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Posts posted by Mikk0090

  1. You look amazing man!  Tightness and lines in the abdominals that a lot of guys envy!     I am a firm believer that less in more.  Some people fail to realize that the higher the dose doesn’t translate to more gains.  There is a threshold for everyone, and once you go above that threshold, you’re only adding sides and nothing else.  That is a good cycle, and at those doses can be ran for longer periods of time.  I like the winny dose, just enough to reap some benefits but not enough to kill your joints.     Post a before and after and this should be the poster child Prost for those first timers out there that claim “every board tells me to run 500mg test for my first cycle!”   250 test is close to 3 times a normal healthy adult males natural test production.  For the first timer than means epic gains without the test bloat!


    props to you man, keep this trend going that less is more!

    • Thanks 1
  2. In my honest opinion, superdrol shines in a cut, or leaning cycle.  It definitely helps with strength and aggression.   It will help you stay fuller while in a deficit as well.   Every time I’ve ran it (never above 20mg) my appetite would tank at about week 2.  Heart burn can get pretty unbearable too.     Superdrol is super toxic, so I wouldn’t stack it on top of any other oral.  Lethargy from your liver working super hard kicks in pretty hard , I find myself wanting to nap more, and be lazy while on it.    Gainz can be decent if you can get the calories in, but with my last run I was relying on home made mass shakes to keep calories up.    Unlike stated above, I have never experienced much water retention while running it, rather the gains are dryer and harder.    Superdrol while ran with tren and a good diet can completely transform your physique in a short time, but I’ve found the sides just aren’t worth it.


    i would compare it to running A mix of tbol and anavar together.  Aesthetic effects are comparable, but you wouldn’t get some of the size that superdrol and produce.  But you would feel a crap ton better.   Superdrol is not a pleasant cycle, and I think it’s over hyped.  It does have a rather long half life compared to other orals, but I did find that splitting up the dose to 3-4 times a day does help a bit with sides.   Just remember to take your liver aids and stay well hydrated and keep and eye on electrolytes.   First time I ran superdrol was years ago when it was still considered a pro hormone, and I would get bad kidney pain with it if my water intake was lacking in the slightest bit.

    superdrol does work, and works well.  But there are better options out there.  Like I said, the sides definitely out weigh the benefits for me on this compound.   I have found that it’s a decent pre workout every once in a while to help with intensity. 

    if you’re strait bulking, I would suggest a dbol/anadrol mix.  They work so well together.   20mg dbol with 50mg anadrol would do the trick.  It’s tried and true.  I only suggest that depending on your other bulking compounds, to keep an eye on progesterone levels.    Dbol water comes from estrogen, anadrol water comes from progesterone. Stacked with high deca can cause some issues in the middle of the cycle.  But I wouldn’t throw in superdrol if you’re planning on eating a lot of calories.  

  3. Wow.  I understand that miss communication and or mishaps can happen with packages (it’s happened to me). But this seems quite a bit flaky to say the least.   From my understanding, Bodytech has a very good reputation, and I wouldn’t think they would smear their own reputation this way.    The alleged scammer seems as though he is covering his tracks.  And the fact that he is “ok” with having his personal information posted out there in the open is a pretty big red flag.   I know for sure just the mere hint of my personal information being posted publicly would scare the pants off me, and I would do anything in my power to get things resolved civilly.  Especially with how crazy the world has been these past months.

    this here is the exact reason why reputable labs are weary of the new comers and first time customers.  In the end it screws people more than the actual scammer himself.  I don’t know how large the initial order was, but the one posted wasn’t anything you need to be sneaky about..

    I do hope this gets resolved for all parties involved, if not I hope that dude gets what’s coming to him!

  4. I envy your cardio sir.  I’ve always wanted to be able to run, and experience that “runners high” my buddy always talks about.  But my body just isn’t made for it.    Instead of the runners high, I get the OMG my lungs, keep breathing, breathing is key, you can do it.  Crap crap crap my thighs are chafing, I got this.  Nope time to walk, ok let’s lay down, nobody’s looking.  It’s ok to cry.   Lol..   

    making awesome progress!!

