another couple pics

 No you are wrong, you are holding the muscle, it’s just there isn’t as big of layer of fat laying on top of it making it look bigger.  As long as  you keep training your body will hold on to the muscle.

Dude wait till you can see cuts in your muscle, actualky see the way it looks when you flex it, not hidden under all that fat and you will be so addicted to being lean.

Btw you can see the improvments you have made already.  You have your work cut out for you, don’t get discouraged it’s worth it.

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You aren’t losing muscle. You have a ton of fat on top of your muscle so yes when you cut fat your overall size will diminish. When you carry that much extra weight it is going to happen. Keep going and cutting man, you will be much happier if you lose it. People never believe how much fat they actually have and can lose before they are actually cut. Do it slowly and you won’t lose much muscle at all. If you are currently 290 lbs I would bet your decent scale weight would be around 205 lbs. 

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