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Posts posted by BloodThirster

  1. 11 hours ago, Blitz said:

    Do you have some pictures of the line ups where someone who clearly should be in 5-6 place, won the show? I have never seen it. As I said, I've seen where I really thought 2nd should have won but the guy in first had more name recognition or came off another big win. But I am not sure where dollars are coming from? Most bodybuilders are pulling up to the show in a beat up car, how much influence is their money having lol

    The dollars are coming from trainers who have numerous fitness and bodybuilding people who are representing his training business.  In NB it use to be called Just4show.  Because this guy would bring 50% of the competing athletes to the show. therefore contributing more than 50% of the entry fees, they all bought photo packages (which were sold by the president of the NB bodybuilding Association).  So if this guys athletes entered in the show they normally did significantly better.  In one show I entered I was told by on of the show organizers, promotor and a member of the NB bodybuilding association that my coach could not come in the back stage bodybuilding area.  he did tell me that the owner of just4show was able to go back there and I questioned him on why.  He said "well he brings most of the competitors to the show" ...Hmmm so once he said that I said well my coach is coming back to or a few comments may slip onto facebook.  My coach was then able to go back stage and help me out.  Hey I am not complaining at all... it is what it is ... bodybuilding is not like the 100 yard dash or the shot put ... those events can be measured objectively, you either put the shot longer or you ran faster.  So you either accept it or move on.  I did quite well every time I competed cause I normally got ripped to the point they could not ignore me, most bodybuilders came in larger but held a lot of water and/or were smooth.  here's a pic:



  2. 1 hour ago, Blitz said:

    A lot of the people who say politics are just poor sports or upset their favorite pro isn't as good as someone else. In every judged sport there is obviously subjective favoritism but it's not systemic like people want to think. Arnold returning that's people with a bit of nostalgia looking at him with rose colored glasses. Slightly controversial wins or loses usually is because people tend the favor the champion.

    For the local level, yea some judges are coaches and or sponsors but if you knock out the competition, you win. Simple as that.

    You have not been to some of the competitions in NB then.  Knocking out the competition was about dollars, influence, and position not about which bodybuilder was better than the other.  I actually sat at a table of judges and promotors after a competition and heard it first hand how the top 3 were chosen in each division.  Can't get closer than that.

  3. I mostly spend my time in the rack doing squats, and deads from various pin heights and benches from various pin heights ( benches are killer from a dead stop at the bottom, no stretch reflex).  The other time I spend off the floor with conventional and sumo deads.  I actually don't like training upper body except for heavy rows and benches. I didn't have the largest legs at show time but they were not small eitherthighs.thumb.jpg.abd50e8de9833f5c0c8541b6bf68a909.jpg

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  4. I don't know why people have such an issues with pinning.  I never ever read up on it ... it was trial and error, well I talked to my friends that were using injectables at the time to find out what they were doing.  My workouts are always more painful than any pin has ever been especially when doing forced reps, pause rest sets or drop down sets until you can no longer take the burn anymore.  Best location I have found is thighs.  I can sit down and relax my thigh and I can easily see where I am pinning.  I use a 23g 1 inch cause 2cc will go in real quick as where a 25g I am am pushing that plunger like a son of a bitch and it take forever to unload.  And if I wiggle screw the pin in slowly I seldom have had any pin that has hurt real bad and the few times I did I took the needle out and put it in another place.  There is a lot worse things than pinning. 🙂

  5. On 10/10/2019 at 6:15 PM, CapeBretonDadBod said:

    Fuck that makes me want to revamp my diet lol , I thought I was on point lol , I do look good for an old fucker tho .

    I am an old fucker who looks great as well.  Over 60 and say 15 - 20% based on the pictures, eating correctly very clean now and expect to lose another 10 lbs by end of Sept.  I feel pretty good having lost 10lbs but I know I will feel a lot better when I am down to 240.

