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Posts posted by Bolton73

  1. 5 hours ago, BendingBars said:

    I have a bottle of MK but not sure whwn is best to take it. Do you add it with a cycle? Should you take it on its own whenever or should you take it post cycle?

    TBH,  I use it at all different times. I use on-cycle and off-cycle. Before I started TRT, I would also use it during my PCT. I basically go all year long switching between running MK677 w/ CJC 1295 DAC and then over to Ipamorelin w/ CJC 1295 w/o DAC. I basically look to be running some type of GH-enhancement year round.

    This is just what I prefer personally. Being that I'll be 45 in a month, I'm basically at an age where I feel I can use the added GH boost ?   If I had the ability to run pharma HGH year long, I'd probably go with that heheheheh

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  2. Bienvenidos chacho !  Good to have you up in here GO! Really miss your input on things.  Hope everythings been smooth for you down in Columbia. Lets see, great weather, pharma gear, fine ass women ...  ?

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  3. I usually run either 15mg/day to 30mg/day.

    • It definitely has a great effect on the youthfulness on my skin - and it has an even greater effect if I combine it with CJC 1295 w/ DAC.
    • MK also causes my muscles to really fill out - but it appears to be partly due to water weight - I sometimes lose up to 7-10 lbs after i stop it.
    • The only real negative with MK (for me) is that it causes my stomach to REALLY bloat out. When I have a shirt on, i look like i have a serious beer-belly. However some don't experience this, and some others experience it only slightly.
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  4. On 8/21/2018 at 9:34 AM, trenaddik said:

    Anyone tried their sarms and liquid clen ?

    I've tried their MK677 and it was great. Now that Neobolics is gone, I'm going to be trying some of Genetec's other SARMS pretty soon and will run a bit of a log for it. If their other SARMS are as good as their MK was, I shouldn't have a problem.

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  5. I found it quite good.

    I had originally made up my mind to not do orals again, but then I decided to try some Sdrol.

    I first tried it without the Tudca and at 22.5 mg/day I tanked out in 5 days and had to stop it.

    Then I ordered the Tudca and tried it again (taking 1000mg/day of Tudca). This time i ran 22.5mg/day of Sdrol for the first 15 days, and then upped it to 30mg/day for another 6 days. I stopped after 3 weeks. I wasn't tanked out, but i was starting to experience a slight bit of fatigue.

    So the Tudca definitely made a difference.

    * Just to add, I was also taking 1500mg/day of NAC along with the Tudca, but i was also taking that same amount of NAC previously when I tried the Sdrol without the Tudca. So the NAC wouldn't have made a difference in the second run, because I ran it the first run as well.

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  6. I'd have to say that even with it being only a potential risk, cancer is not something I really want to gamble with. Plus, who knows what the effects would be if taking over-and-over again over time. You might not even need very high doses to incur the negative results.

    I realize that with AAS and other performance enhancing substances there will always be risks. But with the proven potential  risk of cancer (and the absence of any idea of "how much is too much" for a human) I'd have to question whether the reward outweighs the risk.

    Not looking to argue this, I'd just hate to see you looking back on this in a few years and wishing you made different choices.

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  7. Apparently the guy who kicked the barbell from his hands is not an employee or staff of any type - just an angry member who was annoyed about the noise. Therefore, he took it upon himself to approach him, kick him out of the gym, and then kick the barbell out of his hands.

    Whats your opinion? Okay or not okay?

    Personally, if someone has an issue with the noise someone else is making, i feel they need to go and bring their complaint to a staff, not go handle the issue themselves. And if they do decide to handle the situation themselves, I feel it is NEVER okay to even slightly touch the weights that a person is using while their in mid-lift. This could cause serious injury - especially in this case.

    In the gym I keep to myself, but still get along with others in there, and show everyone respect. But if someone (even the gym owner) approached me mid-lift and kicked the barbell I'm lifting ... and then pushed me on top of all that ...  I'd be going back inside for another bit, heheheh.  But that's just my opinion.

    Now I'm not saying the other guy is totally innocent in all this. He may be, and he may not be - I don't know the whole story. All I'm saying is the guy doing all the barking, kicking, and pushing was way out of line, in my opinion.

    Interested in your opinions



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