another couple pics

Hey man keep up the hard work. You will the things you are mentioning once you cut a lot of fat, the biceps peak and the lats. They will come out and be much more obvious once you cut all that extra weight. They are just hidden right now. Not trying to be harsh but it is the truth, you have a lot of fat to lose before you can see and notice the muscle you have under there. Keep the course and you will get there. 

youre doing well brother,dont worry about defition,trust the process,patience is key. Did you get any coaching?or doing this solo?either way,hats off to you,we all at NL support your journey

if you do want to speed up your process a bit,use a mild fat burner,aslong as your nutrition and training are on point. dont ever rely on supplements

cant find real ephedra anywhere on the net bro...just one site but I don't remember it. I'm thinking of clen and helios though...even thought about t3. I'm losing about half pound a week. All this fat is horrible.

Hey I don't think you ever posted your diet. 1/2lb / week is too slow, slowness of the process can affect motivation. Are you able to post a typical daily nutrition?

IMO whatever your diet is now it's important not to change it 100%, but instead change one thing at a time, slowly cleaning up the diet. That way your body has time to adapt and get used to the new type of nutrition. If you went keto, I bet you'd lose 3-5 lbs / week with correct exercise program and maybe some added goodies (t3 etc.)