  5. 11 hours ago, Ryujiin said:

    Solid solid log man. Post up some photos of the new bike when you get it, just to make the rest of us jealous. 

    Curious as to what kind of numbers you pull on 150mg test a week as its a pretty reasonable TRT dose. 

    Will do man.  My wife is a Harley girl, but I hate harleys lol.  Down here in the states a lot of riders that ride harleys are dick head snobs lol.  Besides I like to ride my bikes hard and not have to worry about them leaving oil and vibrating apart after a year of ownership lol.  My wife has a 1200 Harley sportster, with ape hangers, stage 3 engine and suicide shift.  She breaks the damn thing down every winter and builds it back up by herself, it’s so sexy lol.   I on the other hand like scrambler and cafe racer style.  I’ve tested out the Indian FTR 1200 S before and fell in love, it’s right up my alley with the right customization.

    usually when I go back down to TRT dose test, I’ll definitely eat a little less to not get fat, but in the past I’ve been able to hold 230 with 150mgs test. I’m not so sure about that while staying on a keto diet, but we will find out.  I’ll only be at that dose for 4ish weeks before me and my buddy hop on our next cycle.  We are going to pose in a show early spring, and I still need a bit of size on me.  I’m wanting stage weight around 230 for amateur open division. I’m 5’11, hoping to get a lot of back thickness, and work on biceps and chest in the coming months.  My legs are pretty big, disproportionately big, so I’ll be focusing on definition on legs.   I havnt competed in a few years, so it’s more of a goal for me, I don’t expect to place high, but I also don’t want to be boo’d off stage lol.

  6. Oh yea college.  Lol I had quite the unique college experience lol.  I got my associates in paramedic technology along with a boat load of other certifications (PALS,NALS etc etc) a week after I graduated I was accepted into the fire academy, mind you I was on a pretty hefty dose of tren at that time, I was fit AF but my cardio sucked balls, lol what a struggle that was. That’s when I found out that anything over 500mg just amplified the sides and didn’t give more gains for me.  I was about 180 and shredded at that time.  At the time my wife and I lived really close to SLU, one of the best medical colleges in my state.  My dumb ass got accepted into the advanced practice paramedic program, graduated with a bachelors, and achieved my flight credentials there.  In the 3 years I was going to school there, I went from 185-245, holding about 9% body fat.  Gear was so easy to get once I made that network lol, kids paying their way through school brewing gear. It was then the first time I had real tren ace, and rear vet grade eq.  My only tren experiences before that were from home brewed fina pellets.  And before then I had only really been able to get ahold of test, dbol, deca, and some fake ass anavar.  That college experience opened me up to a whole new world of gear I had only heard about, but could never get my hands on.


    after reading a bit more about SARMs and learning the source I will be using is out of stock with Dbol.  I was thinking about throwing in some LGD3033 into this cycle.   Any thoughts about that? I’ve never ran SARMs before

  7. Feeling good today.   One because I found an amazing teriyaki marinade with 0 carbs for my chicken.  Mmm.    Weight is 238 today.  Feeling a bit deflated but I’m going to roll with it lol.  This week I’ll be dropping my test down to 600.

    still eating at about 4K cals +\- 200 or so.  Protein around 300, carbs are at 50.   I did start targeting carbs today.  Nothing crazy, I had half a banana pre and post workout, and keto stick was still dark a couple hours later.  Definitely helped with the pump and aggression.  If you’ve never worked out in a fat adapted state, the strength is still there, but the intensity lacks, explosion lacks, more rest is required etc.  but it’s still working for me.

    i mixed it up tonight and did a row day.

    single arm barbell row.




    meadows rows




    bent over barbell rows with supernated grip




    seated rows with wide neutral grip





    finished up with pull ups using different grips to failure for 4 sets.


    nothing too fancy, but a great workout none the less

    • Like 1
  8. A little late, but if I may chime in.   

