What's in your shake

Cool thread!

greek yogurt, vanilla whey, strawberries, a banana, oats and ice. 

1/2 cup large flake oatmeal, 30g unflavored protein powder, 5g creatine, tbspn of each hemp seed and chia seeds, two tbspn of natural peanut butter and high protein Greek yogurt, a tspn of honey, a banana, 1/4 cup of strawberries, one cup of fairlife skim milk, and 4 ice cubes....... It’s killer!! Hahahahah. A hell of a chore though. I look forward to them every weekend. 

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My go to shake

1 scoop of chocolate peanut butter whey protein powder from Canadian protein powder..

1 table spoon of all natural peanut butter 

2 squeezes from my squeezable all natural honey

Half a banana 

1/4 cup of blueberries 

1 package of natural oats

Add your ice cold water🤗

So damn good of course you can use any fruit you like..

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On training days:

60 g dextrose

1 scoop protein powder

scoop of taurine and creatine

I take this 45 mins before training with 4 iu of insulin - and it works amazingly well for my workout in getting high performance, recovery throughout the session, and the freakin pump!!