another couple pics

cant find real ephedra anywhere on the net bro...just one site but I don't remember it. I'm thinking of clen and helios though...even thought about t3. I'm losing about half pound a week. All this fat is horrible.
I just walk into my local supplement store and ask for ephedrine, buy it by bundles of 12 bottles. It's usually right beside the caffeine tabs.

Look through your whole diet. Things like using too much sauce on your food can fuck you up royally. Look at the calories and and portions on everything. Something says a couple grams of carbs a table spoon and you throw half a bottle on that could be an uncounted extra hundred grams a day.

Looks like you've dropped weight in your arms and lower back. Less of a spare tire. Good job! Summer shreds in no time 

Way too fat to cycle.  You will only get fatter.  Gear wont make you lose weight.

hire funnyman with your gear money.  Stick to what he says and in a year you’ll be ready.

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