    NL moderators are spot on about redirecting people from throwing insults at each other and turning it back into a logical argument.  Let’s face it, people have opposing views, and arguments result. It is a breath of fresh air that the NL mods frequent the boards, and clean up messes.  And so far I havnt seen much favoritism, unlike ALOT of other boards out there.

    i respect the fact that screenshots are provided here, pretty much solidify proof (in my eyes) against the slime balls that bash other labs for no reason other than to gain customers.

    now,  I’ve not used bodytech products yet, but will be in my next cycle.  As far as I can tell just through communication with Rep here on the forum via personal message, and through emailing. Communication has been spot on and very timely in response to any of my questions.

    as far as purple panda products, I have used many of their finished products which were spot on and potent.  And had a buddy using their raws at one point for home brew which were also amazing, so nothing but props to purple panda as far as quality goes.

    some of the crap I’ve seen posted on other sites is rediculous, from experienced users not giving the new guy with questions the time of day. To outright drama filled lies and BS focused on discrediting other members.    So far in my short 4ish months on NL experienced users are more than happy to give advice and answer questions to the newer users with respect and experience based facts.   I’ve been running gear for over a decade now and I try to show the same coutiousness as the others who are leading by example.

    i made a mistake when I was new to the forum, and CBDB set me strait very respectfully and quickly.  As I understand the fear of phishers on forums is crazy anymore.


    just my opinions and experience so far with the legitimacy of NL thus far.

  9. That’s awesome progress, those small delt and tricep veins mean you are learning out quite well.   In my experience with training people that were overweight, it almost seems like they all hold on to that last bit of stomach and back fat, which can be the hardest to lose.   I’ve had a couple clients have success with a sort of contest prep for 8 weeks to REALLY shrink all of those fat cells.  That could be an option for you. It’s not as strict as a contest prep, but definitely a clean diet in a good deficit with lots of cardio to really target that last bit of fat.


    i hold my fat in my lower stomach and upper back, when I’m contest prepping I’ll get glute striations before my upper back is ready.  It’s annoying and makes the prep more difficult.    

    everyone holds on to fat in different places,  sometimes it takes the nitty gritty of a 1800 cal diet with sub 100 carbs to really clean it all up, it seems the older the fat deposits are, the harder they are to get rid of.

    keep trucking along bro, you’ll get there!

  10. Oh I get it man.  Sometimes I would just opt for a higher calorie protein bar in the morning if short on time.   I’m so burned out on eggs over the years that now I drink mine, rocky style!.   My wife gets all my protein.  She uses amazon pantry here in the states, where she has recurring auto orders for things like toilet paper, kids snacks, trash bags etc, I had her throw in my protein powders.  The more you spend on the recurring order, the higher the discount, so right now I’m getting 5lb jugs of vanilla ON whey for like $38 lol.  Can’t beat it.   For casein, I like ON chocolate.  Mix it in a little bit of low fat milk or almond milk til a pudding like consistency and it’s almost like a little desert.    I’m not a big flavor guy, so I always opt for vanilla whey, it mixes well in smoothies, throw a scoop in some pancake or waffle mix.  When I’m eating a higher carb diet I’ll make oats, with a scoop of vanilla whey, a banana, and like a teaspoon of real maple syrup for a breakfast or snack.      I go through some whey too, but notice if it’s strictly shakes I will get super bloated and farts that rival roadkill baking in the sun.

    for a leaning diet (not pre contest) I’ve learned over the years to mix it up from week to week to keep it new and interesting instead of the same old bland flavors for weeks on end.  Cycling carbs works great, higher carbs on big muscle group days, low carbs for smaller muscle groups.    I wrestled all through high school and college, so still have that old school mentality of cardio after workout to deplete glycogen stores.  

    there’s a million ways to do it but keeping the brain happy is the hardest part.    I personally enjoy coach Greg doucette’s anabolic cookbook.   Great recipes for calorie dense foods for a diet.  I don’t agree with everything he preaches on YouTube, but I do love his recipes, especially if I’m craving a cheat meal but don’t want to blow the diet.


    you seem to be making great progress.  How are the changes in the mirror?  Scale isn’t everything,  you could have hit the sweet spot of gaining lean muscle while losing fat which will keep the scale messing with your head lol.

