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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/20/2020 in Posts

  1. Hi all. I joined this forum a few months back, and have made a few replies. I’ve stayed in a different thread what my covid blast was, and I figured this would be the best way to give some updates. i am about half way through my cycle. 900 test e, 500 deca, 200 DHB. I’ve ran many test/deca cycles in the past, and aside from bloat, it is my go to bulk cycle. My body just seems to respond to deca best for building mass. Can play with calories week by week and see what’s working and not working pretty quickly. I started off with 20mg superdrol for 4 weeks as a kicker. Killed my appetite as expected, but was able to trim a bit of fat while getting full and strong while waiting for the oils to kick in. Started off at 260lbs (wife had a baby and then got put on covid lock down). Was at 245 after the superdrol. Was mainly on a home made mass shake diet to get calories down my throat at that time. But strength was up and the fullness was there. about week 5 I could tell my old friend deca was doing its job, strength leveled off after the superdrol run, but I could tell water was going to all the right places, appetite was up, endurance was up, and paired with the test I felt immortal. I just started week 11. (16 week cycle). Back up to 255, cycling 3500-5000 calories a day. 2 cheat meals a week. Delts and chest are huge and full. Quads have probably seen the most growth. I’ve always had a hard time getting biceps to grow, but arms are big and full. Back is thicker and lats a lot meatier. Rear delts and upper back has exploded over the last 5 weeks or so. So far I’m pretty happy with results. I’ve been out of the game for about a year and a half due to life, but size wise I back to where I’m was about 2 years ago. now let’s talk about the DHB. This is the first time I’ve ran it, and yea 200mg is probably a super low dose, but I figured I would run it with a tried and true cycle I was already comfortable with to see what it could help with. I’ve read so many conflicting things about it online. My gains do seem to be a biter harder than what I’m used to with deca/test gains, I’m full, but also don’t feel like a water balloon, which I’m contributing to the DHB, other than that I notice some insomnia, which I normally sleep like a baby on a test/deca cycle. stregth stats. before starting flat bench was 315, squats 405, and dead’s right over 500. I’ve added about 30lbs to squats and bench, but right now the lower back pumps are too intense for heavy deads. I switched to stiff leg deads and reverse hypers on ham and glute days. training schedule is not a set mtwtfss schedule, but rather I put in rest days when my body tells me to. I’ve never been a “split bro” but schedule looks a lot like this.. delts. Upper back. Chest. Arms. Hams and glutes and lower back. Quads and calves. Rinse and repeat. I train arms twice a week, one day devoted to bi/tri and then the other I’ll add into one of my other body parts. i would love to post some progress pictures, but every time I try to upload from my iPhone I get an error message. I’m probably doing something wrong because I suck at technology. ps. I’ve got some anadrol and dbol on hand I might add in for a few weeks after last shot of deca. The plan is to cruise on TRT for 8 weeks and then start my tren/eq/mast cycle to lean out for the winter. Plan is to do a show mid spring (if there will be any). So use the late fall and winter months to slow cut, before the 12 week pre contest cycle. thanks for reading all
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