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Posts posted by GainTrain

  1. 6 minutes ago, CapeBretonDadBod said:

    No man , you need to take criticism from people who have been there , we aren’t going to just tell you what you want to hear and pat you on the head and say good job , these hormones are serious things , we want you to have health and longevity in this , also we have newbies that come in here and read these things and some are quite impressionable, we don’t want them thinking some of this information is ok , then we have to try to fix a person that took this lightly and went down a rabbit hole he regrets because he got bad information. We like to guide people in the right direction of doing things safely and healthy. It’s nothing personal just we have other members to look after too.

    CBDB is a lil more diplomatic than I, I’m an asshole 100%... you should listen to him. He’s a smart guy. Much nicer than I, but he knows his shit. 

    If you are smart you’ll listen to what everyone here says.

  2. 5 minutes ago, eightyeight14 said:

    well brother, clearly you feel the need to compare yourself to me. for your own ego, or what, idk, but you were the only one who ever challeneged anyone. 


    i think im gonna just move on to a diff forum and continue there. you guys are a trip, 1 sec we are shootin the shit next you puffin up your chest to a rookie. later guys

     Goodbye Princess no gains

    • Like 1
  3. The cycles we run. Especially the early ones leave a footprint if you will. If you get used to large doses early on that’s all you will respond to. You’ll need large and larger doses to get the response you want.

    if you as most people what they would change with their first cycle it’d be using less. 

    Imo you would build waaaaay more muscle on 300-400 test no ai than you will 750 with crushed estrogen 

    What is your next cycle? 1000 test 1000 deca? And the next? Or next?

    honestly man. Drop the ai and go back to 400-500 test. You’ll get much more out of it With less side effects I promise

    • Like 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, eightyeight14 said:

    And honestly @GainTrain , i considered you as being my friend over the last couple weeks of us talking in my thread, and really am confused why you got a bit disrespectful towards me with that last post. Roid rage? Again guys, its a 750mg test only cycle, RELAX.

    Not likely as I’m currently natural.. 

    Let me ask you this, what’s your next cycle going to be? 1500?

  5. 2 minutes ago, eightyeight14 said:

    not really, im not interested in comparing myself to you. Im focused of my own goals and will be judging my own success, you've been doing this much longer than I, and have refined your diet/training/doses over a long peroid of time. Its literally apples to oranges. Maybe you took something the wrong way but, nowhere did I ever challenge you . 

    No man. I feel no challenge. Sorry if I come off rough. But your doing this all wrong. Your gear hasn’t even kicked in yet. And if it did it will be stunted by all the anti-estrogen you’re taking. And now you’re up And if it did it will be stunted by all the anti-estrogen you’re taking. And now you’re upping your dose.... 

  6. Then, heaven forbid another rookie sees your log and gets any silly ideas they will see the actual outcome.

    You’re basically going to use a shitload of steroids to make minimal to no gains, you won’t be able to hang on to whatever gains you make without steroids, and your next cycle you’ll have to take way more. Within a year you’ll be taking rich Piana doses to look like Richard Simmons

    • Like 1
  7. On 12/23/2019 at 1:30 PM, eightyeight14 said:

    update 12/23

    pinning left quad. i did a thing and upped dosage to 750 mg per week. 

    estrogen is getting to be a little annoying . the problem is my levels are quite low because i’m getting massive energy loss daily. Like i can take a full 4 hour nap , 4 hours after waking up if i wanted. however when i lower the dose my nips start to become sensitive. so idk what to do , at this point my current solution is simply over power the sides and use some caffeine .long term solution is simply lose bodyfat. this isn’t much of a problem right now luckily as i’m not currently working , but if i was working my regular 8-10 hour shifts there would be a very bad problem of extreme fatigue . i prob would immediately sleep and not lift or even eat ....

