most notorious criminals have motivation to act out they way they do. One truly motivated person can inspire everyone around them.

Right now you are probably thinking how the fuck is this article going to help motivate me? Here’s how, man. I want you to pick a goal. Whether it’s a few extra pounds to a heavy lift, or a few extra inches of muscle on your body, take a look at what you want. Be realistic cuz you are never going to put on 100 pounds of solid muscle in a month no matter how motivated you are. Now ask yourself, “Why did I pick this goal?” Is it cuz you want to impress some hottie? Maybe it’s cuz you are tired of being the fat guy? Or is it cuz you want to break records in competitions and look like a fucking animal? The reason for picking the goal is the same thing that should motivate you.

Take the lead out of your dirty underwear and get moving. Not tomorrow, today. Don’t put it off. Get to work now. Believe in yourself and go get what you want. No, don’t just go get it. Attack it and take it cuz it’s yours. Take it cuz you know that in your heart if you don’t, you will never forget that it was there all along for the taking and you just bitched up and let it go. You have to be able to look yourself in the mirror everyday of your life. How is it going to feel if you let goals and aspirations pass you by? Love it, live it, be it...

One thing I love about what I do is that I knew all along in my life that it was exactly what I wanted to do. I never let anyone tell me different. I remember when I first started to compete as an adult and having family members say, “Why are you still doing that?” I have some very successful people in my family but mostly “could have beens” and “should have beens”. They never took what they wanted. Most of them thought I was wasting my time. It’s funny how those same people now brag about me being in a magazine or on TV for the nationals. They doubt me no more! This is fuel for me. I am different. Are you?

Can you say that when you were 16 and you wanted to be huge, win titles and compete for pro status, that you actually followed through? I can. I’m not saying this to brag but it’s a great feeling when you can say I had a dream and instead of letting it go like everyone else, I actually went for it at all costs. I hope that it motivates and shows my kids, once I have some, that if you really want anything bad enough, you can reach it. Picking a competition and training, dieting, sacrificing, all seem hard at the time, but when you nail that fucking title to the wall and claim it as your own, it’s the best feeling in the world. And no one can take that away from you.

So what’s inside you? This is it. This is the time. There is only now. Tomorrow is a dream and a day away. Can you go after what you want? Yes, only if you are motivated. The real question is, are you? Or do you believe that tomorrow will come and bring the motivation with it? Yeah well while you are waiting for tomorrow, I will be doing heavy squats and deads today to turn pro while you are watching me do so on TV. Animals? Yes, at Animalpak.com we are. Why? Cuz we go after what we want and we don’t wait for tomorrow to bring us motivation.

Be real. Don’t be fake. Be smart. Don’t waste your time. Find that spark inside you and make it the biggest fucking fire around. Let it burn out of control. Take control of your destination and never give it up. Stop making excuses. Make it work. All the pleasures in life cannot compare to living your dream. If you dream of being big, strong, lifting heavy, competing, and winning then go do it. Get off your ass. The only thing that I fear is the thought that one day I may not have a dream, so I will not let this one go until I get all that I want. Take it. Be an Animal. Fuck everything else."


*says article was made in 2016, that's not true..  It was made in early 2000's..  GUessing when they updated their website in 2016 he publishing date went to 2016. 
Sick Fuckin Post! love it!

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This is a great one fellas! One of my favourite threads on the old board was how guys came to choosing their board names! 

Mine however is pretty basic and speaks for itself! Haha

i do my best to live up to it too

the intense Alpha Male comes naturally I guess

Givverr Spoonz is something I just started spitting out in rages of excitement since then it stuck. 

Tell us your stories boyeeess

@PFPpoirier I know you have a good story behind it. Many actually! Let’s hear it!

@ElectricRocker your another one I’m curious about! 
Lol! Nothing too special brother, I am an electrician and  had/just sold my Harley rocker c.  I was texting somebody something about those two and my spell check corrected electric rocker. Spell checkers sometimes eh! Well that person a few days later called me electric rocker over a text. It was dropped later, as it was a joke. But Later that night  I was making an account for boom beach game lol, so that name came to my head, now use it as my board/s handle now ha

Hehehe O:)  well keeping it politicaly correct ... being Adrenaline freak and extremist in every field i Love  lol  Pound For Pound Poirier    in the Various  Boxing Gyms  during training camps for Nationals "Canada Games" i  met a few  Pro's as an Amateur  i tryed them all in the Gym and always face the heavy weights and experienced ones , idd always go full out during sparring , and make evryone go  full RPM ?   Boxing is 80% Mental 20% physical   and a hell of a Rush ]:}    , My Boxing Nick Name followed me in other fields as well ... im all in and i go all out , more then a Sport it's a way of LIFE ✌️   

Atta boyee @PFPpoirier  atta boyee!

quite accurate I must say. Good entry. Don’t wanna come in gunz a blazin. It’s a great family and brotherhood round here! Youl fit right in!

Humble, loyal but DANGEROUS when provoked! 


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I was a no good criminal before I met my woman. She got me out of the things I thought I’d never leave. She made me a very happy man and I’ve dedicated my life to her.

We moved out of a no good city together and I have charges that followed me. Having spent a fortune just to do us and get to know each other I was desperate to change and get my life on track. I got a job on a commercial construction site and was being paid shit to do labour. With little time to gather lawyer fees I felt prison bound. 

I worked my ass off, when some rodbusters asked for me to work with them on site. It wasn’t long until they liked my work ethic and the owner of that company came up to me and offered me a job with them with a way better wage and an apprenticeship.

I stepped on some shoes because the offer was to good to pass up. I did what I needed to do and am busting my ass off every day to get my red seal and hopefully beat my charges.

Long Live The RodGod ?

I used to be a magician nerd as a kid, it was my dream to have my own show in vegas one day... i was the geeky kid in elementary school running around the cafeteria making everyone "pick a card any card"

so my handle is a tribute to my childhood dream lol

I used to weld and I'm fit?

Was a welder/ironworker for over 12 years. Did 4 years in the pen and that's when I started to train hard. Got out got my life back on track and back to work. Now i make more money doing personal training and nutrition so that's where I'm at.

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Mine entails my sister being murdered in South America. It fucks me up to this day, but I channel the pain and suffering into weights, martial arts and work. Life is a fucking miracle, don't ever let yourself forget that shit!

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I got mine from a eagle talon I did up and also from grabbing a guy by the face almost crushing it at the time.  he learned quickly not to ever touch my woman lol

I has mentioned this before, but is is short for Potassium Sorbate.  A mould inhibitor use in cheese.  No one ever uses it so if I go to log on somewhere and its taken then I have to try to remember my password, lol.

Its not fancy but it works.