  6. It's easy enuff to read this stuff but has anyone implemented maintaining a blood glucose level between 4.0 and 5.0 mmol/l. on a daily average level for weight and fat loss?  I have also read that in other article that an average of 80 to 120 mg/dl is the optimal BS level to maintain for fat loss.  It varies from article to article.  I have ben using this method for 2 months now and have lost 15 lbs.  My daily Blood glucose average over the last 2 months  has been 4.9 mmol/l and I have been able to maintain this by eating clean with very low glycemic food... mainly eggs, meat, green veggies, cheese and olive oil.  Take my reading 3 -4 times a day to make sure it is in the range I want ... if not I adjust the type of food I am eating.  This method of weight and fat loss works very well.

  7. I never street fought well just a few but the other guys provoked it and I ended it quickly so no injuries here.  I fought in full contact martial arts competitions for a number of years.  I enjoyed it a lot took and gave a lot of punishment from fighters who new how to fight however my injuries are minimal.  My heavy lifts were performed when I was in my forties when I found my strength was the highest.  I know longer lift real heavy and keep it moderate.  I only did one rep maxes every 6 weeks or so and kept them to competitions in order to keep injuries down.  At the same time I believe if you want to pack on muscle you need to increase your strength within a certain rep range and volume ( increased strength = increased size ... look at Dorian Yates or Ronnie Coleman), eat real clean with enuff protein to grow muscle,  select AAS's that promote muscle growth, strength and recovery.  Very simple formula.  Anyway good luck with your program.


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  8. The formula to put on mass that has worked for me and I have been at powerlifting and bodybuilding for 40 years is as follows

    -I eat when I get hungry and I eat mostly clean...meat, some fruit, eggs and veggies.  My training is quite intense and heavy so I am mostly hungry all the time.  Always bring a big protein shake to my work outs with a little fruit and yogurt mixed in there.  Gives me energy on the lifts.

    -I train hard and heavy,  I train those things that are not sore, I take a day break or 2 when every thing is sore,  I always try increasing the weight on an exercise if the reps go past my normal rep range which is 3-5 ... I get volume with increased sets.  Take deadlifts for example .. start 225 for 3-5, 295 for 3 -5,  305 - 3-5, 365 - 3-5 405 3-5, 455 for 3-5,  495 for say 2-3 then drop back to 305 for an all out set where I can't pull any more, I may  do drop sets.  Change your exercises out every so often as your strength gains will diminish after about 3 weeks on any one exercise.  so I would substitute squats or bent leg good mornings and take out the deads

    -keep it simple with gear about 500mg a week of test e - I may frontload the first week to 750 or 1000mg, then drop the second week to 750, then down to 500mg due to the 7 day half life.  Gets more in there quick when you front load.  If I do an oral for strength - drol or dbol 50 - 100mg a day.  I would keep the cycle going for 12 to 16 weeks.  If I want a bit more strength in the cycle, 200- 300 mg of tren e for 6-8 weeks normally toward the end of the cycle.

    - Not much cardio on a bulk cycle ... damn I had that word.. lets call it a size and strength gaining cycle.  The training should be hard enuff that you should be huffin and a puffin at the end of your sets and workout.

    There she be.  It might not be pretty.  But it is simple.  It got me a mid 400's bench, a 585 full squat and a 615 deadlift.  Not fantastic but from where I started at it was fine by me.



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  9. 3 hours ago, MuscleDummy said:

    I would say certainly suspect at the minimum. He had be involved with the Olympia behind the scenes for a while by then. His entry was also a last minute surprise (as I recall the story going) he was never announced before the show. And at the show he kept doing wrong (but strong for him) poses instead of the called out poses. Like doing a side bi instead of side tri, saying he couldn’t hear the announcement properly. 

    add that to his 1971 win (all be it he was in great shape that year. Great) but he was literally the ONLY one competing for the title. Everyone else was disqualified before the show. So not sure I’d call that a competitive win either. 

    so 7 titles yeah, but I’d say he only really won 5. 2 where handed to him. IMO. 