    Also! guys, try using icy hot roll on+ lidocaine spray for PIP and even injections themselves . I tried it for the first time today , because who wants to feel a needle more than they have to right ? it could be viewed as being a bitch but i don’t care at all.  anyway, there was zero pain ,  just that pressure of the needle puncturing the muscle . now a super cool effect is that a bit of icy hot got carried in from the needle due to the surface of my skin still being covered. what followed was the usual muscle mini poke feelings you get as you push down the plunger and move a little with the needle . but in a few seconds the icy hot kicked in and made contact inside my muscle and everything was slowly numbed directly . My entire quad site felt like a mild icy hot inside, in the nicest way. 


    also got some goodies in, melanotan in time for xmas. gonna start dosing that as well , i’m sure since the injections are sub - q that they won’t be able to be felt much at all with the icy hot .

    You seriously up to your dose to 750? 

    • Haha 1
  8. 39 minutes ago, eightyeight14 said:

    yea but im really not wanting to go lower than that honestly, im banking on the fact that ill just adjust to the compound and each time itll get better and probably gone by the 3rd inj. we shall see. luckily it comes in waves so i can still eat, its just limiting my window due to having to wait for the sides to go down before the next meal. 

     I never said go lower. What I meant was instead of doing 250 every other day try 125 every day, you could even go 70 morning 70 night. But like you said this just could be your initial dossing.  Most people I know don’t get many side effects from melanotan 2. 

    Out of curiosity, what lab or label are you using? Who is your testosterone from as well?

  9. 13 minutes ago, eightyeight14 said:

    very nice bronze look youre rocking man! well, this first inj i did last night just to acclimate to the side effects, unfortunately cant tan today or tommorow until the gym re-opens. but I plan on pinning 250mcg then heading to the gym 30 mins later and immdiately hopping in the tan bed for 10 mins before lifting, EOD. 


    yea, the sides kicked my ass without a doubt. i still felt them a bit today in less intense, irregular waves, because half life is 36 hours i guess. i got the boner sides as well this morning but it subsided


    absoultely SHIT on my appetite , i turned down going to olive garden tonight because i just knew either A) id sit their with zero appeitite the entire time B) worst case id catch a bad wave of nasusa and combined with all the extra simulus (talking, herbs and seasonings, etc) I could potentially get sick in their bathroom. sucks but we're FREAKS BABY we dont care about missing christmas dinners due to peptide inejctions.

    Damn man. I’ve heard melanotan can give nasty sides. My fave girl takes 250mcg and no sides. Really sucks you got em.

    Smaller doses more frequently may help mitigate them. Last thing you want is loss of appetite. Without food steroids don’t work like you want them to

  10. I’ve used several oils from bt. Test E, mast E, nectar of the gods and equipoise. All were thin oils. None but the nectar had pip (test base better pip tho lol). All did exactly as I expected. It’s gtg. Potent stuff.

    And another lab I’m using has thin oil (miglyol 840 I believe). Different oils are different thickness. 


    • Like 1
  11. TD Medicus research!

    I placed my second order with Medicus on the 16th, my package was in my hand on the 19th! Super fast service. The packaging and care that goes into shipping is phenomenal. It really says something to me about this labs attention to detail. Dealing with the rep Jax is an absolute pleasure. 

    Ive now had a bit of time to give a lil feedback on quality. For a few weeks now I’ve been pinning their test cyp im place of my prescription TRT: Oils are very clean and smooth, no pip whatsoever. I feel great. I’ll be pulling bloods in two weeks and I’ll gladly update this. I’m also using Medicus proviron and mk 677. Both are legit as fuck. My sex drive is ummm, rampant... (my poor gf’s) And my appetite and recovery are through the roof. I’m loving this brand. Ate one of their cialis last night, all night and today I’ve been  popping No Reason Boners like I’m 15..

    I’ll be sticking with Medicus Research for the foreseeable future, and I highly recommend trying them. Here’s some porn for you gear hounds!29D548C5-612A-46D4-8334-2FCF25BFB846.thumb.jpeg.ce60c96de2e0d8f5a1ce2000f837f6aa.jpeg

    Big thanks to Jax and the Medicus team!

    • Thanks 1
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