  11. Looking good bro.  I’ve got the same issues with the knees.  I’m a big believer in high volume leg press to add mass onto those quads and hammies.  Easier on the joints.   When I’m dryer I opt for hack squat instead of normal squats because of knees, heavy weight, slowly down, and explode up.

    thats a lot of whey bro, having any bloating issues with it?  Your body can only absorb so much protein at a time, especially whey.  A lot of guys don’t like casein, but the good stuff is super thick, and can be made into a pudding.  Fills you up, and slower absorption.   I know if I go crazy on the whey, I get bloated and gassy.   Just a thought.  

    I also find nothing wrong with diet sodas. People freak out about artificial sweetener, but then consume a fuck ton of processed foods.  Your diet is super clean, so drink away.  I drink the shit out of Coke Zero and diet AW cream soda.  Probably 2 20oz bottles a day.  

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, a_ahmed said:

    So last night was a surprise, Niagara visit turned to an overnight stay 🙂 So definitely no working out today LOL, the wife really planned it out so that was epic ❤️ love her for it.

    I think tomorrow I'll just do a home chest workout and then Monday I'll do back/deadlift or legs. Depending on feel.

    I also ordered Reebok Men's Legacy Lifter Weightlifting Shoes, I am excited, my chucks are on the way to the bin as they've become way too worn out, to the point it's affecting my right ankle and knee. It's been a while since I had proper lifting shoes. May take over a week to ship though which sucks to wait.

    That’s awesome you got to get away with your wife!  My wife and I got to take a walk alone today.  Just chatted up, slapped her butt a few times.  It was nice, we don’t get to do that very much.  Definitely felt like a kid again, and helped so much with stress levels.


    chucks!  That all I wear and all I ever workout in.  Got high tops for leg day, just lace those babies tight and it awesome ankle support for squats.  I can’t see how guys can workout in them super foamy, squishy weird looking running shoes.  I would struggle with all the slop under my feet.  I like chucks for the flat, grippy sole and not slop in the shoe so feet don’t move around inside the shoe while I’ve got heavy ass weights on me.  I’ve always wondered what it was like to wear lifting shoes, I know a lot of the stronger guys at my gym wear them on leg and back days.

  13. What a day!   I got my cheat meal, got to have a lovely, much needed walk and chat with my wife, and got to work out with my bestie again.  What could be better?

    as I stated above, I got my high carb cheat meal in.  It was marvelous!  I was sweating like a pig as I was shoveling it all down as the carbs were hitting me lol.  Insulin spike had me talking my wife’s ear off during our walk.  It was so nice to be able to do that just being us, we usually have a few kids with us.

    took my motorcycle to the gym to compete with my bro’s Dodge Challenger SRT hellcat lol.  I felt I needed to be loud like him.  His car scares the shit out of me, freaking 700+ horsepower.  But it is a pretty red color lol.   My bike is a 1200 scrambler, vtwin.  After my 1 year sober anniversary my wife is going to let me get a new one as a gift to myself and for motivation to stay sober.  I’ve got my heart set on the Indian FTR 1200 S.

    ok I’m ranting.   Me and my bro maxed out today

    we both chewed an anadrol 50mg and had a stim free pre workout before lifting

    we started off warming up the joints and getting heart rate up and blood pumping

    first exercise to 1 rep max was bench.  At first I was still feeling the soreness from the high volume chest I did a couple days prior, but after a few sets I was good to go.  We just did the run of the mill power lifting warm ups to max, you can find them all over the net if you’ve never followed a warm up plan to max out.  Back in the day I would do one warm up set, then hit the max I had in mind.  As I got older, that just kills my joints lol.






    315x1 - started 5 min rests between lifts here



    405x1 (was pretty heavy). Took 10 min rest

    425x1 not a PR but definitely my 1 RM, I’m happy about it, I havnt flat benched in ages, I normally stick with all incline.  My buddy got 515.