    I agree with your opinion, there was definitely some shenanigans going on favoring Arnold based on a number of articles and tubes I have seen on the competition.  The fact that most of the judges were very good friends of Arnold, and he was allowed to enter the competition at the last moment, while all the other competitors had to announce there entry a lot earlier, would show some degree of favoritism towards Arnold.  

    Looking at the other side of the coin, bodybuilding is such a subjective sport when it comes to judging ... all the competitors know that personal preferences of judges will surface in the scoring.  It's not like throwing the shot put or the 100 yard dash... you either throw the farthest or cross the finish line first, these things are measurable... judging a bodybuilding contest is based on subjective preferences someone has towards who has the most muscular, defined and aesthetically pleasing body ... how the hell do objectively determine that ..lol.

    I honestly think that every bodybuilder that competes, especially the ones that want to make a living at it, they have to acquire political skills to make themselves look more positive to the promoters and the judges within the bodybuilding community ( the exception may be Dorian Yates). 

    I have entered competitions where some of the judges were involved in the fitness industry training the ppl that were competing, others were promoters who showed preference to those competitors that came from a certain camp that brought the most competitors to the competition.  So I was aware that I may not win because of these circumstances, I was actually surprised that I did quite well in all the competitions I entered. There were 2 competitions where I was unable to beat competitors from a certain trainer that brought a lot of competitors to the competitions, even though my coach said I had it in the bag.  That was ok with me cause I was competing cause I was trying to get in the best shape of my life and get as ripped as possible for all the shows ... winning for me was secondary. I did achieve my goals. I was not interested in the politics or getting to know the promoters or judges which hurt me but that was ok.

    So in my opinion, the competitors who were not happy with the results in the 1980 Olympia, well that's to bad … bodybuilding judging is subjective and if you have little political influence and are not substantially better than everyone else … you may not do so well even if you think you deserved to place higher. So suck it up butter cup … it is what it is. The judges determines who wins period, you don't like subjective judging ...don't compete in bodybuilding. Stop whinning Zane.. Mentzer and Coe ...IMO



  10. 2 hours ago, CapeBretonDadBod said:

    Welcome brother, You have just joined one of the best Canadian Fitness boards online , Please take the time to read our rules , Please most of all enjoy the board please contribute where you can , Any questions please ask the Staff we are here for all members .

    I have read the rules and agree fully

  11. 2 hours ago, CapeBretonDadBod said:

    Welcome brother, You have just joined one of the best Canadian Fitness boards online , Please take the time to read our rules , Please most of all enjoy the board please contribute where you can , Any questions please ask the Staff we are here for all members .

    I have partied with a few Capers when I was younger ... dangerous lol

  12. 10 hours ago, Ryujiin said:

    Hey man, thanks for the feedback and I wish I was in the 10-15% range lol. My goals are aesthetic with a side of health and I did pick up some calipers, but they are cheap and to be honest, I am shit at using them. 

    I actually don't have a planned cheat meal as I like to leave that slot open for when life happens and I end up at a Hogendas or something lol. It does happen at least once every 2 weeks that's for sure. 

    Cardio is a tricky one for me as I don't even get much time to do my lifting sessions when I am at the gym as of late. I do get in 2-3 20-45min sessions a week but I wish it was more. I do walk a lot (10K+ steps a day) 

    I tried to tighten things up a bit this week so I am hoping the scale reflects that this weekend when jump on that little guy. 

    The irony of this journey was I started out with just wanting to lean up...a lot, but have ended up also putting on some size and that I can not complain about at all. 

