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First time using anabolics; would welcome any advice

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Hey everyone, 

This is my first time ever using one of these forums; I'm a 5'6'' 20 year old male sitting at 141Lbs with about 9 months of resistance training experience. After a ton of deliberation and thought I've decided that I want to use anabolics to enhance my performance and build muscle faster (I am aware that this is pretty early in my lifting experience to start using anabolics; I have weighed the pros and cons and made my decision).

My plan: start on 250mg of test-c administered bi-weekly (not interested in stacking or experimenting with anything but test at this point). I've found a lot of websites that sell testosterone (getting a prescription for TRT would take too long and I probably wouldn't even be approved for it) but there are so many that it's kind of overwhelming.

Could anybody on the forum recommend a trustworthy website for anabolics that ships to Canada? Also, if anybody has recommendations for what sort of AI I should keep on hand (and what I should look for in my bloodwork), pls let me know. I've been watching a lot of mpmd and doing a lot of internet browsing but there's still a ton I don't know yet lol. Also if you guys can recommend the best needle and syringe to use that'd be great. Thx guys



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