    475x1 -1RM   A little shy of what I was wanting/expecting, but happy none the less. Buddy got 550.

    dead lift room was occupied with a group of kids, so we decided to max out deads another day, since you don’t need a spotter.

    i wanted to put all the carbs to good use, so we just kind of decided to dick around and get a whole body routine in. Not going to post weights, but we just did 3 sets of the following, with some forced reps thrown in

    we played 21 with a barbell with 10 lb plates so 55lbs.  If you’ve never done 21 with a partner, it’s something I learned back in high school.  Basically, whoever starts is odd, other guy is even.  Basically one guy does 1 rep, then immediately after, the other guy does 2, then 3, 4, 5 etc passing the bar back and forth until you reach 21. Starting back at 1 at each set. I hope that makes sense.  It sounds easy but it burns like a mofo after you get to the middle.  Good for a sick pump.

    tricep pushdows x 3 sets

    leg extensions x 3 sets 

    decline cable flys x 3 sets

    high rows x 3 sets

    leg curls x 3 sets

    barbell shrugs x 3 sets

    seated lateral raises x 3 sets

    weighted dips x 3 sets

    everything was 10 reps each with some forced reps thrown in.   Nothing crazy, just a good whole body pump.


    took last shot of 250mg deca today.  Starting next week I’ll be tapering down test, 600, 300, 150 each real respectively.  I’ll sit at 150 test a week until I decide to start next cycle.  



  14. Alright guys . Yesterday was super busy at work, so I just did some cardio.  (24 hour work schedules). Did cardio in between calls.  The weather has broke here in my neck of the woods which means more people out being crazy.   

    im digging into my cheat meal now, which consists of a large delux at Louis style pizza, 12 toasted ravioli, cheese garlic bread, 2 HUGE Belgian waffles with whipped cream and fried apples on top, and 5 pieces of brioche French toast with bananas and strawberries.   Washing it all down with a root beer float.

    after letting it digest for a couple hours, my bro and I are going to go and try to get some 1 rep maxes on flat bench, squats, and dead lifts to see where we are at as we are both coming to the end of our cycle.   Will be a lot of warmup sets for sure, so I’ll definitely be replying later tonight with what we did, and a post carb up pic lol.

  15. 45 minutes ago, a_ahmed said:

    Good thread bro, you're looking peeled. You remind me a lot of me, them shoulders are beautiful no homo 😁, very few people know how to make the posterior deltoid pop, it makes me wanna post my old pix for a little competition hahaha. My ass is 265lbs right now and flipping FATTTTT 😄 I don't know how much leaner you wanna get, but I'm tuned in. Past 8% bf it's frickin hard to maintain that shit. 10-12% is maintainable all year long unless you're in competition mode and getting paid 😕 

    Your deads are proper numbers! Respect! For that alone I am following for sure!

    Keto ey, I once made it my lifestyle (a looong time ago) but to be quite frank, I don't have the willpower no more, my wife last year was doing keto, I just enjoyed her keto sugar free cakes lol... you have to live it and keep it all year long while avoiding social life, it's impossible otherwise from pressure of regular carb eating folks.

    I personally got peeled shredded with glute striations on a shit ton of carbs (I am talking 400g a day) BUT I was lifting mad and doing cardio every morning those days. I think KETO is just too hard to maintain unless you make it your life, it's more of a quick fat loss solution. I can't even be bothered anymore. So hat off to you.

    One thing I promise you though, anytime you cut, diet or do keto, the moment you rebound on eating carbs (while still training) you blow up in size and fullness. That I loved.

    Quick tip on how to go keto fast lol, a bit of humalog insulin. ALA and cardio. You'll be sweating and going hypo in no time 🤣

    Sorry about missing a couple days.  I am a certified personal training and got a couple new clients this week.  Been putting together meal plans and workout routines. On top of getting ready for the school year to start (homeschooling my kids this year) my main job, and the baby.  It’s been crazy.

    this week I’ve just been doing a lot of crazy volume trying to squeeze the last bit of size I can from this cycle as it’s coming to an end.

    keto has always been pretty easy for me.  I think the longest I’ve stuck to it was about a year and a half, back when I was competing more.  I have a super high metabolism so it’s pretty easy to fall into ketosis for me, if I’m running tren, I can do 100g carbs a day and never leave ketosis if it’s timed right.   All my friends are gym rats and my best friend is a super clean eater, so it’s easy to go out for me, and now that the wife is following the diet too, it just makes it that much easier.

