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TRT Friendly Endos in Hamilton/Burlington area?

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Has anyone had any luck with a TRT friendly Endo in the Hamilton area? I was referred to one who didn't like the fact that I used steroids in the past so she refused to treat me. I'm speaking with my GP again to get a new referral but I'm wondering if there is someone I should request?

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3 hours ago, MedicusResearch said:

I’m not familiar with any but I would start online getting reviews and peoples real world experiences. That would be a good starting point. I’m sure other members will soon chime in. MedicusResearch Team 

Online I'm not finding anything about referred endos and TRT. Most are referencing diabetes and such. Only thing coming up is private anti aging clinics which I would do if I have to but I'd prefer being referred to an Endo through my GP 

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