    Keep doing what your doing if it is working for you.  And it is a journey (marathon) not a race to manage weight and maintain/build muscle.  The rewards are there for the long run once you get to your optimal weight.  My optimal weight is 235- 240 ... I am 255 now,  and when I get to my optimal  I feel so much better.  I  am less sluggish have more energy, get more done, seem to be more relaxed and overall happy.  When I start getting close to 270 all those benefits go away as I have to dive boom to tie my shoes, work hard to wipe my ass,  also dragging my ass all the time and feel generally worn out.  And it is good to here you are putting on a little size ... women like that and it feels real good as well too.  I removed the majority of high glycemic foods from my diet 2 weeks ago and have lost a lot of water weight ... down from 265  cause I was starting to feel crappy ... I have a ways to go as the next 15 to 20 will be tougher, and once I reach there I will relax. It's all about getting up in the morning and do those things that get u there.  I will be watching your progress.  keep it up  ... it will motivate me to meet my goals as well.  cheers BT

  13. I think I have done all the exercises that were on the video's here except the specialty bar with the bands and the barbell extensions on the floor coming to a dead stop... this one I am going to try.  I have done triceps extensions on the floor with dumbbells and coming to a dead stop just along side and above my head ... If you use heavier weight for your last few reps you probably barely get them started off the ground ... however ...if you squeeze your sphincter real hard they normally get started lol.  My favorites for the triceps are rope press downs, dumbbell floor extensions, close grip pin presses at numerous heights and one exercise that was not mentioned but was hard as hell.  I called this the 45% angle downward skull crushers against a barbell on a squat rack.  here is how to set it up.  put the pins in the squat rack about knee high and put a bar on the pins and push it up against the back of the rack.  lean down and grab the bar with your arms about shoulder width.  now walk your lower body back ward until your body is  flat at a about a 40 to 35 degree angle to the floor and you are looking slightly  up at the bar.  Now tuck your elbows in and go down and touch your forehead to the bar and come back up ... if this is to easy then walk back a little and do the same thing only this time the bar will be above you forehead and your triceps will be flaming.  Do some reps of these... I guarantee you will get a wicked burn and power pump.

  14. From the pics I have seen looks like you are making great progress.  And you look like your getting in the 10 - 15% body fat percentage based on my experience going  through 5 competitions and getting around the 5% body fat range.  Just a few questions if you don't mine.  Are you planning on competing or just want to look better and get in great shape?  Were you thinking of getting some calipers to determine approx your body fat %,  I bought some off amazon however the mirror is your best guide and I liked the scale as well ... the scale me bring down my weight down in slower increments which helped maintain body muscle.   Are you taking a planned cheat day or meal through the week?  I read some of your threads and I agree with you if you are not competing I personally would not go on tren  unless you wanted to let loose in the gym and rip some real heavy weight lol.   I did not see much on your cardio sessions ... maybe I did not read well enuff, what are you doing in this regard?  Sincerely BT ... (Keep motivated, post your end goals on a sticky on your refrigerator and look at them every time you go to the fridge ... helped me) 

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  15. If money and space is a problem... Build yourself a stand or rack out 2x4s 4x4s etc.  You can build very strong full functioning rack.  Do a look up on line ... Build squat rack from wood...  I always like a squat rack cause when shit got heavy and I had to dump the weight the pins were set up high enuff to catch the bar ... Or if I failed at bottom I could dump forward as well

  16. A bag of small peanut butter cups.  I use to wait for 12 midnight on the 6th day of every week when I was preparing for a show so I could start my cheat day.  At 12:001 I would tear open the bag and start peeling off the wrappers of the little morsels ...The bag would be gone in 5 minutes. 

  17. I have just joined this forum.  I hope to get great training advice and tips on powerlifting and Bodybuilding,  I am primarily interested in strength.  My user name relates to a Warhammer figure that I once purchased assembled and painted with very fine brushes.  Took me a month to finish it, F**k it was hard and time consuming.  I have a tattoo of it on my right side.  Damn that hurt when they hit the ribs.  3 hours and I had to leave.  I came back for another session to get it done. Man you talk about pip. I will be actively participating in the forums.  I have competed numerous time in bodybuilding and powerlifting and have done well in the Atlantic region of Canada

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