    my all time heaviest deadlift was 665, and that was at my biggest.  I was around 250 at 10% body fat.  I’m small now compared to where I used to be lol.  I contribute most of that strength due to the fact that i split quads and hams into 2 different days.  So every week I’m doing some variation of a deadlift, and other exercises that engage those muscle groups.

    thanks man, shoulders are my all time favorite thing to work.  I would be a lost puppy if I was living through the injury you are, but you’ll get there.  The rear delt is so critically important if you ever was that 3D shoulder look.  People just neglect to train it.  Rear delts and side delts require a lot of volume.   And let’s face it, rear delts burn like hell when you’re putting them through hell lol.    A lot of guys will ask me how to develop shoulders.  There’s a misconception that endless shoulder presses profuse big side and rear delts, and when I tell them to do a shit ton of laterals, high rows, rear flys, they are pretty surprised.  Presses do add thickness, don’t get me wrong, but if you want huge protruding shoulders, 90% of the workout are some sort or raises and rear flys.  I usually do presses near the end of my routine after the muscles are pretty pre exhausted.

    i don’t plan on getting much leaner until I’m dieting for a show.  I’m still eating in a surplus right now.   And I also love the way you fill out after a bunch of carbs.  I incorporate 1 good high carb cheat meal a week while doing keto.  One for sanity, and 2 for the ego boost when I start to feel small lol.  I’m definitely missing my pumps, but that comes back to an extent after a couple months of doing keto. I did 4 sets of 25 on the pec deck as a finisher tonight,  and I’m still pretty pumped, but not near the level of being on carbs.

  16. Y’all got a white castles?  Few sliders and the pipes will be squeaky clean in no time.   Sour krout on a reubin sammich.  Eat about 7 sugar free diabetic chocolate turtles.  



    i been having the same poop issues while being on this keto diet!  I ordered some fiberlyze from species nutrition to add to my nightly shake.  Can’t get here fast enough.  But now that I think about it, some greasy fried foods sound amazing for this weeks cheat meal.  I was thinking a chili cheese burger, with a side of fried couliflower, with extra thick French toast sandwiches between 2 fluffy Belgian waffles with extra whipped cream and about half gallon of real amber maple syrup.  With a root beer float to wash it down with.   Yeaaa. I think that will be my cheat meal.  Sounds about 5k cals if I do it right.


    glad you’re feeling better bro.  You’re on a bunch of compounds that are drying you out, which will effect the bowels.  So be careful with certain laxatives, as they draw fluid from your body into your bowels to aid the pooping process.  Could end up in some dehydration issues.   Some fiber powder will take care of it.   Fiberlyze isn’t cheap, but I’ve found it to be super smooth and non crampy, so I prefer it.

    once you’re out of these little set backs that the superdrol caused and now the pooping issue are out of the way, you’ll be back to some epic workouts and progress in no time.   Sometimes the body has a weird way of telling you to take it easy for a bit, and I think this being a deload week for you is just what the doctor ordered!

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  17. For me, it’s more of the racing mind that makes it hard to sleep.  Can’t shut the brain down and feel like I’m on speed.  When we I get to sleep I either wake up because I’m soaked, or wake up due to a crazy dream and can’t go back to sleep.    But one thing I do enjoy, is the need to not have an alarm clock.  Because on the rare nights I do sleep a solid 6 hours, I pop up bright and early ready to attack the day.   It’s definitely a love hate relationship.  

    beans are a lovely source of clean carbs and fibers while on a strict diet, and super satiating.  I’ve got some awesome recipes for clean chili, and ministrone soup I’ll make in huge batches when I’m in a deficit.  But alone, it’s a texture thing for me that I can’t get past if they aren’t mixed in something lol.  I know I’m a child.  But I’ve learned the calories add up quickly with them which can be difficult to calculate at times.  But the beans and rice philosophy is awesome to stay full longer while in a deficit.

  18. 1 hour ago, a_ahmed said:

    I would run deca all year long if it weren't for deca dick and then the bloof and when you come off you come off worse. While on it's frickin great. I mean you know what I mean when I say how smooth heavy lifts feel, you just feel butter smooth through the motions no matter how heavy a deadlift or squat, no shakes, no cracks, no creaks, just comfort and pumps. The fullness and vein size is unreal on me.. but yeah...

    I may throw in NPP  in one of my next orders. Not gonna jack your thread, but as you know I dropped the SD, got on some tren and might compensate with some npp and get the best of both worlds while staying safe

    I'm getting old too (I'm just a tad older than you), and I am realizing what I used to handle before is not the same. I like to feel good and make gains not just make gains and feel crap lol

    Superdrol can do some amazing things, in the right situations.  But the way it can make you feel can be not worth it.

    totally agree with the deca.  NPP just gives me faster results, I’ve not noticed too much sides wise different than deca aside from easily adjusting dose to combat the dreaded deca dick.  I try to run my test double the dose of deca, I don’t get deca dick per se but I do experience a dip in sex drive, and can find it hard to finish.  But the soldier is always reactive to some attention lol.   I’m hoping to keep test at the 400 mark on this next cycle, tren makes me a walking erection at the 200-500 dose range,  but anything higher than that kills my sex drive.   So hoping 400 test will be enough with the tren in the mix, it should be.    Last time I ran this cycle I threw in proviron to aid the little guy when the wife gets frisky, that’s not out of the equation this go around.   I do love me some proviron, it makes me feel like a manly man and helps leaps and bounds with the sex drive (for me anyway) 


    depending on your timing with you adding npp and tren, we could very much be running at the same time as each other. We should run a joint log with different point of views.   You’re way better at words than I am lol!

  19. Great reply!  Oh I know the deca/tren mix isn’t unheard of and pros run the mix quite often.  What I was referring to for the negative bro science is the common reply of “omg 2 19-nors??  Automatic bitchtits and lactation!” Lol.  I like to bust misleading information out there, hence one of the reasons I have a gear on keto log.   If you google that mix, you’ll get more negative information than positive, mainly by guys reading about the compounds and never have run them together.   

    ive ran this cycle a few times in the past.  And deca is my all time favorite thing to run ever!  I had a lot of the same experience as you. Being full while running tren, with easier heavy lifts, no shaking etc.   I for one LOVE how the combo looks on the physique.    I’m not a fan of running crazy doses, I’ve learned from mistakes.  After a certain threshold of dose, more gear doesn’t mean more results.   At higher doses is when the sides shine, and not all that much extra in the terms of gains.   I’m not getting younger so I try to stay with more mild doses.  And if that means it takes 2 cycles instead of 1 to achieve the same results, at least I have the piece of mind of my health and not feeling like crap.  

    ive decided longer esters for this cycle, even though I’m not the biggest fan of tren e, because I know that my cycle early next year will be more in depth and with more shorter esters, so I’ll save being a pin cushion until then.

    I was blessed with a super high metabolism, so I’m not too worried about over eating if I’m keeping the diet clean.  Love my metabolism in the cut, fucking hate it when I’m trying to make good gains lol.

    ive also noticed in the past that stacking a nandrolone on top of tren also helps quite a bit with the tren sides for me, which is a plus.  

    main reason for this thread is to start a discussion, like I said there is a crap ton of contradicting info about stacking tren and deca together on the net.  I’ve heard that stacking them basically cancels out each others effect as they are “combating for the same receptor sites” which I feel is false, the bitch tits claims etc.    for me, this cycle is a game changer, and it’s a different kind of gains and look than a normal tren cycle.   Still get super strong, and hard and grainy, especially with mast in the mix. But you stay full and big and not get the “flat” look that tren is notorious for.  

  20. Hello all.  I’ve stated in my cycle log about my next cycle.   Long story short is my buddy and I pretty much run the same cycles together.  We can critique each others progress, sides etc.  we got to talking a we brought up something we both haven’t ran in quite some time. We have both ran it a few times with great success.  I’ve come to know it’s a taboo cycle with some guys, while others that have actually ran it, love it.   It’s nothing crazy or fancy, it’s just some of the bro science out there is flawed to put it in a nice way.

    first off.  I’m 35yo male, sitting at 237 lbs I would guess bf is around 10-12%   My expectations of this cycle is to add about 5-7lbs of lean mass while staying around the same body fat.   I do plan on doing a show next spring (if they open up) and will most likely focus on a lot of my lacking areas, which are chest, mid back, and arms (especially biceps). My proportions are a little off right now. But still want size everywhere else (don’t we all lol)

    cycle idea is this

    400-600 test (depending on if labido is hit too bad, would like to keep it at the 400 mark)

    deca 300mg 12 weeks

    tren e 400mg week 1-6 might bump to 8 weeks if all is going well

    500mg mast e week 6-13 

    25mg winny every day for DHT related issues

    blast dbol 30mg weeks 1-4. 

    might very well throw in some tbol after dbol not for sure though.

    arimidex as needed

    caber or Prami dosed accordingly for prolactin

    will be my first run with bodytech for sure and will post a log and review.


    open for discussions!

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  21. I run Arimidex as well.  And over time I’ve learned to listen to my body to take it 1mg.  Even at 900mg test e right now (high because on 500deca and don’t want deca dick, usually run half that dose). I may take 1mg e3d whenever I start feeling puffy and start getting choked up about something stupid.   I used to follow the “internet protocol” of 1mg eod when I was younger and it was just too much and made me feel like crap.  Adex works pretty quickly, with a lot of ancillary meds it’s best to listen to your body and take accordingly.   Everyone is different and everyone’s sensitivity to aromatization is different.  The sides of AI and anything that combats prolactin can be worse than the sides of the cycle itself and a lot of people don’t realize that.  

    if you start getting moody over things that normally don’t effect you while on cycle, that’s usually the indicator that you need to bring estro down, after that initial dose, wait until the moodiness comes back, and take another.  Keep a log of it, and that will be able to give you a good idea of how much and how far apart to take your AI.     I also agree that prop makes this a little more difficult unless you’re shooting every day and keeping stable levels.  This is why I won’t run sust, it’s just too difficult to keep stable and that’s when the sides really start to come through.


    hope this little bit of bro science/personal experience helps

  22. Took the whole weekend for rest.  I definitely needed it.  Got a lot of yard work done in this crazy heat.  So I hit legs today.   
    I met up with my buddy and we went to town on legs.

    pre workout I took a shot of frog juice, 50mg test susp, 50mg test susp, 25mg anadrol, 25mg dbol.  Dick head knows I’m carb depleted lol

    leg extensions




    180x20 last 5 were forced reps

    single leg curl machine




    70x20, last 3 or 4 were forced reps

    Back squats

    135x10 with pause at the bottom, super deep getting warmed up




    405x5. Drop set 315x3 225x5

    zercher squats (I hate these but buddy likes to show off)




    285x5 (had to stop elbows were killing me)

    instead of any sled work or hack squats we decided to go for heavy dead lifts since we don’t get to partner up a whole lot due to schedules.  We went to the back deadlift room and blasted some rage against the machine on the stereo 

    dead lifts






    585x1 rested a few mins and talked, went back and pulled it for 2

    we went outside and did some weighted walking lunges with 30lb dumbells.  Back and for the length of the parking lot just chatting away.

    i havnt went super heavy like that in quite some time and it definitely felt good, and I’m definitely feeling it now. 

    I ate pretty good today, I grilled up some salmon for me and burgers for the family.  Still hitting over the 4K calories mark each day with 300+protein and staying under 50 carbs.  Wasn’t an insane leg workout volume wise, but going heavy like that might initiate a little growth.   Scale was 238 this morning.  Definitely still making good gainz with this keto diet plan.   It truely is amazing all the crap “bro science” I read on the net about keto making gainz slow to none.   I know from experience that trying to make gains on keto while natty is a slow process.  But with gear, I don’t notice much difference besides the loss of glycogen and fat gain.  Believe me, I love the mass look of a good bulk, but I also enjoy being a lean monster as well.  

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